Working Through Past Painful Experiences

Are you having trouble in your marriage because of past painful experiences that continue to haunt you? The following is written by Dr David Clarke, which can help you work through your issues. You can then put them to rest so you can move on in your marriage to a Read More…

The Journey of Forgiving Yourself

“Do you dare release the person you are today from the shadow of the wrong you did yesterday? Do you dare forgive yourself? Forgiving yourself takes high courage. Who are you, after all, to shake yourself free from the undeniable sins of your private history —as if what you once did has Read More…

Self-Forgiveness After Being Sexually Abused

Perhaps the most difficult act of forgiving and the most critical one for the abuse survivor is leaning to forgive herself. She must learn self-forgiveness with the same determination with which she forgives those who brought her pain. A whole jury of self-accusations cries out against her:.“Why didn’t I say, Read More…