A Pharisee’s Attitude in Marriage?

One of the things we’ve always said is that the ministry of Marriage Missions helps our marriage as much as it helps anyone else’s. We say that for two reasons. One, in studying marriage to help other marriages, we learn a lot to apply to our own marriage relationship. It’s Read More…

Marriage Quotes that Teach

We’ve quoted this anonymous person many times, but it bears continual repeating (because it’s true). Someone once said, “It’s not what you live through that’s important, but what you learn through.” And one thing we’ve learned A LOT through in our married life together is what others have lived through Read More…

Guidelines for Tough Marital Talks

Do you and your spouse follow any “guidelines” when you have tough marital talks with each other? (Most people call them arguments or fights; but whatever you call them, these discussions can get tense.) Still, we’ve found that it’s important to have some agreed upon guidelines in place for those Read More…

Marriage Lessons from Strange Places

We’re always trying to learn more to help our and your marriage. And sometimes we find marriage lessons in the strangest places. We received a newsletter from Turnbull Ministries and WALLA! They came up with some great ones! Bob and Yvonne are great marriage ambassadors that God uses continually. This Read More…

Marriage Is Messy

Anyone who has been married for more than a few days understands all too well just how messy marriage can be! It isn’t the smooth road of love that we once imagined. At some point, we’ll find out that marriage gets messy; and sometimes it gets VERY messy—even gross! (Look Read More…

Are You in Alignment?

“The problem they are having is that they aren’t in alignment.” That’s what I heard one woman say as she pointed out the reason another couple was fighting so much. Afterward we remarked, “Wow! That’s spot on… she’s right.” They’re both turning their ears, eyes, and attitudes so far away from Read More…

Lazy Marriage: You Are What You Do

Are you living in a lazy marriage? A while back we received a marriage tip from relationship expert Mort Fertel that got us thinking on this issue. Here’s what he wrote: “Have you ever heard the phrase ‘You are what you eat?’ This catchy slogan from the fitness industry reminds Read More…

Emptied… The Way to Live Within Marriage

I love the description on the back cover of the book, “Emptied… Experiencing the Fullness of a Poured Out Marriage.” It reads: “Emptied is a way of life. It’s not about trying harder—it’s about thinking differently. Only when you are emptied of your own self-focused motivations can God pour new Read More…

The Spouse with the Hammering Attitude

Have you ever picked up an attitude and used it in a way that has pounded away at your spouse, almost like swinging a hammer? And when you’re hammering away you don’t even care about the ways in which you hurt your spouse and others who witness it all. It’s Read More…

Do You Cherish Your Spouse?

Do you treat your spouse as if you cherish him or her? This is the question that was addressed on a Focus on the Family radio program with author Gary Thomas. Gary wrote the book titled, Cherish: The One Word That Changes Everything for Your Marriage. And he’s right. It Read More…