Marriage: An Outrageous Commitment

“Anyone who has been married for more than 5 minutes realizes that it takes so much more to have a good marriage than we were ever told. It takes more than love, more than sincerity, more than compatibility, good communication skills, or hard effort. It takes more than a good Read More…

Too Many Commitments

Do you or your spouse find yourselves overly committed to doing things outside of your home (especially during the holidays)? Do you have a hard time saying, “No” to others who ask you to do things for them which, you really don’t have the time? In other words, are you Read More…

Ups and Downs of Marriage

There are ups and downs in marriage. And there are also ins and outs—where sometimes it appears that we are on a type of roller coaster ride in our marriage relationship. But that’s just how it goes! The marriage relationship is dynamic. It doesn’t stand still (even when it seems Read More…

Marriage: A Lifetime Commitment – MM #194

Having just celebrated our wedding anniversary, we’re going through a reflective time. We LOVE being married this long! And the rewarding part is that we love each other more than we ever have, which is truly remarkable. But it wasn’t always that way. It was a long, painful journey to Read More…

Wedding Vows Taken Seriously

I love officiating formal church weddings. It’s a privilege to be a part of the ceremony when wedding vows are exchanged. I especially look forward to that precise moment when the bride first steps into view. I relish the exquisite sensations of those extraordinary seconds. Then I watch her raise Read More…


When Alzheimers invades a marriage, everything is turned upside down. The vow, “For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness or in health” that we promise to keep, is challenged to the max! How do you still love someone who changes in every way possible from the person Read More…