Loving words… tell her, tell him… those are great words of advice. In this You Tube video you will (humorously) see what happens when we don’t convey loving words to our spouse as we should. Sometimes we don’t “talk so good.” But we don’t need script writers to get it right. We just need to look for ways to sincerely express love to our spouse. In addition to watching this video, you’ll find a few marriage tips below that can help you to convey your love to your spouse. Take heed:
Loving Words Tell of our Love
Here are some marriage tips on using loving words:
“The book of Proverbs has a lot to say about the importance of words. Proverbs 18:21 says, ‘The tongue has the power of life and death’ (NIV). Proverbs 12:18 talks about words bringing healing. We’re told in the Bible in Proverbs 15:4 that gentle words are ‘a tree of life.’ You can give your marriage new life when you replace condemnation and criticism with compliments and words of affirmation.”
Here’s advice from Les and Leslie Parrott:
“There’s so much power in phrases like, ‘I believe in you,’ ‘You can do this,’ or ‘I love you.’ It can be so easy to forget the power of words. Fight the urge to be negative. Your spouse needs to know you believe in them. What may seem insignificant to you could make a world of difference to them. Not good with verbal expression? Leave notes, write cards and send texts or emails instead. Your words matter.”
A tip from Jim Daly:
“Oh, what life-giving power can be found in an encouraging word! So think of specific ways you excel in building up your husband or wife today, especially if he or she is struggling with health or job issues or coping with pain. Proverbs 12:25 says, “An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.“
More Advice on Loving Words:
“Use character-related words that honor your spouse for such qualities as patience, helpfulness, courage, or kindness. Create regular opportunities for fun, laughter, and positive experiences. Figure out what communicates love to each other and do that. Be observant and thoughtful with little things and even do chores that the other dislikes. Consciously doing what opens and softens your spouse’s heart will benefit you both in the long-run and keep your marriage happier.”
Insight from Frank and Mary Alice Minirth:
“I’ve observed many good marriage relationships, but in the ones I would call extraordinary, each partner continually speaks well of the other—to one another and to others in their presence. The women glow with contentment, the men swell with confidence, and the attraction between them is unmistakable. Find something to praise in your mate and watch what happens. Make it honest, be genuine, and see if it doesn’t make your spouse more attractive.”
Here’s another tip:
“Think about the word responsibility. …Response. Ability. You have the ability to respond with patience and kindness. The key is to be aware of your triggers and to understand the difference between a perceived attack and an actual one. Let that awareness inform your response ability.” (The Gottman Institute) “Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger. For the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” (James 1:19-20)
Above all:
“May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ. (2 Thessalonians 3:5) Love is a choice you make daily. As you make that choice, as the passage above says, the Lord will lead you into a greater understanding and expression of his love. He will teach you to love like he does.” (Gary Chapman)
Filed under: Marriage Videos