For over 25 years Cindy and I (Steve) have been working to help marriages Reveal and Reflect the Heart of Christ. We feel that as couples come to understand the importance of shifting their focus on Jesus Christ to build their marriages, they are establishing a Rock Solid foundation.
We know how important this is through our own experiences as a married couple. That is because many years ago our own marriage had no firm foundation. Consequently, it nearly ruined us. We found “doing marriage” our way was a disaster. But when we surrendered it to Christ He gave us the Rock Solid foundation upon which to build our marriage. It is one that can withstand any storm or trial that may come.
Make Your Marriage Rock Solid
So, where do we start to make our marriage Rock Solid? Take a marriage seminar? Read a marriage book or attend a class? Yes, that will help. But while these are all “good helps,” the one thing we found that had the most dramatic effect on changing EVERYTHING was when we began to pray for and with each other every day. We know that may seem like an awkward thing to do. It was for us in the beginning. But it’s actually a lot simpler than you think.
We believe in this principle so much we’ll share with you a few sample prayers. Each one is based on scripture, that you can use to pray together. Here are a few examples:
Rock Solid Scriptural Praying for Your Marriage
• “My soul clings to you…” (Psalm 63:8) Jesus, as we come to you, our prayer is that as we start our day together as husband and wife that we will remember that we need to “cling to you.” We just we can’t make it on our own. Left to our own ways of “doing” marriage we mess it up.
• “Create in [us] a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within [us].” (Psalm 51:10) Dear Lord, it is so easy for us to let our minds go places that aren’t healthy as a husband and wife. Forgive us for any impure or hurtful thoughts we have had towards one another. And please grant us a new Spirit to move forward in our marriage. Help us to stay steadfast in YOUR ways.
• “Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity.” (Proverbs 21:23) Lord, help us to guard our mouths and our tongues today so that the things we say to each other bless rather than hurt or discourage each other. Help us to be mindful of all we speak.
• “Direct my footsteps according to your word. Let no sin rule over me.” (Psalm 119:133) It’s so easy, Lord, for us to wind up on the wrong path —especially when it comes to our marriage (how we interact together, etc.). And when we do walk away from doing things your way —sin is the outcome. Please help us not to wander into areas that could hurt either one of us. Above all, we don’t want sin to rule over us. Thank you for your help today (and always)!
Pray as God Leads
Our suggestion is that you choose one of the Scripture prayers each day to start your time together and then pray for other things as the Holy Spirit leads you. For example, we pray for our kids and grandkids; that God would help each of us in the work we’ll be doing, for the needs of friends, etc. I usually take the lead in our prayer time and then Cindy adds to it, as she feels led. But you don’t have to follow that pattern. Go the way that works for your marriage.
If you resolve to begin praying daily together as a couple we can promise that this is ONE thing that can make the biggest positive change in your marriage. For more prayer ideas, including specific prayers for husbands and wives to pray for and over each other, check the following topic on our web site at:
We pray God abundantly blesses your marriage as you build a rock solid foundation upon Jesus Christ. May your marriage reveal and reflect the heart of Christ in every area of your life together!
Steve and Cindy Wright
Here’s a article on this same issue that you may find helpful to read:
Filed under: Marriage Insights Spiritual Matters
Amen! Amen! Amen! May our Lord bless you and your marriage and your ministry in overwhelming measure and in unexpected ways that show His exceedingly abundant love for you and bring great Glory to His Holy Name. May your lives be ever focused on serving Him, as He uses you in amazing ways. Much love to you both! May the fingerprints of Jesus continue to be all over your lives!