Marriage: An Outrageous Commitment

“Anyone who has been married for more than 5 minutes realizes that it takes so much more to have a good marriage than we were ever told. It takes more than love, more than sincerity, more than compatibility, good communication skills, or hard effort. It takes more than a good Read More…

Greatest Lover in The World

Love is in the air with Valentine’s Day coming up next week. Do you feel it? We hope so. Actually, we hope you experience a growing love for each other every day. Love should always be in the air. We also hope you are the world’s greatest lover to your Read More…

Love is Fragile – Handle with Care

The title of this Marriage Insight is “Love is Fragile — Handle with Care.” We came upon this title after reading something that psychologist Jean Lush said in a radio interview. In this interview she talked about spouses who fight with each other in toxic ways. We’re guilty of doing Read More…

Do You Cherish Your Spouse?

Do you treat your spouse as if you cherish him or her? This is the question that was addressed on a Focus on the Family radio program with author Gary Thomas. Gary wrote the book titled, Cherish: The One Word That Changes Everything for Your Marriage. And he’s right. It Read More…

Care Package to Encourage Spouse’s Heart

Have you ever given your spouse a “care package” to encourage his or her heart? Last week we talked about saying thank you to your spouse for things he or she may not have thought you noticed. We explained how much it blesses them when you do. But how about Read More…

Is Your Love Obvious to Your Spouse?

Concerning obvious love in marriage, here’s something to consider: “The day we stop learning and growing together is the day marriage becomes a holding pattern.” (Dr Robert Paul) The day we pledge our love to each other on our wedding day this marital pattern starts off “holding” its own. Eventually, Read More…

Does Your Spouse Feel Valued?

One of the things I love about this web site is the way that people from different countries minister to each other. They share various insights that brings to light, when they share. That recently happened when on Angie, from South Africa, wrote the following comment. It concerns making a spouse Read More…

Valentines Day and Beyond in Marriage – MM #290

There’s a holiday here in the U.S. called Valentine’s Day. The tradition is to celebrate your love for one another at this special time of the year. Of course, we think ANY reason and every day it’s possible to celebrate love (in a pure way) is a great idea! Sadly, Read More…

Being Your Spouse’s Cheerleader – MM #277

When you see the title of this Message, you might tend to think, Why should I be my spouse’s cheerleader when my spouse doesn’t give me much to cheer about? You may be thinking, I’ll be my spouse’s cheerleader when they start to ‘cheer’ me on! But where in the Read More…

Lest We Forget

I noticed something. On the anniversary of 9-11, a day in recent American history that many loved ones will never forget, sadly, many other people appeared to do so. Maybe they didn’t but it sure looked that way. A number of years ago on September 11th 2001, planes were hijacked. Read More…