Designed Differently by God?

There is a lot of debate on whether or not men and women are designed differently, by God. Here is one person’s take on that issue. See if you agree: “Man was made from the ground, so he focuses more on nature. Woman was made from man, which makes her more human Read More…

Differing Styles of Communication in Marriage

Do you ever feel like you just can’t communicate with each other like you used to before you got married? While dating, you were able to emotionally connect with each other in meaningful and satisfying ways. And yet now, it’s different. Now you are noticing your differing styles of communication. Isn’t Read More…

Marriage is Like an Orchestra or a Musical Band

Orchestra or band music can be so enjoyable and inspiring when it’s done well! And the same goes for marriage—when it’s lived out well. But those who make beautiful music must learn how to do it well. If they don’t, they can be like “clanging cymbals” that only sound like Read More…

Being Different TOGETHER

  Someone once said, “You may never think alike, but you can work to think TOGETHER.” Those are wise words! As a matter of fact, they’ve inspired us many times to work to bridge our differences instead of erecting emotional walls that can separate us in our marriage. It’s a Read More…

Being Different TOGETHER

Someone once said, “You may never think alike, but you can work to think together.” If you ask us, those are wise words! They’ve inspired us many times, through the years, to work to bridge our differences instead of erecting walls of contention. Those walls will only separate us. And Read More…

Logical vs Feeling Approach on Marriage Matters

We’re SO different! Have you ever thought that, and been frustrated by it? We have. That’s especially true as it pertains to our logical vs feeling approach to life’s issues. Here’s an example: Steve most often approaches life more logically. I tend to approach life more from the feeling aspect. Read More…

Different Approaches to Upsets

We sure have learned a lot about each other and about marriage in the many years we’ve been married! One thing we’ve learned is how differently we approach matters when we’re upset. Before marrying we didn’t really notice it that much! (Isn’t that usually the case?) But after marrying we Read More…

What’s Your Communication Style in Your Marriage?

What’s your communication style? Are you an amplifier or a condenser in the ways you talk with your spouse? You probably never thought of using that terminology for how you talk to someone. But it’s important info to consider. After all, how can we build communication bridges between us if Read More…

Marrying Our Differences in Partnership

When Cindy and I (Steve) got married we didn’t think our “differences” would matter much. We truly felt that we got along pretty good, and upon marrying, we would only grow closer—not separated by differences. But a year later those differences started to rear their ugly heads. Eventually they nearly Read More…

Even a Taxing Marriage Has Its Benefits

Are you living in a taxing marriage? Last time we talked about how Marriage Taxes You When You Enter Into It. We stressed that ALL marriages go through taxing times. The first two issues we addressed were: — When you marry you lose much of your independence. And then building on Read More…