Married, Smitten and Unashamed

Smitten flirting affirm AdobeStock_94294931 copyI am utterly smitten with my husband. And you know what? I’m not ashamed to express that to him every opportunity I get throughout the day. We both work long hours and talk on the phone several times a day. So early on in our relationship we created a habit that we continue many years later. Before we conclude a call with each other, rather than saying, “Bye,” we say, “I love you.”

Smitten and Unashamed

Years ago, I remember driving my colleagues crazy because we were all in an open office together and they had to hear me say “I love you” to Keith several times a day. As the years have passed, I’ve found we often begin our phone calls and in person greetings with “I love you.” We end them the same way. The poor people around us!

But here is what I’ve learned about myself and so many others. We are completely unashamed to talk about how much we looooove a television show. We talk on how we love a sports team, a musical artist, a type of clothes, and especially our children. Yet, we’re bashful in expressing our love for our spouse.

I don’t know why this is the case. And truthfully I haven’t spent much time thinking about it. But this much I know: there is no one more important to me than the person who pledged to be with me through the good times and the bad, through sickness and health, til’ death do us part.

Called to Say, I Love You

Stevie Wonder has a song entitled “I Just Called to Say I Love You.” It’s a nifty little song and something tells me you may even know the words:

I just called to say I love you.

I just called to say how much I care.

Just called to say I love you. And I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

When was the last time you paused in the middle of your day to call your spouse for no other reason than to simply say, “I love you?” You had no motive. There is no requirement of reciprocation. Just an expression of your love. It’s okay to be smitten by your spouse. That’s why you got married. At least, that’s why I got married.

 This blog is written by Fawn Weaver who has a GREAT web site for wives who “still believe love rocks.” It’s called the Happy Wives Club. Please go visit it whenever you can.

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2 responses to “Married, Smitten and Unashamed

  1. (USA)  Cindy, It’s so good to see Fawn’s excellent post featured here. What an excellent reminder. Tom and I say “I love you,” all the time to each other. And it’s not just a cliche’, for we really mean it each time we do. Great advice!

    1. I totally agree. Saying “I love you” is something that naturally falls out of our mouths –concerning my husband Steve and me. We’re continually saying it to one another. And yet we never grow tired of hearing those words of love or giving them to each other. We don’t take them for granted. It’s so fun to know other couples like you and Tom who have kindred hearts in expressing spousal love. We are blessed!