Growing Your Marriage

With the summer coming to a close, so does the growing season EXCEPT as it concerns marriage. If you aren’t working on growing your marriage, you’re risking going backwards. As Gary Thomas says, “A good marriage isn’t something you find; it’s something you make, and you have to keep on Read More…

Our Anniversary: The Celebrating Continues

On March 18th we celebrated our 52nd anniversary. And to that we say, YAY GOD!!! He deserves all the glory! We wouldn’t be celebrating if it wasn’t for His mercy, grace, and guidance. It is because of Him that the celebrating continues to this day. We said, “I do” all Read More…

New Year Challenge, Even in February

With the New Year racing past us, we can still look back and hope that we don’t make the same mistakes we made last year. It’s not too late! But we need to do more than just hope. We need to put more effort into our making our “hopes” actually Read More…

Marriage Quotes that Teach

We’ve quoted this anonymous person many times, but it bears continual repeating (because it’s true). Someone once said, “It’s not what you live through that’s important, but what you learn through.” And one thing we’ve learned A LOT through in our married life together is what others have lived through Read More…

Christian Marriage Tips: Approved by God

How do we know the following Christian marriage tips are approved by God? We know because they’re based on His principles. We sure wouldn’t make up this stuff! It flies in the face of a lot of what “comes naturally” to us as human beings. If you don’t believe us, Read More…

Marriage Suggestions Don’t Fit All

“One-size” doesn’t always fit all (as the fashion industry suggests). It fits some or many, but not all. Well, that same principle also applies to marriage suggestions and advice that people give you. Just know that it’s sometimes necessary to make adjustments. We continually receive emails, and comments (posted on Read More…

Biblical Rules for a Happy Marriage

You can get the best advice in the world, but if you don’t apply it, you won’t receive the benefits. That applies to biblical rules for a happy marriage. Yes, in marriage there are two partners involved and it’s difficult to follow the advice if your partner won’t help in Read More…

How to Strengthen Your Marriage – Tony Evans

This You Tube video features marriage tips given by Pastor Tony Evans. In this video Dr Evans talks on the subject of “How to Strengthen Your Family.” But strengthening the family starts with making sure the marriage is strengthened first. It’s important to note: “Your child is influenced by the Read More…

Marital Insights that Address Specific Relationship Needs

This is going to be a different type of Marriage Insight. We’re going to give you short marital insights in the form of quotes and links to several marriage issues (posted on the Marriage Missions web site). You can then look to see what else we offer that can potentially Read More…