Christmas Blessings for your Marriage

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26) We pray this over you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Our message to Read More…

Christmas Tips: Surviving Holidays – Jay and Laura

Surviving the Christmas Holidays This is the third Christmas Tip, which is given by Jay and Laura Laffoon, posted on You Tube. These tips are all about surviving the Christmas holidays. In this particular tip the Laffoons discuss the act of giving gifts. It’s a big part of the Christmas Read More…

De-Stressing Christmas

Christmas will be here in less than two weeks. Can you believe it? Are you feeling stressed out yet? Thankfully, Steve and I have learned to cut out a lot of things that added more tension than they’re worth. Somehow it seems to defeat the purpose of celebrating the birth Read More…

A CHRISTmas Infused Marriage

What is a CHRISTmas infused marriage? Can you imagine what it could be? How about this one? The Christ of Christmas fills and influences this marriage. Debi Walter (of The Romantic Vineyard ministry) found the following definition of “infusion” in a Noah Webster’s dictionary. It is “the act of pouring Read More…

Christmas Holiday Insights: Thanks! I Needed That!

Are you looking for Christmas Holiday insights that can help you to celebrate Christmas together in loving, meaningful ways? Are you seeking for “peace on earth” AND peace in your home? Us too! We don’t want to get caught up in all the flashiness of the season and forget WHO Read More…

Deconstructing the “Perfect” Christmas to Make it REAL

Have you been striving to create a “perfect Christmas” for everyone to the point that it’s causing more problems than blessings? We confess that we have been there in the past. In our pursuit of excellence, we’ve sometimes gone overboard. And it just doesn’t work. It’s exhausting, and it’s frustrating Read More…

Your Christmas Bell

Below is a Christmas Bell we give as our gift to you. We’re providing links within it, to assorted downloadable games and ideas, to use in your holiday gatherings. During this time so many families and friends are getting together in celebration. There are also some of you who are Read More…

Ready for Christmas?

Are you ready for Christmas? Is this too early for you; or are you one who gets ready for Christmas earlier, rather than later? No matter what the timing, we hope you try to cut down on the stress of preparing. That’s NOT what Christmas is all about. Decorating, preparing Read More…

Questioning Christmas Celebrations

Here’s a question: “Why do you celebrate Christmas when the original celebrations actually started as ‘pagan’ parties?” Many Christians are questioning Christmas celebrations and our many traditions. We receive that question every year from curious Christians. As a result, we have given this issue a lot of thought and prayer. Read More…

Surviving Christmas – Focusing Simply on Christ

It’s sad to think that Christmas is something that many people just try to “survive.” But it’s true! For many people it’s a time, which reveals how sad their situation is in comparison to how others live. For them, their task is just surviving Christmas without emotionally falling apart. That’s Read More…