March/April 2013 Prayer Wall

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118 responses to “March/April 2013 Prayer Wall

  1. (USA) Please would you pray for my daughter and son-in-law, who are separated, to open their spirit and hearts so that they can work through their differences to restore and heal their marriage. I have never seen such true love between 2 people, they just can’t let each other go.

  2. (US) I’m asking all to pray for my marriage as my wife and I have been separated. I have 2 beautiful kids and my family is torn apart. I’m asking God to open my wife’s heart to reconciling as she wants no part of the marriage. Thanks to all…

  3. (UNITED KINGDOM) Hi, my husband has left nearly 3 months ago. He’s on the verge of selling our old family home and buying his own home. I haven’t given up on him or our marriage even though he has. I pray day and night that it’s Gods will to put me and him on the right path again. Please, if you could spare me a moment of your time and say a prayer for us. I do truly believe it will make a difference. Thank you and may GOD BLESS YOU IN YOUR LIVES.

  4. (UNITED STATES) Please pray for me my husband and our marriage. He doesn’t seem to feel anything for me. And he doesn’t care that our marriage might end in divorce. He believes in God but doesn’t feel that divorce is bad. I feel responsible to God for our vows. And as a mother and grandmother I want to be a role model for them, and I love my husband just as he is. Please pray for conviction and God’s Holy Spirit to fulfill him in love and a plan to honor me, his Lord, and our covenant marriage.

  5. (INDIA) Heavenly Father, hear my cries. I have been waiting for your answer for 2 years in an abusive situation. Now it is unbearable. Do not delay to deliver me from my cruel husband. Open his blind eyes to realise his sin of adultery & confess his sin & repent. You know he takes all my earnings. My mother-in-law supports him to hurt me & my child. I am all alone and have no support. I have hidden my identity. Father, please show me your WILL to take right decision. In Jesus Name, Amen

  6. (TX) Pray for my marriage for my husband not to fall into affairs and temptation, and for my brother’s marriage –for peace in their marriage. Thank you.

  7. (USA) I’m praying for wisdom and for not wanting to resort to divorce. My husband has walked out our marriage before and although he claims that he would never do that again, he exhibits previous bad behavior that I’m not willing to tolerate. I have 3 beautiful kids and I want I be wise.

  8. (USA) Pray that me and my husband’s marriage will survive forever. We both committed adultery. The affairs have ended but I am currently pregnant with the 3rd party’s baby. We have called our divorce off and are looking to GOD for guidance.

  9. (NIGERIA) I need prayer in my marriage please help. My husband never wants to communicate with me. He gets angry at every little thing I do. He makes me uncomfortable in my home. He passes hurtful comments. He refuses to make love. I am pregnant now true IVF. He behaves as if he does not care. He is nice to other people apart from me. He calls me names. No intimacy of any sort in the marriage. Please, join me in prayer. In prayers. I have been praying I will continue in my prayer to save my marriage.

  10. (USA) My marriage has been destroyed by alcohol abuse on my part. My wife and I have been together for 9 years. Just before we got married my drinking crossed the line from manageable to out of control. I accept full responsibility for where my marriage stands right now and can’t say that I blame my wife for being fed up with me being in and out of treatment over the last 4 years. I’m asking for hope and prayer. I love my wife so much and am trying so hard to not give up hope. PRAYERS WELCOMED.

  11. (SOUTH AFRICA) Please pray for my marriage. We separated a year now & I’m still trustng God for my husband’s salvation & for him to come back home. Pray that God will bring total restoration and to change my husband’s heart that only God can do! I forgave him & pray that he can forgive me.

  12. (SOUTH AFRICA) Please pray for my husband. He walked out a year ago. We are still separated but I’m trusting God to save my husband & that he will come bach home. We are in a good friendship relationship! He was involve with someone & she left him for someone else. We are getting along well but our financial situation needs urgent attention & I don’t know how to share this with him. I forgave my husband & have been fasting & praying for months now & I’m waiting on God to do the rest. I love my husband unconditionally. He needs Jesus.

  13. (UNITED STATES) Please pray for me. I ask for the strength to help me save my relationship. I get to the end of my rope sometimes but keep climbing back up, trying to figure out how to keep my husband and I together. I love him dearly and don’t want to throw all that we have away. I just need help praying to give me strength. Thank you.

  14. (UNITED STATES) I’m in need of urgent prayer. My marriage has taken a terrible turn for the worse. My wife and I have been married for almost 3 years now. We have an amazing beautiful 9 month old daughter together and 3 step children. Satan is running rampid through our lives and needs to be stopped. My wife and children are my universe. I’ve never understood how important it is to be the spiritual leader of my household until the other day and since satan is trying to discourage it.

  15. (USA) My husband and I have been separated for 2 years now. During this time I’ve been fighting to save our marriage but he has been wavering back and forth what he wants. As of late he has decided he wants a divorce (it will be final in 3 weeks). My prayer request is for his heart to be soften and give our marriage a “real” chance to heal and become one again. Please pray or us and our 2 children.