The following are a number of quotes that Marriage Missions International individually sent out and then posted on our Twitter site as marriage tips, which can still be used in a variety of ways:
• A church, ministry, counseling organization, or an individual can use them to share, if desired.
• They can be used as points of discussion in marriage classes, mentoring, counseling, or coaching situations.
• Couples or individuals can use these quotes to discuss or consider the issues raised, allowing the Holy Spirit, our Wonderful Counselor, to speak further to them.
They make great discussion points for those couples who want to use them for conversation starters for a 22 Minute Date. Just make sure, if you use these quotes in a dating situation, you don’t get into heated arguments over them.
The point in sharing these marriage tips is to build marital relationship bridges, not construct walls of contention, causing a breakdown of communication. You can constructively disagree with these tips and with each other, and still learn more about each other and grow closer together, in the process.
It is our sincere hope that the tips below will help marriages. As you read them, consider:
1. Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?
2. Do you have further thoughts on the issue, to apply personally or as a general rule? (If you’re reading them with someone else, please share.)
3. Do any scriptures come to mind, which apply to the marriage tip given? (If possible, please share.)
The following are quotes to note for your use (each quote stands on its own —for your knowledge, the original sources are noted afterward in parenthesis):
• “Remember the courtship? Make an effort to woo your spouse all over again. So many marriages fall apart because people just stop trying.” (Brent Rinehart, from the article, “7 Words That Will Change Our Marriages”)
• “What’s your top priority? It’s where you devote the majority of your time/energy. Turn off the TV and iPhone; Facebook and email can wait.” (Brent Rinehart, from the article, “7 Words That Will Change Our Marriages”)
• “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Be imitators of God…” (See: Eph 4:32 – 5:2)
• “Marriage is not a noun; it’s a verb. It isn’t something you get. It’s something you do. It’s the way you love your partner every day.” (Barbara De Angelis)
• BEWARE: “Anger makes your mouth work faster than your brain.” … “When one’s temper gets the best of us, it reveals the worst of us.” (Quotes: Evan Esar and Renae Willis)
• “Pick an ‘ordinary’ day (not a birthday or anniversary) once a year (keep it a surprise) to express how important your spouse is to you.” (Dr Todd Linaman)
• “For a marriage to have any chance, every day at least a half dozen things should go unsaid.” -Kirk VanOoteghem
• “Loving my spouse means doing what my spouse loves… and includes doing things I don’t necessarily like.” -Tom Otiende
• “God endorses Marriage. God approves marriage. He runs this show, if we let Him, because it’s a partnership.” It’s a “cord of 3 strands…” (Ngina Otiende, gleaned from the blog, “What I have Learned from My Parents 48 Years of Marriage”)
• “Love is what is left in a marital relationship when selfishness is taken out.” -Nick Richardson
• “The process of establishing a workable budget can help a hurting marriage because of the level of communication & cooperation it takes.” (Dave Ramsey)
• “When you rage, you lose almost every time” –Jay Payleitner. “A quick tempered man [or woman] does foolish things.” – Proverbs 14:17
• “When you have children, your marriage is now more important, not less, because other people are counting on you.” –Sheila Wray Gregoire
• “When your spouse has lost his (or her) joy & doesn’t have a smile of his (or her) own, give yours. Better still, top it off with a kiss.” (Ngina Otiende)
• “Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love [as Christ does] the ones we marry.” (Tom Mullen)
• “Pray for the ability to see your spouse from God’s perspective.” Also, “communicate encouraging messages to your spouse.” (Whitney Hopler, from the article, “How to Give Your Marriage a Makeover in Only 10 Days”)
• “When working thru challenges in marriage, be swift to notice growth & improvement & quick to let go of slights & setbacks.” –Ngina Otiende
• “Marital commitment is making a choice to give up other choices.” -Scott Stanley
• “A marriage is only has strong as what it costs to protect it.” -Cloud and Townsend
• “Remember it’s consistency in the little things that will matter most. The ABC’s of Marriage: Always Be Consistent.” -Fawn Weaver (From the Happy Wives Club blog, “6 Easy Ways to Exceed Your Spouse’s Expectations”)
• “Remind yourself regularly that God has forgiven you of many sins. Let gratitude for God’s forgiveness motivate you to forgive each other.” (Whitney Hopler, from the article, “How to Give Your Marriage a Makeover in Only 10 Days”)
• “Approach your marriage relationship with an unselfish, loving attitude that’s conducive to bringing out the best in each other.” (Whitney Hopler, from the article, “How to Give Your Marriage a Makeover in Only 10 Days”)
• “Almost as good as I love you is I’m sorry, forgive me. Marriage isn’t a game where you keep score. It’s not important who’s right.” (Erroll Stephens, from the article, “24 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage”)
• In your marriage: “By giving the gift of compassion, you can form stronger bonds & a more loving, life-long connection.” Give generously! (Quote by Dr Scott Haltzman)
• “Being a living example of the marriage you want for your children, teaches them at an early age what love looks like (& what it doesn’t).” (Fawn Weaver)
• “Marriage requires the glue of many forms of love, including romantic love, which causes us to delight in & to be excited by one another.” (Melanie Chitwood, What a Husband Needs from His Wife)
• “A great marriage begins by becoming a greater follower of Jesus Christ.” -Beth Steffaniak
• “Remember why you fell in love with your spouse in the first place, & express your admiration to your spouse in fresh ways.” –(Whitney Hopler, from the article, “How to Give Your Marriage a Makeover in Only 10 Days”)
• “Sometimes we spend so much time praying about our marriage ‘pain points’ & forget to spend as much time, if not more, on ‘praise points.’ (Ngina Otiende)
• “You don’t have to solve problems, just be an active listener. Turn off the TV, put away distractions. Give your spouse your full attention. (Erroll Stephens, from the article, “24 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage”)
• “Don’t accumulate resentment until you explode. Handle and resolve each issue as it comes up.” –Bill Turner
• “To get divorced because love has died, is like selling your car because it’s run out of gas.” -Diane Sollee
• “We can never have extraordinary relationships with our spouses when we are settling for an ordinary relationship with God.” –(Justin & Trisha Davis)
• “Look for the good in your spouse [dig for the gold] —and you’ll find it.” -Karen O’Connor
• Don’t give your spouse the silent treatment when you’re mad. “Spiteful words can hurt your feelings, but silence breaks your heart.” (Anonymous)
• Your spouse was not designed to be a mind reader –that’s God’s job. If you want your needs met, you have to tell him or her what they are.
• “More marriages might survive if the partners realized that sometimes the better comes after the worse.” –Doug Larsen
• “Make time to have fun together whenever you can. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you and your spouse a fresh dose of joy in your marriage.” (Whitney Hopler, from the article, “How to Give Your Marriage a Makeover in Only 10 Days”)
• “The best thing you can do for your marriage is to fill your soul with God. Marriage [& your spouse] can’t replace God. Don’t ask it to.” (Gary Thomas, from the book, “Devotions for a Sacred Marriage”)
• “Capitalize on the tiny moments. It’s important to celebrate those little moments” with your spouse. That can make it an even greater day! (Quote from the book, “Happily Ever After” by Toben and Joanne Heim)
• Make a pact that you will not correct each other in public. Protect each other’s dignity.
• The most important thing a dad can do for his children is to love their mom & the most important thing a mom can do is to love their dad.
• “In marriage, it’s the little things that count. A cup of coffee, a single rose, a whispered ‘I love You’ sets the tone for a happy day.” (Renae Willis, from the book, “101 Most Important Things You Need to Know Before You Get Married”)
• “Any reason is a good reason and any time is a good time to say ‘I Love You.’” (Fawn Weaver) Say it OFTEN!
• “Not every day will be full of fireworks, but every day can be full of love.” Jesus said, “Love one another as I have loved you…” (Renae Willis, from the book, “101 Most Important Things You Need to Know Before You Get Married” & John 13:34)
• “You didn’t learn to play an instrument well in one night. It will take time to learn how to ‘make music’ with your spouse too.” -J&G Murphy
• “Harsh words & actions have no place in your home. Choose to be kind. Smile often. Put on a happy face & let it determine your disposition.” (Erroll Stephens, from the article, “24 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage”)
• “This week, watch for a way your spouse is writing you love letters thru actions rather than words. When you see one, say thank you!” (Marriage Tip sent from Today’s Christian Woman 10/10/13)
• Keep your eyes wide open before marriage & half shut afterwards. Apply the principles in Philippians 4:8-9. Focus MOST on what is “lovely.”
• “Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry.” -Tom Mullen
• “You can’t genuinely help another person in her (or his) marriage journey unless you’ve allowed God to help you in your own.” -Ngina Otiende
• “Keep kissing, passionately, every day. Kissing is the barometer of the state of your sexual relationship.” -Cliff and Joyce Penner
• “If we could sell our [marital] experiences for what they cost us, we’d be millionaires.” –Abigail Van Buren “Live, learn, pass it on.”
• When you & your spouse are caught in a power struggle, consider if it’s the type of issue where it would be best to agree to disagree.
• Don’t compare your spouse to others; it can erode you of contentment & rob you of joy. Ask God to help you to love your spouse as He does.
• “The thing with spiritual growth and with marriage is that the more you grow the more you realize your need for growth.” –Caleb Suko
• “Pray for your spouse daily. Don’t let a day go by without praying for your marriage, your spouse, and your family.” (Erroll Stephens, from the article, “24 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage”)
• “If you expose yourself to people who talk down about their spouses or don’t invest time in their family & marriage, it’ll rub off on you.” (Lori Byerly, from blog, “It Will Rub Off on You”)
• “To have effective communication, you must be able to listen to what your spouse is saying. Yes you HEAR them but are you truly listening?” (Pamela King, gleaned from the article, “Ways to Improve Nonverbal Communication in Marriage)
• Be intentional in romancing your spouse. “The bonds of matrimony aren’t worth much unless the interest is kept up.”
• Don’t just sit & watch TV each night, do something that makes you enjoy some time together —play a game, take a walk, go out for dessert.
• “Pray for guidance about how you can contribute to meeting your spouse’s needs. Listen carefully to the needs your spouse expresses to you.” (Whitney Hopler, from the article, “How to Give Your Marriage a Makeover in Only 10 Days”)
• “Pray for your marriage partner’s health & strength. Pray that her (his) body will be able to fight minor illnesses & major diseases.” (Karen O’Connor, from the article, “The Prayers that Changed Husbands”)
• “Instead of judging who can wipe down counters better, we can train ourselves to get in the habit of thanking our spouses for what they do.” (Stacy Voss, from the Today’s Christian Woman article, “Apples to Diamonds”)
• Keep in mind that you don’t have to ask for forgiveness for biting your tongue.
• “If you feel the spark going out of your relationship, court your spouse like you did when you were dating, & you’ll fall back in love.” (Unknown)
• “Always say, ‘I love you’ …even, and especially, if you’ve had a bad day” -Darlene Schacht.
• “Don’t ask God to guide your footsteps to help your marriage if you’re not willing to move your feet.”
• “Make sure that you are the kind of husband or wife that you would want your child to marry.”
• “Sweetness of speech increases persuasiveness. (Prov. 16:21) A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” (Prov. 15:1)
• “If we make decisions independent from our spouse, we benefit from only 50% of the intended resource God has placed within our grasp.” (Os Hillman, from devotional, “The Role of Spouses in Making Decisions”)
• “Respect is central to marriage, so don’t say things to your spouse that you’d never say to a friend.” –Sandra Aldrich
• “Cultivating romance into your marriage on a regular basis helps you stay connected heart-to-heart when you don’t see eye-to-eye.” (Debi Walter)
• “God’s grace isn’t there to make us feel better about ourselves, but to give us power & courage to help us live for God, no matter what.” (Gary Kinnaman, gleaned from the article, “What’s Wrong with Happiness”)
• “A happy marriage is the union of 2 good forgivers.” “It doesn’t take a very big person to carry even the smallest grudge.” (1st quote: Robert Quillen; 2nd quote by Renae Willis)
• “No relationship is all sunshine, but once you learn how to play in the rain, you discover the secret to surviving passing storms together.” (Unknown)
• “When you have children, your marriage is now more important, not less, because other people are counting on you!” –
• “Speak ‘life’ into your spouse thru words of encouragement. The word encourage means ‘to make courageous.'” Speak courage into your spouse. (From the web site)
• “Talk to your spouse more kindly than you talk to anyone else in the world. Too often we speak the most harshly to those closest to us.” (Sheila Wray Gregoire, from the article, “25 Marriage Tips”)
• “God gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him.” … “Ask God’s guidance on all matters of importance.” (James Hudson Taylor and Renae Willis)
• “Don’t be surly at home, then go out & start grinning ‘Good morning’ at strangers. If you have only 1 smile in you, give it to your spouse.” (Quote from the web site)
• “If the grass looks better on the other side, it’s often because they took better care of it [or it’s an illusion].” – Cecil Selig
• “Marriage is an endless opportunity to learn about the person you love most. Assume as little as possible…discover as much as possible.” (Keith Weaver, from the Happy Wives Club blog, “6 Easy Ways to Exceed Your Spouse’s Expectations”)
• “Stay/Get Healthy Together. A relationship finds freshness when you both are feeling good & feeling good about each other.” (Edward, from the article, “11 Tips to Avoid a Mid-Marriage Crisis”)
• “You’ll never drift together. People only drift apart. If you want to grow closer to your spouse, you have to be intentional about it.” (Sheila Wray Gregoire, from the article, “25 Marriage Tips”)
• In your marriage, remember to: “be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor.” –Romans 12:10
• “Marriage is like a roller coaster–full of ups & downs. You’ll need to catch your breath [& work hard] at times, but it’s worth the ride!” (Renae Willis)
• “Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, & let him make her sorry to see him leave [or visa versa, if applicable].” –Martin Luther
• “You can’t point out how your spouse is selfish & not admit you can be selfish too. Remember, your spouse also loves a selfish person—you.” (Kendrick, gleaned from the book, “The Love Dare Day-by-Day”)
• “Nothing is so strong as gentleness; nothing so gentle as real strength.” … “Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.” (As quoted by Francis de sales & found in Matthew 12:34)
• An idea that can bless your spouse: Rub your spouse’s neck (or scratch their back) after a long day. When you finish kiss the same spot.” (Debi Walter, from
• Be humble, gentle, & patient, bearing with one another in love. (Eph. 4:2) Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. (Matt. 12:34)
• In marriage, as we learn to put aside pride & selfishness, we give joy & intimacy more of an opportunity to rush in to take their place.
• Affirm your spouse: “Commend something your spouse has done recently on your Facebook page. Be sure to tag them in the post.” (Debi Walter, from the blog, “5 Romantic Ideas for Each of the 5 Love Languages)
• “Write a letter (or an email) to newlywed couples with a list of favorite marriage strengthening tips & pledge to support their marriage.”
• “Put your best foot forward for your spouse, even more than for your friends.” (Renae Willis, from the book, “101 Most Important Things You Need to Know Before You Get Married”)
• “Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love —they blossom and grow when we love the ones we marry.” –Tom Mullen
• It’s important to realize: “As you walk down the road in marriage together, you can be sure that you’ll encounter a cross on it somewhere.” (Unknown)
• “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humbly consider others [especially your spouse] better than yourself.” Phil. 2:3
• “When you’re having an argument, listen to understand, not to find loopholes so you can win. You can’t win by beating your spouse down.” (Sheila Wray Gregoire, from the article, “25 Marriage Tips”)
• “If it’s not solved at 2:30 a.m., it’s not going to be solved at 3:00 a.m. either. Go to sleep. Deal with it tomorrow.” Let go until then. (Sheila Wray Gregoire, from the article, “25 Marriage Tips”)
• “In everything you do, you’re choosing a direction.” Carefully prioritize: when you say ‘yes’ to 1 thing, you need to say ‘no’ to another. (Quote from Dr Kathleen Hall)
• “Often the difference between a successful marriage & a mediocre one consists of leaving about 3 or 4 things a day unsaid.” –Harlan Miller
• Any time we reconcile in marriage, it’s a picture of what God wants to do with us as human beings. (See 2 Corinthians 5:18-20)
• “A good marriage is a contest of generosity.” (Diane Sawyer) “Give freely of what you have; give fully to who you are.” (Renae Willis)
• Over time, in marriage “boredom can become dangerous. Sometimes we need to do something spontaneous, adventuresome, or out of the norm.” (Ron Edmonson, in the article, “The Art of Marriage Maintenance”)
• “Let your wife be your every fantasy. Keep your eyes off everyone else. Let your husband be your fantasy. Keep your eyes off romance novels. (Sheila Wray Gregoire, from the article, “25 Marriage Tips”)
• “Your kids come 2nd, not 1st. Your marriage needs to be number 1. Your spouse was there before the kids. Work on that relationship 1st.” (Sheila Wray Gregoire, from the article, “25 Marriage Tips”)
• “Whoever troubles his own household will inherit the wind.” –Proverbs 11:29
• “Do something out of the ordinary for your spouse that proves (to you & to them) that your love is based on your choice & nothing else.” (Kendrick, gleaned from the book, “The Love Dare Day-by-Day”)
• “If all you’ve thought about is the wedding and not the marriage, then you might need to [and SHOULD] think again.” (Renae Willis)
• NOTE: “It matters what we say and how we say it.” -Debi Walter “A fool‘s mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to his soul.” –Proverbs 18:7
• “Marital love is not blind—it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see less.” –Rabbi Julius Gordon
• It’s important in your marriage to know when NOT to say some things. “WHEN something is said is every bit as important as WHAT is said.” (Margaret Davidson Campolo)
• “Kiss. Every day. It should be long enough to feel romantic & will be like a love vitamin–nurturing connection & intimacy in your marriage.” (Maggie Reyes, from the article, “7 Habits of Highly Happy Marriages”)
• Don’t dump out into words everything that comes into your mind, when reacting to your spouse. It saves you from having to apologize later!
• “When you’re parting for the day, leave well. If you’re in person, see them to the door. Ask: ‘How can I pray for you today?'”(Sheila Wray Gregoire, from the article, “Stop Drifting Apart In Marriage)
• “Don’t end a conversation about a conflict unless U agree on something practical to do about it or U agree to talk about it another time.” (Sheila Wray Gregoire (From the article, “The Truth In Love: Finding the Balance During Marriage Conflict”)
• “You can take life & yourself too seriously, & that always stunts laughter. So lighten up. Relax. Remember what really matters.” (Les and Leslie Parrott)
• “Don’t be shy about declaring your love for one another. Find a simple way to let others know you’re excited about your marriage.” (From Couples Devotional from A.M.F.M)
• Be kind to your spouse. “Kindness is more than deeds. It’s an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch—anything that lifts another person.” (C. Neil Strait)
• Marriage tip: “Turn off the television at least once a week and discuss each other’s plans for the next week.” –Dr Todd Linaman
• “The ‘Team of Me’ won’t last in marriage. Marriage is give & take. If you only focus on taking, you put your marriage in a bad situation.” (Christine St. Vil, from the article, “8 Crucial Things I Would Tell My Younger Self About Marriage)
• “When you’re around friends or extended family, let your spouse overhear you express your love & admiration for him or her.” (From Couples Devotional from A.M.F.M)
• “Marriage, ultimately, is the practice of becoming passionate friends.” …“Soul mates aren’t found, they’re made.” Invest in your marriage. (Harville Hendrix and Renae Willis)
• “Opportunities & whatnot spring up everywhere. It takes thoughtful work to keep a marriage on track. Stay focused on the important stuff.” (Lori Byerly)
• “The moment your spouse feels understood, they become more motivated to understand your point of view.” – Les and Leslie Parrott (From Six Reasons Couples Don’t Listen to Each Other”)
• “Find the courage to ask questions & express what you really want. One of the greatest skills in marriage is to assume less & learn more.” (Keith Weaver, from the Happy Wives Club blog, “6 Easy Ways to Exceed Your Spouse’s Expectations”)
• “When the baby’s crying & the bills are due, still work to speak kindly.” “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another…” (Eph. 4:32)
• “Make one of your favorite topics of conversation how much you admire your spouse. Tell your kids & your friends, & let your spouse hear.” (Sheila Wray Gregoire, from the article, “25 Marriage Tips”)
• “When the fire of prayer goes out, the barrenness of busyness takes over.” (George Carey) Pray & don’t over-commit in your schedules!
• A good marriage is priceless. “Every marriage is an investment that requires constant meaningful deposits.” –Christina (From the book, “101 Most Important Things You Need to Know Before You Get Married”)
• It’s easy to make a mountain out of a molehill. All you do is pile on some dirt. Be careful of what you say & also how you say it.
• “In disagreements, fight fairly. No name-calling and no dredging up the past. Always be prepared to indulge in a piece of humble pie.” (Renae Willis, from the book, “101 Most Important Things You Need to Know Before You Get Married”)
• “In all things give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” God has a plan for your marriage. Participate.
• To grow your love: “Start each day with a kiss; end each day with a hug; & always say, ‘I love you,’ whenever you part from one another.” (Renae Willis)
• Don’t become victims of marital drift & allow busyness to sabotage the love you vowed to always have for each other. Seek to GROW your love.
• “Love at 1st sight is easier to understand; it’s when 2 people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle.” (Amy Bloom)
• “Your marriage vows are not to be thrown away like yesterday’s newspaper. Hold string to your promises.” (Renae Willis)
• “Don’t confuse giving love with giving gifts. Gifts can be an expression of love, but so are your time, affection & words of affirmation.” (Deborah Tyrell, gleaned from the article “Thoughts for the Holidays”)
• “Look for the good in your spouse [even if you have to ask God for the eyes to see it beyond the messy stuff] —& you’ll find it.” (Karen O’Connor)
• “Over-commitment & exhaustion are the most insidious & pervasive marriage killers you’ll ever encounter as a couple.” Be careful! (Quote by James Dobson)
• This Christmas season prayerfully examine all you have to do & cut back on that, which really won’t matter a hundred years from now.
• TRY this with your spouse: “takes turns; don’t interrupt each other… share for about 5 minutes all the things that happened in your day.” (Sheila Wray Gregoire, from the article, “Stop Drifting Apart In Marriage)
• Don’t fall into the “taking each other for granted” club, just because you’re married. Show your love to your spouse in big & small ways.
• “Pray together before big decisions & most small ones. The decision is less important than the fact you’re praying together about it.” (Jill Killam)
• “Real giving is when we give our spouses what’s important to them, whether we understand it, like it, agree with it, or not.” (Michele Weiner-Davis)
• “Couples should be conscious of their verbal AND nonverbal communication. Be intentional with your words & your non-words.” (Pamela King, gleaned from the article, “Ways to Improve Nonverbal Communication in Marriage)
• “Many marriages would be better if the husband and the wife clearly understood that they are on the same side.” -Zig Ziglar
• Frustrated? “Ask God to help you calm down & trust in Him to work in & thru your life. Pray for kind words & clarity to speak well.” L.B. (Lori Byerly)
• No matter what your spouse does, you aren’t given a license to say or do that, which is wrong. Seek to reveal & reflect the heart of Christ.
• “A small gift, a loving touch, a word of wisdom, a much-needed prayer… whatever we give—can bless our spouses with encouragement & hope.” (Karen O’Connor)
• “Games are great for couple time & for evenings with friends. Ask God to help you create an atmosphere in your home where play is welcome.” (Lori Byerly, from
• Be aware: “the new creation God wants to build in your marriage will require work on your part, but it’s ultimately a work of His grace.” (Stephanie Rische)
• “Flirting with no one but your spouse is a part of fulfilling your wedding vows” & it reveals your personal integrity in keeping your word.
• “It’s hard to guess how many arguments could be averted if couples would pray about their differences & let them go.” -Romie Hurley
• “Whenever you decide something with an open heart, you usually make the right decision. Be willing to listen to the other side.” (Renae Willis, from the book, “101 Most Important Things You Need to Know Before You Get Married”)
• As you look forward into the New Year: “Let the love of your life –your spouse, know how special they are every day.” –Renae Willis
• “Like in everything else, the more good qualities we look for in each other, the more good qualities we’re going to find.” Start looking! (Les and Leslie Parrott)
• “Ask God to help you find the resources that are good for you, that will encourage you and help you build your marriage.” –Lori Byerly
• Observe a no-TV night sometimes (& BE together). “It’ll still be there when you get back & there still won’t be much worth watching.” (Quote by Jill Killam)
• Marriage tip: “Once a year, write your spouse a letter to say why you would marry him/her all over again.” -Dr Todd Linaman
• “Having a pulse is all it takes to fall in love. Staying in love is another matter; staying in love requires a plan & some learned skills.” (Doug Fields)
• “Life is just a vapor. Here today, gone tomorrow.” Find ways to let your spouse “know how thankful you are they’re here in this moment.” (Quote from Fawn Weaver, from the article, “5 Benefits of Expressing Gratitude For Your Spouse Every Morning”)
• “What you say about your spouse to others, for good or for ill, shapes the way you think, feel, & act in your marriage.” -Les & Leslie Parrott
• Keep in mind: “If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other” (Galations 5:15).
• “The beauty of marriage is not always seen from the very beginning… but rather as love grows and develops over time.” –Fawn Weaver
• Opposites may attract, but the similarities you both share can better hold you together. Find & hold onto things you enjoy doing together.
• “Marriage: to strengthen each other in sorrow, to minister to each other in pain, to be one with each other in silent, unspeakable moments.” (Author unknown)
• “Flirt & have fun together. Laughing together & keeping the spark of flirtatious love alive will add joy to every day–even the hard ones.” (Maggie Reyes, gleaned from the article, “7 Habits of Highly Happy Marriages”)
• Ask yourself, “What’s it like being married to me.” And then start working on that, which you know to be problematic on your part.
• “Take marriage advice from those who are wiser & more experienced (those who are happy) & adjust them to fit your unique marriage.” (Christine St. Vil, gleaned from the article, “8 Crucial Things I Would Tell My Younger Self About Marriage)
• “Strive for WOW…but don’t forget about the now. Consistency in little things that matter most. The ABC’s of Marriage: Always Be Consistent.” (Fawn Weaver)
• A great marriage skill: “assume less & learn more” about your marriage partner. “Assume as little as possible…discover as much as possible.” (Fawn Weaver)
• “Get away together. Forget about problems for a week; admire God’s power in nature or even a busy city & watch Him refuel your marriage.” (Edward Lee)
• “Couples who never take the time to romance each other when things are going well, will have a harder time surviving when things are hard.” (Debi Walter, gleaned from the article, “The Safety Net of Romance”)
• “Talk about your day. Every day. Having little conversations every day, makes it easier to have big conversations when tough moments come.” (Maggie Reyes, gleaned from the article, “7 Habits of Highly Happy Marriages”)
• Learn to forgive each other, as you should. “Forgiving means not bringing an old infraction up every time you have a new fight. Let it go.” (Sheila Wray Gregoire, from the article, “25 Marriage Tips”)
• “Say to your spouse: ‘I want to make you & our marriage a priority every day of my life. What does that look like to you?” – Fawn Weaver (In the article, “5 Simple Ways to Prioritize Your Marriage even in busy times)”
• “Give your spouse Vitamin F2 every day –Flirt & Fun. We usually take vitamins. How about giving some every day to the love of your life?” (Maggie Reyes, gleaned from the article, “7 Habits of Highly Happy Marriages”)
• “If you feel like walking in the opposite direction of unity, walk into the arms of Jesus; allow Him into the dark places of your marriage.” (Ngina Otienda, from the article, “4 Things You Must Believe For Your Marriage to Flourish”)
• Marital Prayer Prompt: “Pray for the courage to say ‘no’ when you need to and for the wisdom to say ‘yes’ when it’s important.” -Lori Byerly
• With your spouse: “Everyday, share your ‘high’ & your ‘low’. Or share your biggest success & your biggest disappointment from the day.” (Sheila Wray Gregoire, from the article, “Stop Drifting Apart In Marriage)
• “To keep your marriage brimming, with love in the wedding cup, whenever you’re wrong, admit it; whenever you’re right, shut up.” -Ogden Nash
• “Marriage is a type of mosaic you build with your spouse. Millions of tiny moments that create your love story.” -Jennifer Smith
• “Prayer Prompt: Ask God to help U show preference to your husband [or wife] & marriage & still show love & respect to family & others.” (Lori Byerly, from
• A great marriage skill: “assume less & learn more” about your marriage partner. “Assume as little as possible…discover as much as possible.” (Fawn Weaver)
• For marital closeness: “stay off of screens at least for part of the evening, go for walks together, TALK, & go to bed at the same time.” (Sheila Wray Gregoire, gleaned from the article, “Stop Drifting Apart In Marriage)
• “A long marriage is two people trying to dance a duet and two solos at the same time.” – Anne Taylor Fleming
• Romance your spouse & you’ll bless your spouse: “Find your wedding picture & place it on your spouse’s dresser saying, ‘I still do!'” (Debi Walter from
• “The first duty of love is to listen.” (Paul Tillich) Are you MAKING the effort to give your spouse your attention, as he or she needs it?
• “Guard your heart from things & people that will try to convince you that your life or your spouse isn’t good enough.” Learn to be content. (Quote from Karen Lodato)
• When conflicting with your spouse: TRULY LISTEN! “If you’ve already made up your mind & closed the case, you’ll never open your ears.” (Les & Leslie Parrott, From Six Reasons Couples Don’t Listen to Each Other”)
• “Marriage is not just spiritual communion and passionate embraces; it is also remembering to take out the trash.” -Dr. Joyce Brothers
• Don’t fall into the trap of taking your spouse for granted. Make it a point every day to express gratitude, for big & little things.
• “Pay attention to your marriage. Guard it from anything that tries to feed off the time & attention that only belong to God & your spouse.” (Stephen & Alex Kendrick, from The Love Dare Day-by-Day)
• From this day forward, do what you can to “make it clear to your spouse & the world that your priority is your marriage.” (Fawn Weaver)
• “Discuss your dreams together, setting goals (that are specific, measurable, achievable, & time sensitive) to help you achieve your dreams.” (Whitney Hopler, from the article, “How to Enjoy a Happily Ever After Marriage”)
• “The minute we sense a lack of connection with our spouse, we need to address it. It won’t just go away. Communication is key.” -A Willis (Ashley Willis)
• “The marriage ceremony isn’t like graduation; it’s similar to the 1st day of kindergarten! It’s a beginning. We need to treat it that way.” (Cindy Sigler Dagnan, from the article, “Sweeten Your Love Life”)
• “Intentionally do things you know will bring a smile to your spouse’s face. Continually carve out time to spend together & communicate.” (Margaret Feinberg, from the article, “Dealing With Disconnect”)
• “Is there something you need to ask forgiveness for?” Also, “Have you tried Prayer Walking? Use your exercise time to pray together.” (From
• We all go thru seasons of busyness, but don’t allow those seasons to continually over-run your marriage where you neglect your partnership.
• The worst time to confront your spouse is when you’re angry & frustrated. Your ability to think clearly is clouded. Calm down 1st.
• “The next time your husband [or wife] speaks to you, stop what you’re doing, look up & give the attention that he [or she] deserves.” (Lori Byerly. “(From blog, “Stop to Listen”)
• “Focus outwardly. Together, you two can impact your community & your world. Don’t settle for simply entertaining yourselves.” (Jill Killam)
• It’s important to let our spouse know that he/she is a high priority in our life, not just an afterthought. Find ways to make this happen.
• In your marriage: “Focus on better communication. Be more open & honest. Volunteer something you haven’t shared before.” (From
• Fight discouragement & apathy with a thankful heart. Look for things your spouse does right & write them down in an appreciation journal.
• “Don’t insist on being right. A lot of battles aren’t worth fighting, because they take energy away from the ones that need our attention.” (Mike Bechtle, from article, “Your Best Year of Marriage”)
• Be spontaneous. “Pick up a blank card at a card shop and for no special reason, write a love note” to your spouse today. (From
• “Beam a Text love message to your spouse.” Look for creative little ways to continually communicate love to your mate to grow TOGETHER. (From
• Make it a point to: “Pray TOGETHER. Take your wife’s or husband’s hand & say, ‘Honey, let’s pray about…’ And then PRAY!” (Harold Gillogly)
• “After a certain time in the evening, agree that you’re both done with your tech devices until the next day.” –David Clarke
• Make your spouse feel special. “Romance has the ability to cool a heated situation or heat up your relationship when the air has chilled.” (Quote from: Debi Walter, from article, “What’s the Romantic Temperature in Your Home?”)
• Before marrying, what activities did you enjoy doing together? After marrying, don’t neglect carving out times to still date each other.
• “Are there signs in your marriage that point that you’re drifting apart? What can you plan over the next few days to turn toward intimacy?” (Lori Byerly)
• “Forgiveness isn’t a ‘once and done’ event, but an ongoing choice. As offenses come up and memories resurface, continue to choose forgiveness.” ( Marriage Tip by Vaneetha Rendall)
• If you treated your friends the same way you treat your spouse, would they still want to be your friend? Would U want to be your own friend?
• “Assumptions are the termites of relationships.” – Henry Winkler
• Don’t compare your marriage to others. It can poison your relationship. “Lock out resentments that may cause your marriage to crumble.“ (Jamrie, from the article, “Keep the Glow Going in Your Marriage”)
• “Treat your spouse better than anyone else. Pursue your spouse the way you did when you were 1st dating; never lose the sense of wonder.” (Mike Bechtle, gleaned from the article, “Your Best Year of Marriage”)
• “When you marry you become a team. You need to work together and communicate like you’re team members till you’re ‘on the same page,'” (Lori Byerly)
• “Keep this in mind: When we say a good word to the world about our marriages, we’re saying a good word about marriage itself.” Speak up! (From Couples Devotional from A.M.F.M)
• “The greatest marriages are built on teamwork. A mutual respect, a healthy dose of admiration, and a never-ending portion of love and grace.” (Fawn Weaver)
• “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” –Henry Ford
• “Provide genuine, meaningful affirmations regularly to your spouse: given verbally, in-person, voicemail, e-mail messages, notes and cards.” (Jim Burns, from the article, “10 Tips for Treating Your Spouse Like Royalty”)
• Within your marriage: “Don’t make room for selfishness. You’re in it together and giving back is what’s it’s all about.” -Jamrie (From the article, “Keep the Glow Going in Your Marriage”)
• “Determine to pray more words over your spouse & your marriage than you speak negatively about your marriage.” (Lysa TerKeurst, article, “Five Scriptures to Pray Over Your Marriage”)
• “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus, who …made Himself nothing, taking the nature of a servant…” See: Phil. 2:5-8
• “Ask yourself each morning, ‘what can I do to make my spouse’s life better today?’ And then, do it.”
• “Success in marriage is less about doing the big things than it is about doing those little things day after day.” (Author Unknown)
• “When you’re in conflict, there’s 1 factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it: attitude.” (William James)
• “When is the last time you had fun as a couple? Get together and plan a date night.” It’s time to MAKE fun to better enjoy your marriage. (From
• “The best time to love your spouse with your whole heart is now, because no breath beyond the current is promised.” –Fawn Weaver
• “We’ll never have an extraordinary relationship with our spouse when we settle for an ordinary relationship with God.” Justin and Trisha Davis
• “Love is what is left in a relationship when selfishness is taken out.” – Nick Richardson
• Be wise when you’re angry. “The best time to resolve conflict isn’t when he’s hot tempered and she’s crying. Calm down 1st and THEN resolve.” (Ngina Otiende, gleaned from the article, “6 Steps to Resolving Marital Conflict”)
• “When working thru challenges in marriage, be swift to notice growth and improvement and quick to let go of slights and setbacks.” Ngina Otiende
• Don’t try to resolve conflicts when either of you are tired, stressed or hungry. Take the time to unwind and get into a fresher frame of mind.
• “When your spouse doesn’t have a smile of his (or her) own, give him (or her) yours. Better still, top it off with a kiss.” Ngina Otiende
• “When I have learned to love God better than my earthly dearest, I shall love my earthly dearest better than I do now.” C. S. Lewis
• “Give each other a 15-second kiss daily. You can’t rush through it, and it reminds you to slow down and reconnect.” (Mike Bechtle, from article, “Your Best Year of Marriage”)
• “There’s no brighter light than a strong, vibrant marriage. It’s a fire that family gathers around. The key is to never let it go out.” (Emily T. Wierenga, gleaned from the article, “How to Stay Married in a World Full of Divorce”)
• “The fundamental cause of almost all communication problems is that people don’t listen to understand–they listen to reply.” -Les and Leslie Parrott
• “Circumstances will not automatically line up to support and celebrate our marriage vows. It’s our job to make sure they do.” Ngina Otiende
• “Love is not about grand intentions. It is about small attentions.” – Robert Brault
• “God calls couples to an all-in commitment that reflects the character of his Son. That’s why marital commitment matters.” (Sharon Miller, gleaned from the article, “Married… to My Church?”)
• “Make a clean break with all cutting, backbiting, profane talk. Be gentle with one another, sensitive.” (Ephesians 4:31)
• “To inspire, and get your spouse to do more, recognize what they’re already doing and praise them for that first.” -Fawn Weaver
• “Never view a website you wouldn’t want your spouse to see or go someplace you wouldn’t want them to know about.” –Dave Willis
• “Strive for WOW…but don’t forget about now. Consistency in little things that matter most. The ABC’s of Marriage: Always Be Consistent.” (Fawn Weaver)
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