When the “We” is Breaking Apart

Have you ever been to a wedding where the marrying couple lights a “Unity” candle? The premise of lighting this candle is to symbolize two individual lives becoming “one” after the ceremony. But do they? From that day forward, do they start behaving as if they’re united as a marital Read More…

Pray, Seek Wisdom, Apply

When you find yourself in a difficult marital situation, the best advice we can give you is: pray, seek wisdom, and then APPLY the wisdom that is given to you. It sounds like simple advice, doesn’t it? Yes, it does. But it isn’t easy to apply it. (We know that personally.) Read More…

Our Marriage Appeal to Heaven

Cindy and I just finished a 3-day prayer conference called “An Appeal To Heaven.” Much of the time was centered on revival in America. But there were also a number of applications we saw relating to the revival God wants to bring to marriages as well. That is why we Read More…

Unity and Overcoming

Last week we presented the Division and Strife model of marriages. Sadly this model is seen too often in Christian marriages. But it doesn’t have to be YOUR model. Instead, we hope you’ll join us in working to model our marriages in ways that show Unity and Overcoming. It’s a Read More…

Bombing Battles with Petitioning Prayer

Are you and your Christian spouse battling with each other in oppositional ways? Here’s some great advice from a Lifeway.com article titled, “When You Don’t Have a Prayer.” I don’t know the name of the author, but there’s no doubt, God inspired him. It concerns uniting together in petitioning prayer. May Read More…

Resurrection Praying in Marriage – MM #350

In honor of the Easter celebration this week, we are going to depart from our series on conflict resolution. We are instead focus on a different type of communication —communicating through prayer. To be specific, we’re focusing on resurrection praying. Someone once said, “The shortest distance between a problem and a Read More…

United As One – MM #321

In your wedding ceremony, did you use a Unity Candle? If you did, then you and your spouse took the flames from two separate candles to light one single candle. This symbolized your two lives were being united as one. You then blew out the flames of the other two Read More…

Christmas Prayer for Your Marriage

I got up early this morning (my husband and nephew are still sleeping). I wanted to take time in the quiet of the morning to spend time alone with God. I’m so glad I did. My Christmas Prayer time was so wonderful. As a result I am all the more Read More…