Can You Have a Satisfying Sex Life After Having Kids?

So, is it possible to have a satisfying sex life after having children? Many wives will say, no. They’re too tired and preoccupied with all it takes to raise children. And many husbands will say no because it just isn’t happening. And even when they want to make love, the Read More…

Did You Marry Spouse or Your Children?

A hot topic that we hear a lot about here at Marriage Missions (and elsewhere) is, How a Husband Feels When the Wife Puts the Children Ahead of Him. We even have an article written and posted on our web site with that title. The question we pose is, did Read More…

A Child Changes the Dynamics of Your Married Life

There’s no doubt that a child changes everything when he or she bursts onto the scene. Sometimes these changes are planned for, and others aren’t. “One third of all pregnancies in marriage are unplanned. That means a lot of couples who weren’t sure how they felt about kids are sent Read More…

Married WITHOUT Children

When you are married and you both want a child and yet you can’t seem to have one no matter how hard you try, what happens to your marriage? Does it deteriorate into becoming a petri dish for making a baby —where the main goal of your life together eventually Read More…

When Kids Cause Division in Marriage

Do you ever feel like there are times when your kids cause division between you and your spouse within your marriage? You love your children and you love each other. But sometimes it’s difficult to feel united as you used to feel before you married. It used to be the Read More…

Communication while Raising Kids – MM #270

Do you find it difficult to find the time to have meaningful talks with your spouse while you are raising kids? Welcome to the club! This is a very common problem. We often hear: “I can’t get a word in edgewise!” “Do you even care anymore? You don’t talk to Read More…

Kick ’em Out Of Your Bedroom

No, we’re not talking about kicking your spouse out of your bedroom. We’re talking about kicking out a couple of habits you may have developed in your marriage relationship. If you are going to experience joy in your sexual relationship, these two habits have gotta go! Demanding Has Gotta Go: Read More…

TEAMWORK: Parenting As A Marital Team

If you hope to survive parenthood with your marriage intact you must become unified in all you do. Lock arms (and hearts) and stand firm together! Parenting takes teamwork. Being unified means understanding that this is not a one-person show. Again, it takes teamwork. The strength of your union will Read More…

Coping With Change After Your First Baby Is Born

After your first baby is born, what’s really going to change? I can answer that question in one word: everything! And the changes start as soon as you either decide you are ready to have children or find out that you are pregnant. The question is, how are you coping Read More…