Rebuilding Trust in Your Marriage

This is a tough, tough subject because there is such a misunderstanding of what trust entails. Many people think rebuilding trust is tied in with forgiving someone. But in reality, forgiving someone and trusting them are two different acts of faith. You can forgive a person without trusting them. But Read More…

Ways to KEEP FROM Draining Life Out of Your Marriage

Don’t you enjoy a lovely fountain? It’s refreshing and enjoyable to watch. But did you ever think about marriage as a fountain—especially a living and active fountain that is refreshing rather than draining? We didn’t either until Debi Walter (from The Romantic Vineyard) pointed it out in an article, she Read More…

Three Unforgettable Words

We’re not sure if you read the news story concerning these three unforgettable words. (We almost missed the story ourselves, because it was buried amidst other news that wasn’t as important.) But here’s the title of that story that caught our attention: “A Husband’s Confession: The Three Unforgettable Words My Read More…

Forgiveness After Betrayal

Forgiveness is one of the most misunderstood of religious concepts. This is especially true concerning forgiveness after betrayal. Too many Christians try to offer a weak substitute that lacks the power of the real thing. The freedom that comes with forgiveness is a powerful gift. But it must be entered Read More…

AFTER THE AFFAIR: Rebuilding Trust

I’ve worked with couples who don’t survive infidelity. There are many reasons they don’t. There is one consistent theme, that ran through these marriages. The person who had the affair didn’t commit to be monogamous in the future. S/he never said, “I won’t do this again; I promise.” Some people Read More…