Holding Hands and Kissing Your Spouse

This past week has been our annual birthday week. Cindy’s birthday was last week, and this week Steve had his. As a result, we can say without hesitation that we did (and continue to do) a whole lot of holding hands and kissing! After all, we’re married. God gives us Read More…

Our Anniversary: The Celebrating Continues

On March 18th we celebrated our 52nd anniversary. And to that we say, YAY GOD!!! He deserves all the glory! We wouldn’t be celebrating if it wasn’t for His mercy, grace, and guidance. It is because of Him that the celebrating continues to this day. We said, “I do” all Read More…

50 is a GREAT Number!

50 is a great number. To us, it’s even greater because that’s how many years we’ve been married. Yes! We finally made it! This week we’re celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary. We figure, why not take the whole week to celebrate such a great number of years to be married? Read More…

He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

He is risen; He is risen indeed! That is the cry of our hearts—the Truth of all that Jesus did for us. And because of that truth, we have hope. As we look to the Truth of Jesus Christ, lets keep in mind something that Debbie McDaniel wrote: “The very Read More…

Anniversary Celebrations: Honor Your Love Beyond the Wedding

Anniversary celebrations —we LOVE them! That’s especially true this time of year because we just celebrated our 47th wedding anniversary. We can hardly believe that 47 years ago we were two (VERY) naïve young people walking down the aisle to say, “I do.” And now, as we look back we Read More…

What is Your Marriage Legacy?

NOTE: While I’m addressing primarily the men in this Insight, ladies you can change the pronoun of dad to mom and get a lot out of this as well. I’ll be talking about your marriage legacy. It’s Father’s Day weekend. And this year as I (Steve) sit and ruminate about Read More…

Resurrection Praying in Marriage – MM #350

In honor of the Easter celebration this week, we are going to depart from our series on conflict resolution. We are instead focus on a different type of communication —communicating through prayer. To be specific, we’re focusing on resurrection praying. Someone once said, “The shortest distance between a problem and a Read More…

How Can I NOT Say Thank You?

Here in the U.S. we’re celebrating a day of Thanksgiving. I realize that other parts of the world are celebrating it too… some on this day and some on other days. But wherever you are in the world, every day is to be a day of thanksgiving. There’s ALWAYS something Read More…