Marriage is Like an Orchestra or a Musical Band

Orchestra or band music can be so enjoyable and inspiring when it’s done well! And the same goes for marriage—when it’s lived out well. But those who make beautiful music must learn how to do it well. If they don’t, they can be like “clanging cymbals” that only sound like Read More…

Focusing on What Really Is

Focusing on what “really is” isn’t always easy. That’s because sometimes our view gets obstructed. Or it could be that what we think we see, we actually don’t! That became clearer for us after having gone through eye exams recently. When asked, “Which is clearer —this or that?” you’d think it Read More…

Quiet in the Midst of Chaos

Are you feeling like everything around you is chaotic and it’s more than you can handle right now? Are you longing for the “Silent Night, Holy Night, all is calm, all is bright” experience and yet you don’t know how to get there? We well understand this dilemma. We’ve been there many Read More…

Deconstructing the “Perfect” Christmas to Make it REAL

Have you been striving to create a “perfect Christmas” for everyone to the point that it’s causing more problems than blessings? We confess that we have been there in the past. In our pursuit of excellence, we’ve sometimes gone overboard. And it just doesn’t work. It’s exhausting, and it’s frustrating Read More…

Calling a Marital Truce

Are you and your spouse arguing to a point where it is becoming, or it is unhealthy? If so, perhaps you should consider calling a marital truce. A truce is a “suspension of fighting or hostilities for a specified period of time by mutual agreement of the warring parties.” And Read More…

Stinking Thinking Perceptions of Spouse

How do you “smell” your spouse? That may seem like a silly or even a gross question. But it concerns stinking thinking perceptions. Upon reading the following scripture, that’s what occurred to us. How do we “smell” our spouse? We’re told in 2 Corinthians 2:16, “To the one we are Read More…

Be Easygoing as a Spouse

“Be as easygoing as it is possible to live with as a spouse. You don’t want your spouse to have to walk on egg shells within your marriage.” That’s great advice that talk show host Dennis Prager gave recently. (You might remember it in the Marriage Insight, What Sage Advice Read More…

If Walls Could Talk

If our walls could talk, they sure would have a lot to say! Have you ever thought about that? What do you think yours would say? Oh, we’re not talking about the moments between a husband and wife that should be kept private between them. We’re talking over-all… what would Read More…

Peace on Earth and a Peaceful Home

As people all over the world are turning their eyes and activities towards Christmas, we often hear the angelic phrase repeated, “Peace on earth and goodwill to men.” But what about experiencing peace within our homes? Isn’t it to be our goal, to have a peaceful home, or at least Read More…

Call a Marriage Peace Conference

We’ve heard it said, “We live in perilous times.” No one can deny that, no matter where you live in the world. Unfortunately that can be said about a lot of marriages as well. Many of them become staging areas for dramatic battles between husbands and wives, exploding into unhealthy Read More…