Power Source to Change in Your Marriage

Do you feel powerless sometimes to make meaningful change in your marriage relationship? Have you found yourself looking at your spouse sometimes thinking, “Things would be better if only he would _____” or “If only she would _____” (you fill in the blanks)? Yes, us too! We expect our spouse Read More…

Protecting Marriage from Infidelity

Very few people who marry think infidelity will ever enter their marriage. They can’t even fathom that it could happen because they’re so in love at the moment. That is why they fail in protecting marriage —particularly, protecting their marriage from infidelity. But tragically, that’s what happens in more marriages Read More…

Still Working on Those Marital Changes?

“How are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions? That bad, huh? Well, if you’re like most people then all the plans you made during the first week of January are probably in the tank; and as the weeks rolled on you found yourself getting back to how you always Read More…

Still Working on Those Marital Changes?

“How are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions? That bad, huh? Well, if you’re like most people then all the plans you made during the first week of January are probably in the tank; and as the weeks rolled on you found yourself getting back to how you always Read More…

Making Changes for Good Reasons

Have you been considering making changes in your life—especially your married life? Someone said on the radio that many people who decide to make changes are just bored. They feel the need to mix things up a bit. And that CAN be a positive thing (like moving around furniture, or Read More…

Everyday Choices – I Choose Us

“I choose US.” This is a simple phrase packed with a powerful lifestyle message—especially for those who are married. It was repeated twice in a movie that we’ve watched several times. And each time it catches our attention. Something we’ve observed is that after promising, “I do” on our wedding Read More…

The Longview as You Both Change

Concerning the longview of marriage, I (Steve) came across an article where Cliff and JoAnn Payne offered advice after 60 years of being married. They shared things like how important it is to laugh together. They said that the “secret to being close” to one another is by both of Read More…

A Brain Explosion Doesn’t Warrant a Mouth Explosion

“Your mind is a powerful gatekeeper. When you are faced with challenges, the core person (who is you) will choose what to believe and how to think. Believe it or not, becoming aware of that fact infuses help and hope!” That thought from Rita Bergen leads us to name this Read More…

Clothing Change in Marriage

You might wonder why we would call this Marriage Insight, “Clothing Change in Marriage.” If so, please let us explain. But first we have a question for you. Have you ever put on clean clothes and afterward you feel like a new person? We have… actually, quite recently. We live Read More…

Why Doesn’t My Spouse Change? Functional Fixedness

Marriage Missions Editor Note: This article is written to wives. However, most of it could also have been written to husbands. We encourage you to glean through it and learn what will apply in your marriage concerning functional fixedness: Dr. Melody Rhode often uses a psycho-neurological term to describe a Read More…