Attitude and Effort

Last week we attended a graduation ceremony for 11 new recruits for our local fire department. It was extremely moving to see these guys all lined up on the platform, having gone through a rigorous training time, then taking an oath, pledging to serve and protect and helping those who Read More…

For a Marriage That Lasts – MM #330

Have you ever wondered “what couples do right” that can help to make a marriage that lasts? We have. We’re continually looking to find answers to that question. It’s a matter of finding what it takes to help couples unite in their marriages, survive, and thrive in today’s world. We Read More…

Do You Hear Your Spouse Correctly? – MM #298

Do you hear correctly, as it pertains to what your spouse is trying to say to you? The saying goes, “God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. He wants us to be better prepared to listen than to speak.” That sure goes along with the Bible Read More…

Revealing the Attitudes You Will Bring Into Marriage

“If you greet your mate with love and a smile, you’ll find love and something to smile about in return.” That’s great advice! Smiling is something important to do frequently in your marriage. But there are a lot of other important expressions and attitudes that are important too. Revealing the attitudes Read More…

What Is Marriage?

Below is a collection of quotes that have been written by different people defining what they believe marriage to be. They came from a variety of different books, web site and magazine articles that we’ve collected throughout the years. We pray you will find them to be insightful: Marriage is Read More…