Every waking hour of the day, you are faced with “choices” to make, that can either add to the richness of your marriage, or could potentially harm it in some manner. But what makes a marriage last?
As you read through the following poem, consider the continual choices that you make and consider whether you are making choices that contribute to the health of your marriage or contaminate it.
God gives you a free will. We hope you will use it to help your marriage rather than harm it —speaking life into your marriage or that, which can destroy it.
May God speak to your heart and may you follow His leading, after you read the following:
To do what is best for your partner in life…
To respect the commitment of being husband and wife…
To be still and just listen —not have to be heard…
To forgive and forget and not need “the last word”…
To admit you’re not perfect —you’ll both make mistakes…
To support the decisions that each of you makes…
To be willing to laugh when a day has been rough…
To divide up the burdens when life becomes tough…
To support one another when things are too hurried…
To comfort each other when stress keeps you worried…
To be willing to cherish your true love and friend
with a joy and compassion that will never end.As you celebrate each year together:
May you always have Understanding to make your marriage work,
Commitment to make your marriage grow
And Love to make your marriage happy!
(Author Unknown)
Filed under: Grow Your Marriage Home Page
(ZIMBABWE) It’s never too late to learn. This has come at right time for me. We just need to be practical about these things. If we can only do it, then we will save our marriages. And for other people, what a blessing we will become.
(USA) Placed this on my blog and a link to this site. Thank you so very much
I’m enjoying the message.
(KENYA) Amazing what good advice you always have. We did your pre-marital questionnaires and the results were amazing! Glory to God for this enriching site.
(TOGO) I so much love the information because I want our marriage to last for us.
I have been married 26 years and there is not a day I have not regretted it. However, what I will say is there has been a lot of give and take and lot of listening to one another to resolve to work out our differences rather than quarrel and fight one another. There is no love in the marriage but there is an awful lot of respect and a resolve to work things out and a willingness to be there for each other when we have both needed help. And I just wonder at times if this has held us together and what it must be like to do these simple tasks when you actually love the person your with.