Nitpicking in Marriage

Nitpicking. We’ve done that to each other in our marriage WAY too many times. Have you? Nitpicking (as defined by author, Sylvia Smith) is “focusing on minor flaws, trivial issues, or insignificant imperfections in one’s partner or the relationship itself. It involves magnifying small mistakes or quirks and treating them as Read More…

Love Accepts Many Imperfections

Is there some habit your spouse does (one of many imperfections) that really irritates you? And then to make matters worse when you tell them how much it bothers you, do they still continue to do it? Grrr! This can be things like leaving dirty clothes on the floor, talking Read More…

Husband and Male Bashing

It seems like everywhere you turn, husband and male bashing is a common thing today! It’s not uncommon to hear women talking horribly about their husbands. They talk about what their husbands DID do that exasperated them. They talk about what they DIDN’T do that also made them flustered. And Read More…