Being Truly Loved

One thing I tell women all the time is how blessed I am to be Steve’s wife (although earlier in our marriage, I didn’t feel that way when things were quite rocky, but I digress). He makes me feel cherished. And I sure don’t want to take that for granted Read More…

Non-Random Acts of Kindness

We’ve all heard the expression, “random acts of kindness” —to find someone you can bless by finding something kind you can do for them on the spur of the moment. But what about blessing your spouse, not only with random acts of kindness, but also ones that aren’t so random. Read More…

Love Extravagantly – MM #235

You might think that it would probably be expensive to show your love extravagantly to your spouse. And yes, it COULD be expensive financially to show your love, but we’re talking about something different. What we’re talking about is showing your love to your spouse in lavish, yet simple ways. Read More…

Love Needs Nurturing

We say we love our spouse, but do our actions show it? Love needs nurturing —your marriage relationship needs nurturing. One thing I’ve noticed is how few married couples keep the P.D.A. (Public Displays of Affection) going after they marry. Before marriage, their “love” is pretty obvious —they’re practically all Read More…

Being Loving AND Affectionate – MM #198

“When all is said and done, we are commanded by God to love!” (Dr Randy Carlson) We doubt that any Christ-follower would argue against that point. But sometimes we forget to be loving and affectionate with each other after we marry. This week we’re going to draw from Dr. Randy Carlson’s Read More…

Married, Smitten and Unashamed

I am utterly smitten with my husband. And you know what? I’m not ashamed to express that to him every opportunity I get throughout the day. We both work long hours and talk on the phone several times a day. So early on in our relationship we created a habit Read More…

Love Celebrated

For those of us who enjoy celebrating Valentine’s Day, it can be a fun one, for sure! I’m looking forward to the dinner my husband Steve and I will be enjoying together tonight. We both still have to work during the day, but as we reunite tonight, love will be Read More…

Extraordinary Companionship in Marriage – MM #128

Extraordinary Companionship —that’s the title of a chapter in a book that Cindy read called, The Power of a Positive Wife. It’s important to understand that Cindy is a voracious reader. She’s usually reading no less than five books simultaneously and most are on the subject of marriage. Because she Read More…