P.U.S.H. = Pray Until Something Happens!

PUSH Pray Until Something Happens AdobeStock_68995369We encourage you to PRAY… Pray that God will help you and give you the strength you need as you face trials The following is something that we pray will inspire and encourage you on this matter.

Pray and P.U.S.H.

A man was sleeping at night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with bright light and the Savior appeared. The Lord told the man He had work for him to do. He showed him a large rock in front of his cabin. The Lord explained that the man was to push against the rock with all his might. This, the man did, day after day.

For many years he toiled from sun up to sun down with his shoulders set squarely against the cold, massive surface of the unmoving rock, pushing with all his might. Each night the man returned to his cabin. He was sore, and worn out, feeling that his whole day had been spent in vain.

Pray Despite Signs of Discouragement

Seeing that the man was showing signs of discouragement, the Adversary decided to enter the picture by placing thoughts into the man’s weary mind. “You’ve been pushing against that rock for a long time, and it hasn’t budged. Why kill yourself over this? You’re never going to move it.” Thus, this gave the man the impression that the task was impossible and that he was a failure. These thoughts discouraged and disheartened the man.

“Why kill myself over this?” he thought. “I’ll just put in my time, giving just the minimum effort and that’ll be good enough.”

And that’s just what he planned to do. That is until one day he decided to make it a matter of prayer and take his troubled thoughts to the Lord.

“Lord” he said, “I’ve labored long and hard in Your service. I’ve been putting all my strength to do that, which You’ve asked. Yet, after all this time, I haven’t even budged that rock by half a millimeter. What’s wrong? Why am I failing?”

The Lord’s Response as We Pray

The Lord responded compassionately.

“My friend, when I asked you to serve Me —you accepted. I told you that your task was to push against the rock with all your strength, which you’ve done. Never once did I mention to you that I expected you to move it. Your task was to push. And now you come to Me —with your strength spent, thinking that you’ve failed. But is that really so?”

“Look at yourself. Your arms are strong and muscular. Your back sinew is mighty. Plus, your hands are callused from the constant pressure. And your legs have become massive and hard. Through opposition you’ve grown much and your abilities now surpass that ,which you used to have. Yet you haven’t moved the rock. But your calling was to be obedient and to push. You were to exercise your faith and trust in My wisdom. This you’ve done. I, my friend, will now move the rock.”

At times, when we hear from God, we tend to use our own intellect to decipher what He wants. What God ACTUALLY wants is just simple OBEDIENCE and FAITH IN HIM. He also wants us to trust Him and:


By all means, exercise the faith that moves mountains. But know that it’s still God who moves the mountains. So:


= Pray Until Something Happens!

When everything seems to go wrong, just…


When the job gets you down…


When people don’t react the way you think they should…


When your money looks funny and the bills are due…


When people just don’t understand you, just…


The author for this prayer inspiration is unknown. It is obvious though, that it is inspired by God. We thank God for this author, and we pray his/her writing inspires you to PRAY and P.U.S.H.! (And allow us to join you as you pray.)

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Filed under: Spiritual Matters

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285 responses to “P.U.S.H. = Pray Until Something Happens!

  1. Please help me… I was in a long distance relationship since 2009. We never met, but we loved each other a lot and were very much committed till death… our love was unconditional. I have a troubled life due to many consequences since I was a child. I was afraid of keeping happy. I used to think that it would attract sorrow. I was engulfed with lot of negativity, had started expecting a lot… and would many times feel that I don’t deserve a divine soul like him. I couldn’t pay more attention on him.

    Because of my family priorities I had to start working in a different sector, which is not related to my education background. When I joined a job, I became more frustrated and fought with my love for some silly reasons. And whenever I wasn’t able to handle my situations. I used to ignore him… because I didn’t want him to worry for me.

    On the night of 17th November 2014, while chatting I fought with him via messages but still like an innocent baby he called me… he said we will talk when I will calm down. In response I shouted at him to give me a standard answer at how he’ll be happy with me when I’m not able to keep upto his expectations. I made up my mind to step out of his life and entered into his Gmail account, deleted all the mails, which were sent by me to him.

    I didn’t speak to him for 13 long days. He used to call me everyday but I didn’t pick up his calls and in return I used to message him that. Thanks for bearing me… and I don’t deserve him as I’m not able to keep upto his expectations. I expected a consoling message from him actually, but he didn’t message. On the day of my birthday I spoke to him rudely… things turned worse after that. I behaved more badly with him. I messaged him a lot many wrong stuffs challenging his commitments and loyalty.

    I am very short tempered and he is very cool. But trust me… ever since he came into my life… I have been loyal to him. I never even looked at any other boy. His last messages were that I ditched him for the second time. He thinks I am bounded and depressed because of him… and love is also letting it go. He said he wanted to be alone some time but I was scared to lose him.

    Then when I asked him whether he cares or not whether I’m living or dead, he said “maybe” …but he also asked me to take care of myself, which hurt me further. I shouted at him asking him not to contact me again; I am dead for him.

    On the last day of the year I apologized to him again, but he messaged me saying, Please leave me alone. I’m sorry but you have to let me go. I’m not happy with you. I hav found someone else. I may not be able to talk to you. Go live your life.

    Sister, I won’t be able to brief you entirely about the happy moments we had together… but trust me sir, he is a divine soul. He never shouted at me. He always supported me… he always loved me.

    Now he doesn’t at all pick my calls… neither replies to any of my messages. I have been asking for forgiveness in as many ways as I can but he doesn’t respond at all. I have realized my mistakes… and want to hold this relationship and make it a work. I want to keep my promises. I’m very depressed. He has now asked me to leave him alone as he is no longer happy with me. He says I’m his past and had found someone. I love him very much, even though he loved me more than I deserve. He always wanted my happiness in return of everything. He has done so much for me without any complaints.

    Please help. I’m sorry for everything. I want his forgiveness. I wish he would give our relationship a second chance. I wish he loved me the same way he always loved me. Dear sir… I want to change my life. I’ve been writing Gratitude book for a week. I’m trying to be positive but still… I’m confused it seems… I’m very depressed some of the times, nothing charms me. I went through so much all these days seeking for healing. I want a second chance. I’m scared of losing him. I love him a lot. Please help me. I will be very grateful to You… Thanks and Regards, Megha

  2. I have been in a relationship for little over 3 years. We have a little girl together that is 20 months old. When I was pregnant with her he proposed. But since then never brought it up and never intimate, not holding, kissing, not even a loving hug. He bought the house we live in and every time he fights he tells me to get out of his home with my children. I have an older one that is ten. I want my family but at what cost? I pray everyday all day long what is going on, am I not the one? And if so I just want to know. Thank You, Heather

  3. I need some prayer to make my family whole again. My ex is seeing someone else with a daughter and yet he ignores our daughter. Please pray to make him realize what he is missing. I want my family whole again. I need him to man up. I know he still loves me, he’s just with her because he’s angry at me for filing child support and for telling his parents about our daughter. He tells me that I’m trying to control him when I only told his parents one time about our daughter.

    Our daughter is a gift from God and deserves so much more. It hurts me as a mother to see my daughter being ignored by his parents and him. He needs to stop playing mind games and grow up. I didn’t get pregnant on purpose. It was never my intention to trap him. I prayed for an answer and God gave me a little girl that is his. He can deny his daughter all he wants but the court will give my daughter justice, especially for the child support.

    I’ve been raising my daughter on my own. She turned one in Feb of this year. We’re both in the military and with my pay I’m able to support her but if he’s out there spending it on some girl, then why can’t he spend it on his daughter? Did I do something wrong? My life change after holding my daughter. I stood my ground for our baby girl. She is a gift from God and I shall take precious care of her. I don’t regret having my baby girl. She is my reason for doing better.

    I hope one day Aaron will realized what he’s missing out on and finally come to his senses. I don’t hate him nor his family. It’s not me that they’re hurting, it’s my little girl. They don’t realize that and it’s a shame. I’m strong because I believe in God but lately I’ve been emotional. It hurts that they’re doing this to my little girl and I’m the one, later in life, to tell her that I tried my best. Please pray for Aaron to come home to us and to make him the man I need, and to marry, and act like a father. Please pray for me to be the woman Aaron needs in his life, the woman he’ll marry.

    Lord, I know you’re fighting our every battle. Please send your Holy Spirit to Aaron and to me.

  4. 1. Please Pray GOD will get rid of all bed bugs in my house and they never return. Been fighting them for over 5 months and can’t get rid of them without GOD. In JESUS Name, pray GOD removes all bed bugs from the house I live in and they never return. Pray no bed bug from my house ends up in anyone else’s house…

    2. I’m 43, never been in a relationship. Please Pray GOD brings me a woman’s companion for a loving relationship. Pray GOD brings me a relationship exceedingly abundantly above what I can imagine, in JESUS Name, Amen.

  5. My husband of 33 years told me he can no longer be happy with me and moved out. I feel so rejected and hurt. We’ve built something together, a ministry that we could both work in. I really believe Satan has attacked us both where we are vulnerable, but he has moved out. I’m devastated, but I know my husband has God’s Holy Spirit dwelling in him. He is a good man, and I pray that he will follow that and listen to it and come back to our family. I’m holding on that hope, and I will continue to be a loving wife to him, asking for his forgiveness and a chance to rekindle what has been lost.

  6. Please pray for me and my daughters. My husband of 22 years has left us to be with another woman. I am broken and all I have is my faith that one day he will realize what he has done. I’m going through a bad depression right now and I know it’s satan trying to get me down and keep me lost. I ask my heavenly Father everyday for wisdom, so that I can move forward while my Lord is doing his work. I’ve decided not to email him or look for him but I do anticipate a full restoration as my Lord has never failed me and never will. I am begging for help. In Jesus Name, Amen!

  7. Please please pray that my ex boyfriend is given a clear mind and an open heart again to reunite with me. We were together almost three years and he left because he says he doesn’t know what he wants in life or a partner. Yet he continues to tell me this isn’t the end of us and that he’s not saying our future ends here.

    I’m so hurt. I love him so much, and in my heart I truly sincerely believe we are meant to be in every way. Please God, heal him and strengthen his belief in us, let us continue a relationship together. The pain is very real for me. I’m hurting so much, and am praying as much as I can. I cannot even be with another without thinking of him. Please help me.

  8. I have known my spouse for 6 years. He was my first love, the first to tell me he loved me. We have been through so much that most married couples couldn’t get through. We got married August of last year. Since then we had our second child in January, and our marriage has fallen apart. We are going through a divorce and he is living with another woman. I came home one day and all his things were gone. I knew he was cheating but I failed to do anything; in my mind no matter what I did no matter if I were the perfect wife he would have still have done it, so I didn’t say anything for it was his will.

    It’s been almost two months since he left and it truly hurts that he left us. I pray I find healing in my heart and forgiveness for one day he will come back and I want to forgive him because he is not a believer as I am and I always thought that I was to show him God’s love and forgiveness because no one else has and I failed iny marriage to show him that. I love him so much; I’m madly in love with him but he chose this and no matter he is still in my heart and I will wait.

    Everyone has told me to move on bit in my hurt, my soul, and my heart. I am told to wait and pray; I keep hearing a voice saying be patient my child and pray and I’ve been doing that. I pray for him, for our kids and for myself. I thought that I had control of this but as Christians that’s one of the worst mistakes for us to make. That is when evil comes and that is what had happened. I failed to love him as I should have. I failed acknowledge. I failed to show him the love of God and now he is gone and maybe in love He thinks again because she’s giving him the attention I didn’t. However any relationship that starts with lies and cheating does not last. Sexual desires are not everything and he’ll find that out the hard way now. For when the lust wears off and reality hits. But I pray that we reconcile not today but one day for when I am changed and have the full love of God in my heart again than I’ll be ready.

  9. Please pray for me and my ex boyfriend. My name is Kristy and ex boyfriend is Mike. A few weeks, back he broke up with me to be with his ex. He was the first man that I opened up to and gave my heart and soul to. He is my soul mate and this I am sure of. He is truly the only one I can be myself around. We had a perfect relationship until she came into the picture. I promise never to hurt him, lie, or cheat on him. I’m the most faithful woman he will ever have in his life.

    Please let him realize it’s me he wants. Please pray that God will give him the courage to realize it has been me all along. Please pray he has the courage to run back into my open arms. I can give God the promise that I’ll accept him and forgive him for the damage he has done. I love him. Together, God, me, and Mike will make the best team. I love him and I know he is my soul mate and my forever and always. Please pray with me that God will return him to my loving and caring open arms soon.

    1. Kristy, I am the same boat as you. I broke with my ex because he is afraid that he can’t be the man he ‘thinks I want him to be or expect’. I love him just the way he is. We’ve been through a lot of hardships together, talked about our future together and even marriage.

      We’ve both been broken, and severely depressed from previous relationships, but since we’ve been together, we both changed a lot. Better selves and partner. We both grew to love ourselves and each other, and never stopped praising and thanking God for this beautiful love story He gave to us.

      Breaking up with him feels like a part of me is being stolen away. I tried to feel ok, but the more I asked God’s grace for peace and healing the more my faith tells me to keep this relationship. To keep on praying even if it looks so impossible to turn things around. I keep on praying even if sometimes it feels hopeless and I’m still praying for this reconciliation.

      Nothing is impossible with God.

      I will pray for your relationships as well as mine. I always prays for those who are broken hearted and hurt, those who have problems with relationships and those seeking for reconciliation. We’re not alone, and we all could use a prayer from someone.

      Keep your faith, keep praying.

      God, look upon our hearts, and see the love we have for each other. Heal our broken hearts, hurts and pains. Give us peace, and strengthen our faith to always trust You. Have mercy on us and grant us our prayers to reconcile. Lead us to be better partners. Guide us to always put You first in our relationship. Let us be reunite once more, to love each other and live our ways according to thy word. Not ours but Your will be done. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

    2. Kristy, He is with a woman, who loves and cares for him. He is the only one she ever loved… I do feel for you, but don’t seek him back. She lost him once and will fight as a tiger for him.

  10. I need prayer; my ex broke up with me because of his insecurity and jealously. We went through hard times together; we slept in the car and we lived in a rooming house. That wasn’t acceptable. I give him my all. I give and give. He played me for no reason. Please pray for me and to mend our relationship that we had to a better relationship. Please, I need thee.

  11. It’s better to have loved and broken up, then to get married to the wrong one for the rest of your life and along the line seeking to divorce. Believe me it’s more painful bcos no one got married with the intention to get divorced. So if you are single, kudos. Make up your mind to get it right, and if you’re married congrats; make up your mind to make it work.

    I’ve seen a relationship where by the woman is highly influential while her man is an average man and when ever her man asks her for financial assistance she flares up thinking that’s all he wants from her but what if the woman has been destined to be a help meet for the man to grow financially and vice versa? Yes I understand we are in a world where by people take advantage of each other in the name of love definitely one has to be cautious and take it one step at a time but If you are in a relationship where you and your partner finds it to difficult to give and support each other whole heartedly without manipulating each other then you might want to think twice about it coz relationships is all about sacrifice. You should be ready to sacrifice your time your resources and even yourself.

    Also coz it takes two to tangle relationship requires hard work, no individual would find himself at the peak of a mountain and begin to scream with surprise bcos the individual must have been busy trying to make it a reality and definitely didn’t give up trying.

    Also God gave us free will and the ability to understand the difference between right and wrong so if you are in a 3 years relationship with a spouse who is a drug addict or some other addictive unhealthy lifestyle with no sign of improvement and are eager to tie the knot because you believe or feel time is not on your side and it would work out you may want to have a rethink about it.

    Many who pray often shut the door before the answer enters. They’re like a marathon runner who quits and collapses exhausted by the wayside, not realizing that the finish line is just around the next bend —too taken up with the feelings within himself to even hear the cries of encouragement from those along the way who are urging him on —urging him to keep going, to keep trying, to finish the race. You just have to PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS, until a breakthrough occurs.

    I pray may God grant our heart desires accordingly and our expectations not be cut off in Jesus name. Amen

  12. Please pray for my husband’s heart to be softened towards me. We’ve been married 6 months, are already getting a divorce and we just don’t trust each other. Pray for restoration and forgiveness, peace, understanding, and for both of us to set aside our pride. I’m heartbroken and want this to work out. Thanks so much.

  13. I’m praying for reconciliation/reconnection with my ex fiancé. He broke up with me because of trust issues. I’ve done everything for him. Helped heal his leg, learned to cook and he liked everything I made. Cleaned, did his laundry. I sacrificed a lot to be with him. I miss him so much. I tried to apologize many times. He blocked me of most forms of communication. I pray to at least have his friendship back and hopefully we could rebuild. I love and miss him so much. I know he’s hurt and needs more time. Praying hard everyday for him.

  14. Praise God everyone, My name is Tinah. I’ve been with my boyfriend for six years and we have two beautiful angels a girl who is four years old and a boy who is two years old. We had a misunderstanding and he went out with another woman who also has a children with him. He moved out of the house a year ago and rented out a house, abandoning us in a rented house too. He has never turned back. All he cares about is his second lady as well as the baby, even when I call to talk to him he never gives me audience. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME, MY LITTLE CHILDREN WHO ARE NOT AWARE OF WHAT’S GOING ON, PRAY FOR GOD’S PROVISION, GUIDANCE AND DIRECTION, PROTECTION. Etc

  15. All of you guys please pray that God’s will be done because you never know, this could be the best thing that ever happened –for you to have gone through these breakups. If you weren’t married, maybe it wasn’t meant to be. I wish I would have known when I was younger how to pray…