Life After an Emotional Affair – Deuce and Missy More from Marriage MissionsIf You Leave a Hurt – Steve and Annie ChapmanOpen Presents – Open HeartsNavigating Stages of Marriage – MM #255Perspective Concerning Irritations in MarriageAre You a Bible LIVING Spouse?In Marriage Attitude is Everything – Jim Burns Print Post Tagged: emotional affair Filed under: Marriage Videos Join the Discussion Cancel reply Please observe the following guidelines: Try to be as positive as possible when you make a comment. If there is name-calling, or profane language, it will be deleted. The same goes with hurtful comments targeted at belittling others; we won't post them. Recommendations for people to divorce will be edited out–that's a decision between them and God, not us. If you have a criticism, please make it constructive. Be mindful that this is an international ministry where cultural differences need to be considered. Please honor the fact this is a Christ-centered web site. We review all comments before posting them to reduce spam and offensive content. Comment * Name * Email * you MUST enable javascript to be able to comment Δ