January/February 2013 Prayer Wall

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122 responses to “January/February 2013 Prayer Wall

  1. (SOUTH AFRICA) Please pray for my husband and I. He keeps putting his family and daughter below my son and I and it is causing so much animosity. There are days when I wish I never ever married him cause he makes me hate him so much by not standing up for my son and I.

  2. (USA) Prayer for better communication between me and my husband. That we may become the couple that God united. Strong with him in the midst. Open with each other jointly carring the burdens of this life. Standing side by side. Knowing that someone is close and praying for me as I pray for him.

  3. (UNITED STATES) My husband and I both believe in Christ, but were both backsliders when we married. Since last fall, I have rejoined with Christ. However I feel I am leaving my husband behind. I pray for guidance. Also, I pray for his faith and his alcohol addiction. Please take a moment to pray for us and for Christ to become a part of our marriage as well as both our lives. Thank you.

  4. (INDIA) Please pray for my marriage. I’ve been married for 8 years now. My husband is verbally abusive in front of our children and it breaks me down. I have been praying for him and also using the book “Power of a praying wife”. I don’t see much change in him. He thinks it’s just fine to use foul language. I am scared that my kids are going to learn this from him. Please pray that God changes his heart and he listens to God’s voice.

  5. (USA) My husband left 4 months ago. Please pray with me that his heart of stone will soften towards me and that he will feel the love we share. Please guide him home to me and his children. Keep him safe while he is gone and show him light through this storm.

  6. (USA) That my husband and I can have better communication on any topic without being defensive and angry. That all our words are kind and we don’t say any we regret. I said words recently I regret and I pray that he forgives me and that I can forgive myself. I also need prayers that we feel we can be open about anything, no secrets.

  7. (USA) Please pray for my marriage. Infidelity, emotional and physical abuse bc of the affairs has taken its toll… now there’s substance abuse in the mix. Pray that we can both find the Lord to free us from our sins so we can prosper in our marriage… I feel like it’s over. He lives his own life and I live my own…. this is my last hope.

  8. (USA) I need pray for my marriage. My husband says he isn’t and hasn’t been in love with me and doesn’t want me but due to finances he feel stuck with me. There isn’t any cheating or physical abuse. I love him and I don’t want to lose him. I feel I’m at my end.

  9. (UAE) Pray for me and my husband to come closer together –that our communication will improve and we shall not be distant or have this feeling of sickess being around each other, always having a cold war among us. Make us come closer to you Jesus. Make us better parents, showing our child how to love. Make me a better wife, making him proud all the time he is with me. Thank you Jesus.

  10. (PHILIPPINES) I pray for the restoration of my trust in my husband who has been having an “affair” (inappropriate phone conversations and text messages with an officemate; I noticed it in September 2012). He has denied the affair. I hope(?) it was just flirting. Nonetheless, my children and I are very deeply hurt; more so by the fact that he continues to deny it and treat it as nothing. I pray for the end of that relationship. I pray for honest communication that will allow our family to heal.

  11. (USA) Please pray for me as I was recently divorced from my wife of nearly 19 years. We have had many difficulties and challenges in the course of our marrriage. I am deeply saddened by the outcome and still have hope for being reconciled and restored relationship. Please pray that God will work in both my life and my wife’s life. Her name is Julie. We both need a lot of healing. I believe all things are possible. I believe that prayer makes a difference. May God’s will be done. Thank you for praying.

  12. (USA) Stop the hatefulness in husband’s heart, that I can decide if I stay or go… Stop me from trying to get even when I’m hurting from all the cheating, lies, name calling and negative that’s directed at my children. …Please pray for us that there is peace in our house… Thank you so much me and my children. Need God to stand up for us.

  13. (GHANA) Just about two months to my wedding, my mother in-law says she is not in support of my marriage to his son. I don’t know what to do.