May/June 2013 Prayer Wall

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91 responses to “May/June 2013 Prayer Wall

  1. (ZIMBABWE) I was unfaithful to my husband and he said he forgave me. The treatment that he is giving me tells me the opposite. Please pray for me and my husband to find the love we had when we first got married. I really love him and don’t want to lose him.

  2. (USA) My husband and I have been separated for 18 months now. We are dealing with a lack of trust in each other. He recently filed for divorce and I am hoping and praying for Divine intervention and marriage restoration. We have 2 children, ages 24 and 11. This is hard on them, as well. I’m at a loss in that I don’t know what to really pray for anymore because we aren’t communicating. He hears something different than what I say and visa versa. Please lift us up in prayer. God Bless.

  3. (USA) Please pray for my husband and I. We have been married for 2.5 years and have a 14 month old child. We are currently separated. He went to his home country after his mom passed away. He has settled with his family, and has a job. He refuses to come back home. We lived there right after we married but it didn’t work. He turned away from God. We came back and things seemed to fine. Now he is there again. Turned his back on God and us. I will not raise my child there. I love him but will not move.

  4. (INDIA) I’ve been married for the last 13 years but have not yet had a happy married life. I love my husband very much. But he does not show interest in me. I do not know why? He wants only food from me. No other attachment. Please pray for us to have a happy married life. We have a child. My husband does not show affection for his son either. Please pray that his attention comes towards us i.e. to family. I want to experience a happy married life by the power of Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray.

  5. (UNITED STATES) Please pray for my marriage. I have moved out of the house and my husband and I are separated but not pending divorce. I really want my marriage, but we can’t seem to get on the same page. We do not communicate and it seems that we are living separate life styles. We both have made many mistakes and I just want to move forward. We seem to have lost a lot of respect for each other, and I want us to find the love that we once had for each other again.

  6. (South Africa) I’ve been married 8.5 years. My in laws have always interfered with our marriage. In the beginning my husband addressed the wrongs they caused; the past 3 years he has blamed me. Last Friday his brother told me to leave the house & go back to Cape Town as my name is no longer on any papers. My husband didn’t defend me. Monday he packed his things & is now living with his brother, leaving me with no money with the 2 boys, Diego 6 & Gihan 10 months old. Please pray he comes back.

  7. (Australia) Can you pray for me? My husband had an affair with a Malaysian woman overseas for a year and a half. I have been married for 9 years. He kicked me and my son out of my house. Mow he has moved in with this woman and her kids and she is pregnant with his child. I am still married to him, but he doesn’t care. Me and my son are unhappy and sad.

  8. (UNITED STATES) I have a problem with jealousy. Before my husband and I got married he had a lot of women friends. But this problem also goes on in too many other areas to where it bothers me when he watches TV. I am definitely unbalanced in this area. I am miserable and so is he. Please pray that God will help me find someone to help me get a balance on this jealousy issue I have. One more thing, my 1st husband married a woman he befriended so I have roots in this terrible hang up. Please pray for me

  9. (USA) Please pray for my husband and I. We’ve been married for 22 years and my husband wants a divorce. We are now separated, but I love him dearly and have been standing for our marriage since April when I first learned about standing, and now I’m trying to learn more about Jesus, God’s will for me, and about how to be a better wife. I pray that my husband J. will change his mind and heart towards me someday, but I know that only God can do that now. Thank you for your help today. :)

  10. (UNITED STATES) My wife had an affair with her boss a year ago, she confessed it to me just 4 months ago. We have been to counseling, and have read several books. She quit her job and has committed herself to healing our marriage. We still have not figured out the WHY, but are doing a lot of praying together, talking and spending time together. We have moved and are making a lot of changes. We’ve been married for 24 years. Never imagined this happening to us. Please pray for continued healing for us and our kid

  11. (UNITED KINGDOM) Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you can find a minute to pray for complete strangers. My husband left just over 5 months ago, been together 14 years and we have 4 kids 6 months – 12 years old. As far as I know there is no one involved. I think he’s just caught between 2 worlds where he loves us but he feels like his life is slipping by without accomplishment. He suffers from depression. Please pray that he will find what he’s searching for, and to have peace and contentment with us. Thank you.

  12. (RSA) Please pray for me for a financial breakthrough and a job. I’ve been re-trenched from my job, for the last 6 months. God has carried us through in meeting our needs to pay our bills. I’m applying daily for work and have been for a few interviews but nothing as come through yet. It’s really stressful, managing on only my husband’s salary. Our marriage is being affected by finances. My husband and I are not on the same level of faith. I feel it’s just me and God. I really need a miracle.

  13. (KENYA) My husband had an affair last year. I left him and we separated for a while; he went to my parents for a negotiation on our reconciliation. I took him back but I still can’t trust him and I’m getting dreams that he is cheating. A friend saw him at a hotel with a woman and he has denied cheating again. Please help me to pray for God to show me His will and guide me in what to do.

  14. (USA) Please pray for my friend’s marriage. Her husband had already left and filed for a divorce but the divorce isn’t final yet. She still loves her husband and really doesn’t understand why he’s wanting a divorce. I know that our GOD is an on time GOD and nothing is too hard for Him to fix it. Pray that GOD will heal their marriage and bring them back together. They both are believers in Christ.