Calming Down Arguments in Marriage

Do you find yourself involved in arguments with your spouse, where calming arguments down (or at least certain arguments) before you continue any further is best? If you don’t, it’s almost certain something will be said and/or done that would be ungodly. And then regrets and ill feelings swarm in Read More…

Is It Possible to FINISH Well in Marriage?

Have you ever known a couple that was married for a long time that appeared to have a great marriage and then you find out they’re getting a divorce? What a HUGE disappointment! We well remember one couple that shocked us when they divorced. They appeared to have it all together. Read More…

Spiritual Warfare in Marriage

We’re going to change things up a bit in this Marriage Insight. We’re going to share something extremely important—Spiritual Warfare in Marriage. This is the first time we’ve addressed this particular topic in more than 20 years. It has to do with the issue of spiritual warfare within marriage. We’re Read More…

The Need for Attention in Marriage – MM #244

“The need for attention makes us vulnerable.” Please consider that statement. When we yearn for attention we’re more vulnerable to give in to temptations that otherwise would have no influence on us. We shouldn’t give in —we should stand up against temptation no matter what, because of the integrity of our Read More…

Battling Temptation With The Sword Of Truth

There are many practical ways to avoid temptation. But we also have to know how to do battle when temptation has us in its grip. I want to teach you how to combat the lies of lust with the truth of God’s Word. My goal is to do more than Read More…

Pornography and Cybersex Temptation

Have you ever found yourself caught up at some level by pornography and cybersex temptation? Or do you know of someone else who has this problem? Would you like to know more about Cybersex temptation so you can better combat the hold it can have? Consider the following questions: • Read More…