We’ve all heard the expression, “random acts of kindness” —to find someone you can bless by finding something kind you can do for them on the spur of the moment. But what about blessing your spouse, not only with random acts of kindness, but also ones that aren’t so random. These are actions you’ve prayed through and thought through, and then did for him or her, “just because?”
This is something Whitney Hopler wrote about in her Crosswalk.com article, How to Open Your Hearts in Marriage. She put it this way:
“Practice non-random acts of kindness. Intentionally focus on looking at your spouse’s well-being by doing what you can to help him or her simply to express love and without expecting anything in return.”
Supported In Bible
The Bible certainly supports doing things for each other in both random and intentional ways. We are to “love and serve one another, as in Christ Jesus.” We’re told to be kind to one another. In John 13:1-17 we’re specifically told that Jesus purposefully committed one of these “non-random” acts of kindness when he washed His disciples feet. He then said,
“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.“
So, that’s an example for all of us. This is especially true for those of us who are married. After all, marriage is a living picture to all who are our witnesses (including each other), of Christ’s love for the church.
So, I hope you will think and pray about ways to intentionally show kindness to your spouse. Start this mission today and “from this day forward.” And then “just do them.”
Acts of Kindness
I know I will and so will my husband. As a matter of fact, today, my husband Steve is taking me out to lunch and then we’re going to go out and look for a new office chair for me. I know it doesn’t sound like much to you, but to me, it’s a HUGE deal! I spend a lot of time at the computer with Marriage Missions work and after a lot of backaches and such, Steve said, “Enough is enough! We’re going out together to buy you a GOOD office chair —one that won’t compromise your back like this one does.”
God knows I’m very frugal with money and have fought him on this idea. But even though I’m stubborn, Steve persevered through and finally convinced me that getting a good office chair is WELL worth the money, in the long run.
My husband purposefully saved up some money to bestow this “kindness” onto me. So today we’re going out to find a chair that will hopefully not be a back-breaker. I thank God I have a husband who cares like Steve does. All-in-all, I know this is a purchase that needs to be made. And I’m glad my husband supports this endeavor. He wants my office chair to better support me while I’m trying to minister to others. Thank you God!!!
“Love is kind…” (1 Corinthians 13:4)
Cindy Wright of Marriage Missions International wrote this blog.
Filed under: Marriage Blog
(USA) This article pretty much sums it all up! If you have prayed about it ad nauseum, now it is time to place that faith into action! Many couples get stuck on having great ideas remain in their heads about what they can do for their spouses only to not follow through on what they set off to do. I know for me, I just had to have the Nike attitude, Just Do It. The more I executed the better our relationship became. Also, it is imperative that we learn how to receive what our spouses offer to us. If you love to extend grace, we must learn how to let our spouses extend grace to us!! That is for you Cindy LOL! Great read!