The following article is written to women who are dealing with their husbands who have left them, but the same principles can also apply to men who are dealing with their wives who have left. During separation, time can be your friend, whether you are a woman or a man. We encourage you to pray, glean, and see what God could be saying to your heart.
“They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles.“ (Isaiah 40:31)
Because your emotions are so turbulent, you may think no happy answer to your situation is possible. Your thoughts may run the gamut from a fairy-tale ending to the worst possible outcome. When you find yourself in this state for very long,you may be tempted to do whatever will give a clean resolution. You may want closure, even if that means doing what you really don’t want to do. But making rash decisions may be something you will woefully regret later. Time may be your friend, if you let it.
Difficult Advice to Hear
When this disaster first swooped down upon me, my friend Toni Jo said something that shocked me at first. I didn’t want to hear it.
“Don’t be in a hurry,” she said. “Give him as much time as he needs. He’s confused and needs to figure himself out. Tell him to take a year if he needs to figure out what he wants.”
“A year!” I exclaimed. “A year?”
“What’s a year in a whole lifetime?” she asked. “If it takes a year for him to figure things out, and then you have thirty more happy years together after that, wouldn’t it be worth it?”
As it turned out, it took three years for my husband and me, not one. But yes, it was worth it.
Don’t Make Rash Decisions
Trusting God includes waiting on him to do whatever he is trying to do during this process. Because God does not force his loving work into our lives, making rash decisions can preclude God from accomplishing new dimensions of spiritual and emotional growth in you and your mate as well as others around you. We need to give God time.
Waiting is extremely hard when each day weighs us down with an eternity of suffering. But time has a way not only of healing but also of giving perspective. What may seem true to your mate today may look different to him tomorrow. Each new encounter between the two of you can set him or you off in a different relational direction, either positive or negative.
Many years of clutter may need to go through the filter before the gemstones of your life together can become clear. If your husband has separated from you, he may be trying not to even think about you now. He may be focusing only on what he can make sense of. And that probably is not you and your relationship. Most likely he is filling his mind with work and other interests that keep him aloof emotionally.
During Separation Time Can Be Your Friend
During moments of deep depression, when you really want to give up, pick up your Bible and let God speak to you. Listen to what he says to you at that particular time. He wants to strengthen you, and you need strong wings if you’re going to mount up on the wings like eagles. Wait on the Lord. Remember, he is able to do more than we could ever imagine. But sometimes it requires time.
“Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing. Why do you say, O Jacob, and complain, O Israel, ‘My way is hidden from the LORD, my cause is disregarded by my God?’
“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
“Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint“ (Isaiah 40:26-31).
This article is written by Linda W. Rooks and comes from the book, Broken Heart on Hold: Surviving Separation, published by Life Journey. As Linda writes about this book, “Broken Heart on Hold is meant to be a friend to walk beside you through the labyrinths of your confusion and pain. It is not a quick fix or a prescription for how to solve your problems. It is intended to be a daily companion in your crisis.”
You can also visit Linda’s Web site at where she has “individually formatted a number of Bible verses for your strength and encouragement.”
Filed under: Separation and Divorce
My husband and I were high school sweethearts and were married 6 months after I graduated. We were devastated when we miscarried our first child at 8 weeks and 1 day. We had ony been married 3 months and grew angry with God. We stopped going to church every week and only went when every once in a while. We both hurt and I shut down. 2 months after our miscarriage we became pregnant with our son. The entire pregnancy I lived in fear and was emotionally detached from life.
It’s not that that excuses my husband for cheating on me while I was 7 month pregnant. But I see why it happens now. I was devastated when I found out and being pregnant and 3000 miles from my family I stayed. We never got help. I was to ashamed to admit he cheated on me. My anger grew and I lost my faith. On a visit to see my family with our now 2 1/2 year old I found out he brought another women into our home and marital bed. I choose to not go back. Despite all of this we have remained good friends and our divorce has never been finalized. He has now moved to my town to be closer to our son who is now 6. It has been 4 years and he is living with a girlfriend.
You may call me crazy or stupid; I don’t care. I love my husband with all my heart and fully believe with all that I am that God can and will restore our marriage. I know that the road ahead of us will not be easy and I have to be strong in my faith to get there. I know all things are possible thru Christ who strengthens me. I now know I am only in control of my choices and I first work on my relationship with God.
Bravo Catherine, for having such faith in the Lord. I am praying for you to get your family fully restored, and that your husband honors his vows and only has eyes for you from now on. My husband and I blew up at each other a few days ago when I found an almost empty bottle of strong wine in his car, indicating drunk driving. He left, EVERYONE PLEASE PRAY THAT GOD HAS MERCY ON MYSELF AND CATHERINE AND OTHERS ON THIS FORUM AND SENDS US OUR HUSBANDS BACK. I miss him so much. I know that God can restore us but each day that goes by without word from him is frightening. I have faith that God is doing an yet unseen work in us and that things are moving and changing for the better.
I declare that “In the name of Jesus Amen (his name) is coming home sober and better than ever In Jesus’ name. Amen!!!” Could all of you righteous Christians add your powered up prayers to mine? The Bible says that your prayers do much good and I thank you all and the Lord for taking care of us. God Bless You all In Jesus’ name. Amen!
What ever happened to your situation? I read a lot and yours is my current situation! I’ve been ok up until now; I’m just so confused!
My husband and I have been separated since Jan of this year. It was at his request that this happened and he blindsided me with his request. He wanted a trial. He wanted to know. His second marriage, my third. Early in our marriage I became saved and I try to do as God wants me too. I gave my husband his way and I didn’t fight argue or anything. I made the transition as easy as possible. I moved to a different state and let as much communication go as I could. I missed him. I was dying inside.
During this process he had decided that our separation was a mistake. I’m extremely glad of this, don’t get me wrong; I love my husband with all my heart. He means the world to me, but, now I’m not able to express this. I’m feeling wronged, even though he admits it was a mistake and it shouldn’t have happened. According to him I have turned cold. I’m not as open as I used to be. I know that he is trying to fix things. I’m so grateful for this, but I’m afraid. I have become accustomed to being on my own, to dealing with my for me. I’m planning on going home to him. We have made the arrangements and he is doing everything right. Why am I so separated when I didn’t want this in the first place?
Separation I have learnt the hard way, is not a cure. I only recommend separation where abuse is present. Separation leads to believing that we can cope in the world without our spouse as the temporary relief from the tensions and disagreements in our marriage are left behind for a time. When we separate we send out a deep seeded message to each other that we don’t need them in our life. In my opinion separation is the first step to divorce and once that happens sadly we then realise just how much we do need and love each other.
Jayne, go back to your husband and my God bless you. It is not too late.
I totally agree Rose. Thank you for sharing this. Jayne, I was going to reply the same thing. Please go back to your husband. You made a vow to be together til death parts you. Please go back to your husband and figure out together (with help from God, this web site and others, and perhaps a counselor) how to make your marriage into a good one. It IS possible. If you invest your time in living apart, you will eventually grow further and further apart, rather than together as you should, and as you vowed that you would.
We all go through tough times and do things we shouldn’t. Don’t allow the mistakes of the past divide you now and in the future. Please go back home and work on your marriage. There are SO many resources available to teach you how to do that. The Holy Spirit, as your “Wonderful Counselor” is waiting to guide and help you in this mission. Years from now you will be so glad that you did. Persevering in marriage is a godly thing to do. I pray (and I’m sure Rose and others do too) that you will apply yourself to working on your marriage TOGETHER.
My husband left me April 1st after 13 years of marriage. He told me for a month he needed to learn to appreciate what he had and to grow up and act like an adult. On May 1st his dad passed and on May 3rd I found out he was dating an 18 year old. He says he gets her, and for the first time he doesn’t feel he needs to lie. My whole life is in turmoil. He barely saw the kids or even asked about them; the ones at home are 9 and 13.
Now he’s starting to pop in whenever he likes and bring us breakfast and always tells me he loves me and cries. I brought up divorce last week and he freaked out. I’m very worried about him and so wish I could have my husband back. We had our ups and downs but never would I have imagined this. I’m so lost and confused. I want my life back but he still seems so confused. He says he’s not in love with me but he loves me with everything he has. I just don’t know what to do.
He needs Jesus. Get into a strong church. Find your strength in Christ and stand for your marriage. He does love you and he is in love with you. Take it from me, a man who did and said things I regret. Now in a long separation God rescued me and I am standing in prayer. My wife is non communicative and has been resistant. I know God is working, but you must find your stability in the Word. When I was running, I did and said things that were crazy… some of the same things your husband is saying. I was tossed and double minded… schizo… Jesus is the answer. The mercy of God will change your husband but he must get into an environment of like faith and encouragement.
May God bless you.
Right now I’m so confused. I got separated from husband 18 months after our wedding. It was the hardest thing I could do. Our marriage was attacked so badly by a third party he so believed in, and I was maltreated badly. I left hoping that he would find me or ask for forgiveness but rather it was more like I gave him his heart’s desires by leaving. A lot was said; lies were said.
After 2 years now, no divorce or physical contact, he just started calling to check up on me, being concerned, cracking jokes with me without either of us talking about the separation. Now I’m so confused. What am I meant to do… Be friends with my husband? Or be his girlfriend? Honestly, I need help.
Adaugo, You need to pray about this. It’s important to decide with the Lord when (and if) you are to ask him where he’s going with this. I would probably wait for a little bit –giving yourself time to pray and him time to enjoy being with you again. But ask the Lord. Just like with Queen Esther, in the Bible, timing was important… and I believe it will be for you. Don’t have a conversation like this over the phone, or at a time when either of you have something negative going on… talk about it in person, after lots of prayer, and at a time and place that is safe and conducive for uninterrupted conversation.
Perhaps you may need to go out on a few (non-sexual) dates together to start rebuilding.
When you DO talk on this issue, if he tells you he just wants to be friends, then (if the Lord leads you accordingly) I would tell him I didn’t marry him to just be his buddy. I married him to be committed together to build a good life together, “for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, til parted by death.” Keeping promises, as voiced, is important. It’s obvious that he forgot his vows to you and to the Lord. If he wants to “just be friends” then I would probably tell him (if the Lord leads) that he needs to let you figure out your life without him. You have other friends. You want to be “friends” with him, but married friends. If he doesn’t want that, then ask him to go and work out his life without you, as he has obviously chosen. When he’s ready to be married friends, you are MORE than willing to be a part of his life.
I wouldn’t talk about divorce or whatever… just the boundaries of friendship, now that you are married. You aren’t his girlfriend apart from being his married wife, who is committed to work on your marriage WITH him. He can’t have both worlds –one step into your heart and life and one step outside to act as if he is single… he isn’t. He is married and you both need to get on with building your lives TOGETHER, rather than playing house. Marriage is serious, and it’s good, but it’s also for grown-ups. He needs to act like one and come back home. I’m praying for you, and hope you are able to get back together.
Hi, I’ve been married for 3 years. We have a 3 months old baby girl. My husband filed for divorce last July of this year. It hurt me so bad, and since then we’ve never talk with each other. I saw him a couple of times for the child visitation. I know still love him. We never had any fights before, and if we do it’s always about money. He wants to be in control of everything. For the first 2 years I allowed him to do that. It was just last year, when I got pregnant and realized that I needed to have my own decisions and not just follow whatever he wants. This is when he decided that he wants a divorce.
I know that I have my faults in regards to this divorce, but I still love him. I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I was so lost and scared knowing how much I love him. I can’t imagine my life without him. I want our baby to grow up with a complete happy family.
Right now, all I can do is pray and just have faith, that God can change everything. I’m praying that one day I wake up next to him again. I trust in God almighty that he will touch my husband’s heart and fix everything in His right time.
Hi Issa, My husband and I have also been married for 3 years. We also have a young baby (our first child), a 6 month old daughter. Having a young baby while trying to cope with a separation makes things even more difficult, although I’m blessed by God with our daughter. This drives me even more to do the best that I can for her. I have been separated from my husband since the end of July but it feels like much longer as our issues have been dragging on for many months now, with a recent heightened fight that resulted in my husband displaying acts of violence by throwing/breaking objects.
I too continue to pray for guidance from God. I trust that I need to be patient and not rush things although this is certainly challenging specifically when all I want is an answer to what will happen next. I too want our daughter to grow up with a loving and caring mother and father in a strong marriage. At this time the thought of being a single mother frightens and deeply saddens me. I pray especially for my husband at this time, that God would touch his heart, that my husband would accept God into his life again and realize that this is a crucial and necessary step if there is any chance of our marriage being saved.
I chose to separate from my husband until he realizes he needs to make some changes to his behaviour and actions; I have seen neither happen yet or throughout our marriage yet so I’m doubtful. I feel like I’m in constant turmoil. I’ve decided to stop communicating with him until I’m able to handle this situation more clearly. The communication I have provided to him I feel is supportive and loving yet what I get from him remains selfish and controlling. I too feel like I have a controlling husband who I’ve also recently discovered is a deceiver, manipulator. I have lost trust in him. My husband has been battling with depression, unemployment for over a year, and suicidal thoughts off and on, although at the same time I cannot continue to see any of these things as an excuse for him to continue escaping from reality and responsibilities.
I continue to pray for guidance and patience and strength from God, and will do the same for you. I hope that you have a strong support system in place to help your through this. I am so blessed and fortunate to be staying with my loving and supportive faith centered parents who are also deeply troubled by what is happening. I never would have thought this would happen, no one does. I can’t fathom at this point why anyone would so readily chose to give up on his marriage, his daughter, his life.
We both agreed to be on separation but he is constantly checking up on me, monitoring all my moves.
My wife and I have been separated 2 weeks, with no contact, and no calls. We have been together a year and half. I was accused of giving my ex wife money for her kids school clothes in which I didn’t do. I did do the texting and inboxing on facebook. I bought her a gift she accepted but she keep saying she is done. Her birthday and anniversary are a week away on same day. So what do I need to do?
Hello all. My story is a little different then most. I got pregnant when I was 16. My husband (boyfriend at the time) and I decided we were going to commit our lives to each other. Five years later, we a have two girls, a four year old and a 9 month old. We have been through many struggles. He supported me with finishing high school, and I even went on to completing online college.
Within the past few months, things have taken a turn for the worse. He had a career change, and has been struggling with choosing a job he loves. This has caused him a great deal of stress and unhappiness. I have been very unhappy, and I have not dealt with it well. He left me about 6 weeks ago. In this time, he got a new job. After about 3 weeks, he came back, and we decided we were in it for the long haul. Three weeks went by, and here I am again, alone. We definitely have had our share of immature fights, but the majority of our problems all revolve back to emotional problems.
We cannot meet each others needs emotionally. When we get upset with each other, our arguments hurt each other emotionally. It just keeps eating and eating away at us. I have asked my husband if he would like to go get help together. He seemed interested in why I wanted to, but ultimately went back to not wanting to work things out. I am so confused.
All I know is that this HURTS. I really need a friend to just listen. I am hoping time will heal our hearts. I see my parents marriage, and the struggles they have made it through. It motivates me to fight for my love. If he isn’t interested, should I just leave him alone? I feel like he knows how I feel. I don’t know what else I can do. I am trying to let go and let God. Please pray for me.
I am trying to be strong for my children, but all I can do is cry. :S I would also like some advice on how to handle this with my 4 year old daughter. She is struggling to understand the problems and fighting.
Tina, You aren’t alone. I’ll write my own story in a few minutes. Know you are loved and God loves you. I pray your husband will want to work things out and continue with the marriage if you want that as well. I’m not sure your 4 year old would fully understand the situation so it would be best to keep any explanation simple.
I’ve been constantly reminded lately that many people have overcome challenges such as this to reach new heights. I know it is difficult. You have two young children that will depend on you. I’m sure you will be a wonderful mother for them. Along the journey, whichever path it may take, remember to take a few moments to take care of yourself as well.
I hope and pray you find some comfort in these words and your relationship is filled with love again soon.
I’ve been separated two weeks and this is the most difficult thing in my life. I’ve been married 26 years and with my wife for 31 years. We have been together since high school. We have one son aged 10. I’ve always loved my wife and we have always been faithful to one another.
I believe the problem started about 14 years ago. I purchased a company and as time went by became more and more tied to the company. We still did things together but I was so stressed that I often neglected my wife. I didn’t listen, criticized, and otherwise made her feel unloved. In the last couple of years she found a new hobby and someone that made her feel wanted. Nothing happened between them.
I recently realized the error of my ways and told her that I wanted to change and wanted her in my life. She exploded. I’ve been seeing a counselor since the first week and she went once. She said she needs space to deal with this. In an effort to save the marriage I moved to an apartment nearby. I’m still going to counseling and to church.
I accept responsibility for my actions. I love my wife and son and will do anything to keep my marriage. I just want a second chance. I don’t know how to be without her. I pray God will help us get back together. It is hard to stay positive. It has only been two weeks but it seems like a lifetime.
Hi, I had an intention to marry this girl. I made it clear to my parents and she and we had a traditional introduction. I met this girl drinking and smoking but I did not know she was an addict. I drink and smoke too but she drinks every day, and it really weighed me down. 7 months after the traditional engagement we’re separated now 5 months. We used to fight a lot physically leading to police stations. I still love this girl but her people apulia not let me talk to her. Please advise.
I have been separated from my husband since May. The reasons I left him were because he was controlling and we had other physical issues. I didn’t want to leave him but mostly everything he was doing was pushing me away. He came one day from work and I didn’t have dinner ready because there wasn’t anything in the fridge to make and he told me to make the potatoes. When he told me to cook for him right away he told me with anger and authority. I asked him to tell me nicely because I was his wife and he told me because I was his wife he could talk to me however he pleases. I decided not to cook for him that day (I would cook everyday like he was accustomed).
I was walking out of the apartment when he kicked me; I was stunned. I couldn’t believe he would do that to me after all I’ve done. After I cried while I was feeling betrayed, alone, and emotionally disturb he told me he was sorry. He asked me to cook for him and I did. Before that incident I wanted to surprise him by buying tickets to a rodeo for our 4 year anniversary.
We went to the rodeo with my 2 1/2 year old son. While we were over there he wouldn’t hug me or kiss me or hold my hand. We danced one song the whole time time we were there. He would tell me that I wanted other guys to look at me, given the fact that I was wearing jeans while majority of the other girls were wearing really Short shorts and dresses. He is also a really jealous man. After being there for about 8 hrs I asked him if he wanted to leave. It didn’t even felt like an anniversary. He wasn’t talking to me or anything. I wanted to feel like we were there for each other but I felt like we were strangers. When we were leaving he told me he was sorry for not paying attention to me, I had to choice but to be okay with it, I didn’t want to talk about it because I felt that there was no point for that.
There were times where we wouldn’t talk at all because he was mad. He would eat and go watch television. I would clean after him, I would cook everyday and make sure the apartment was clean. Other things happen as well that really got me thinking of leaving him. All this has happend 2 months before I left. Each time we separate I always end up begging him even after everything he does. He goes clubbing when we aren’t together, I see him with other women. He tells me he would never get back with me because I’m not working at this time. I know that I did wrong in this relationship. I should of been a better wife. There were times where i would be in a really bad mood and I would take it out on him. I know I could of been better. It’s been almost 6 months since we separated, I’m sad, angry st myself, I want my husband back but I know that everything will be the same. He won’t go back with me unless I beg him constantly. After that I am not really sure if he would take me back.
The same week I left he Called me to tell me that the last time we separated he had sexual intercourse with 4 other girls and he laughed. I have prayed mercifully for our relationship to work and for god to touch his heart and make him realize that his family cares for him. I tried to take him to church because in order to have a relationship that is healthy and loving we need god in it. Now I’m so lost and I don’t know what to do. I want him back but I know if we go back we are going to end up the same. He is too controlling and manipulative. He wouldn’t let me do my hair, make up he would claim that u was having an affair. I want him to know that I love him and my son and I am waiting for him as long as he changes. Please help.
After 17 years of marriage, my husband and I have been separated for 4 months. I initially asked him to leave because he had already left emotionally about 6 months prior. He acted like he couldn’t stand to be in my presence. Since our separation he has been evasive towards me and our daughter. He only comes by on occasion and texts and calls every now and then. How can a man just cut his family off like this? It doesn’t seem to bother him that he rarely sees or talks to us. I have humbled myself and asked him to come back several times and even gave him back his house keys 3 weeks after he left. He took the keys but he rarely comes to the house when we aren’t there and when we are he always rings the bell like a stranger. About a month ago I caught him at a woman’s house and he said they were friends only but since that time he has become even more evasive towards me. Our daughter is haivng a very hard time dealing with this situation but he treats her similar to how he does me. I have so many questions as to WHY? He has told me that he loves us and misses us more than we know but he won’t come home. He and I argued re me coming to the other woman’s house and he said he didn’t want to come back because I would never change. He says I don’t trust him and I’m always trying to see what he’s doing. I had total trust in my husband until about a year ago. He was secretive about his whereabouts and his phone and always hanging with friends. This situation has been so hard for me to deal with. This is my second marriage and his first. My first marriage ended due to infidelity (husband cheated) and I am terrified that this will be a repeat. To this day my husband still insists that he hasn’t been or isn’t currently seeing anyone but he has lied twice about where he’s been staying these past four months. I still don’t know where he lives but he has to be quite content because he doesn’t seem to miss home. He even told a friend that he wasn’t coming back but when I try to discuss where we’re going or what we’re doing he runs away. I truly love my husband and I pray that he will get his act together and come home. Am I crazy to have hope that this situation can be fixed? Now that I’ve written it down, it sounds completely crazy to me. Please give input on what I should do. I have prayed and prayed about my marriage being reconciled and now that the holidays are weeks away I truly don’t know how my daughter and I will get through it with our family being so broken. Prayers please!
Visit Michele Weiner Davis’ website and The Hero’s Spouse website. Good luck and God Bless you and yours.
I’ve been separated going on 6 weeks from my husband of 7 years (together 9). He is my soul mate. The last time he did this, he was having an affair. This time all the signs point to something similar but I have no proof. He comes to my house every morning to see the kids off to school, then joins us for dinner and puts them in bed. I don’t know where he’s living. I don’t know what he’s doing. I feel there are a lot of lies going on.
I threw divorce papers at him a week ago, I didn’t want to but I was hurting so much. I just want the hurt to stop. I want to be able to have my life back and work on things. He says he needs time to “Think and sort his head”… well after all the crap he put me through, and I stood by him, how dare he be so weak to do this to me after a few difficult months? I’m left with the kids, and I’m nearly chained to the house (he leaves by 9 pm and I can’t go out, when I try he has something that suddenly comes up). I asked him to come stay the night so he can help with night duty (our 3 and 4 yr old aren’t sleeping well so sometimes I don’t sleep at all).
I just want to stop crying. I want to finally either heal the wound with him at my side or heal it and move on so I can keep myself together. Crying at night and when away from the kids is my cleansing but that cuts like a knife. Friends have tried to be helpful but all he keeps doing is telling people how awful I am and refusing to see what he’s been doing. He admits that he’s put me through hell and back over the last 6 years. I don’t understand why he cannot just come home and sort out whatever it’s like I had to during that difficult time period. When I had to still be a wife and mother, stuffing down what I needed to stuff down and keeping as stable as possible… I am just so broken hearted.
Wow! Tears of Phoenix, I can totally relate to your anguish. It definitely “sounds fishy” to me. I too just wanted the hurt to stop. In my case there was someone else in the picture or so I found out later. It is so hard but your husband either wants to be alone “to think and sort his head out” OR be back home so you can both work on your marriage. He can’t have it both ways. Should he be allowed to waltz in and out of your life causing pain and showing dis-respect? Tough love really hurts.
Whatever you decide to do please keep praying and standing for your marriage. We cannot make someone love us but there is a God that changes hearts and we need to “Let go and let God.” I will be praying for you and your dear children.
I’ve been with my husband for 13 years, 7 of those married, and 2 small children together. During our long relationship we’ve had lots and lots of ups and downs, but our flights would always get heated and ugly. He tends to be more angry and negative than me. I can usually, find a silver lining. Him not so much. One thing that led to these heated fights was our substance abuse problems. We both used drugs, usually together for a large part of the relationship; we fight to get my kids.
We both stopped many times in the past, when we had babies or when getting a new job or when we just got tired of it. But my problem was more severe than his and I was not able to put it down so easily. The last 3 years of my life has been an overwhelming and painful struggle to be a good mother and wife while trying to keep my drug problems at bay. The last year has been the hardest and it’s included 2 drug rehabs and 2 big relapses. The last one unfortunately led to me being sexually assaulted and then placed in a mental ward by my family for a week immediately following me telling them.
This hurt so bad it’s left scars on my heart. My parents abandoned me when I was at my weakest and desperately needed help to get they the coming weeks/months. Then my Husbands left with our two kids and moved in with my parents. This has been a very unhealthy living arrangement in that of he wants to complain and lay down in the pain of all this, and my mother is perfect to do that with. He’s not surrounded by good Christian men who will tell him to stick it out and help me while I help myself, again. He’s surrounded by people who only get a one-sided story and tell him to leave me. I don’t want that.
The last 3 months we’ve been separated have been absolutely heartbreaking. I love him so much, even after all the junk we’ve went thru. I also didn’t mention there was a one-time affair on my end, this year in the midst of the drug use (he is now 6 months clean, by the way). Anyways he’s been gone 3 months now with my kids and they’ve been kept from me out of fear that I’m not a good parent or role model. So I’m experiencing hurt and grief and loss on so many levels. He had me served with divorce papers a week ago and included are the orders for him to have sole custody.
I’ll have an uphill battle to fight to get my kids. He says he’s done. There’ve been times I know he’s hurting and questioning the divorce. But he just gets it stuck in his head that no one could ever possibly get thru these crappy circumstances. He tells me all the time that no one in the world has the experiences we’ve had and made it. So he feels like what’s the point of trying? I’m just lost. I love my family so much and especially him, and they’re all gone. They left me.
Now, whenever he gives me a few minutes of his time on the phone, he’s extremely mean, and hangs up on me. Every time he starts to feel any stress over it, and he’s just awful to me. I don’t even know why I want to stay sometimes but I’m more in love with him now than when I was a teenager! I’m so lost. I want him back he says no way. I’ve even offered a 3rd rehab program to prove I’m seruous and will beat this addiction this time and it’ll stick!! Help!!
My husband and I have been married for 14 years (together 17). We have two kids together. We have both become emotionally distant from each other for several years, and honestly both of us have been unhappy for quite some time. Just kind of living life and making the motions together, more as roommates than anything else. He left about a month ago and has no hope of us ever being happy together again.
He has recently become best friends with a girl from work, but swears they are just friends, and has never done anything with her. He has even told me he has slept on her couch a few nights, because he was too tired to drive home. While I want to believe this, it seems a little far fetched. I want to work things out, however he does not because we will never be happy together again. But, he doesn’t want to get divorced for another year, to make sure it’s right. He has admitted to me that he knows God wants families to stay together and divorce is wrong. Is there a chance this might work out and God can change his heart?
My husband of 14 yrs left me a year ago, said he was not happy. I found out he moved to another city 5 hrs away. He was cheating on me with one of his ex. Now they live together. He wants me to let our daughter come and stay with him and the other woman who knew he was married. I have not filed for divorce because of what God says about marriage so I’m waiting for God to make a change in him. I still love him and really want my marriage to work out. I pray and read my Bible daily. I’m asking for prayers.