Are You in Alignment?

“The problem they are having is that they aren’t in alignment.” That’s what I heard one woman say as she pointed out the reason another couple was fighting so much. Afterward we remarked, “Wow! That’s spot on… she’s right.” They’re both turning their ears, eyes, and attitudes so far away from Read More…

Is What You’re Doing the Wisest Approach?

You want change to happen in your marriage, but you don’t change what you’re currently doing about it even when you see it’s not working. Hmmm… the question comes to mind, “How’s that working for you?” If it’s working, then don’t change anything. But if it’s not, perhaps you need to make Read More…

The Phone Call – Modern Marriage Moments

Here are a few thoughts to prayerfully consider AFTER watching The Phone Call with Brandon and Stephanie: We can see that this phone call skit demonstrates something John Lavendar wrote: “There are two hindrances to good communication in marriage that must be overcome: the bad habit of lazy listening and Read More…

What Makes A Marriage Last

Every waking hour of the day, you are faced with “choices” to make, that can either add to the richness of your marriage, or could potentially harm it in some manner. But what makes a marriage last? As you read through the following poem, consider the continual choices that you Read More…

“Fix-it” Listening in Marriage

We’re told in the Bible, “There is a time and season for everything under Heaven.” And that definitely applies when it comes to listening to what our spouse is trying to tell us. Sometimes our spouse wants us to just listen and affirm; other times our spouse wants us to Read More…

Making Marriage Work – MM #310

I remember hearing a speaker a number of years ago challenge us with: “If you worked at your job the same way you work at your marriage, how long do you think you’d stay employed?” Granted, men are probably more likely to compartmentalize their jobs and marriage by putting them in Read More…

Seek More to Understand – MM #305

Lord, grant that I may seek more to understand than to be understood. (St Francis of Assisi) How many of us can truthfully say that when we are in conflict with our spouse, we seek more to understand them “than to be understood?” Seek to Understand I admit that too many Read More…

Do You Hear Your Spouse Correctly? – MM #298

Do you hear correctly, as it pertains to what your spouse is trying to say to you? The saying goes, “God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. He wants us to be better prepared to listen than to speak.” That sure goes along with the Bible Read More…

Understand your Spouse (Part 2) – MM #264

We’re talking about learning to know and understand your spouse. “Proverbs 23:7 says, ‘As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.’ To me this says that whatever you put in your heart will sooner or later show up as the real you. You become what you think about Read More…