November – December 2012 Prayer Wall

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133 responses to “November – December 2012 Prayer Wall

  1. (PRINCE WILLIAM) My wife and I have been married for 7 years and we’ve seen a long exhausting road of hardships. We’ve been blessed even in times when I feel we didn’t deserve it, yet we have still failed to keep collective focus in God consistently. After returning from deployment and being involved in a very nurturing ministry while away, I decided it was time for things to change. My wife had other plans. She says it’s over. Now I sit daily and nightly praying for intervention and restoration in my marriage.

  2. (U.S.) Thank Lord for everything in my life. Please pray that God gives me his wisdom, good judgment and strength to handle everything in my life such as education, scholarship, my son and career. Pray for Scott, my son’s dad, to come to his senses on his remarriage. Pray for Matthew to get out of drugs, weed. Pray Lord to give me a good Christian in faith husband. Amen.

  3. (UNITED KINGDOM) That my husband, Neville should have a change of heart. On his phone, I found intimate messages with a lady called Chiedza at his work place. Do not know how long they’ve been engaging in the act but I need God to take control, touch and restore my marriage.

  4. (USA) Father God, Thank you that I am able to make this note of Prayer request’s, I ask/Believe and Receive that you help me to be the Daughter, Wife, Mother You called me 2B. I ask for (Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Physical, Financial,) Healing and Restoration, in this marriage. In Jesus Name Amen.

  5. (UNITED STATES) My husband snaps off on me for small things and is very mean. He isn’t physical, but verbally abusive. When he is over his anger, he acts very loving and affectionate. However, now I don’t really want him to touch me because I feel like his affection is fake and only based on how he is feeling at the moment. I love my husband and my vows are til death do us part. How do I work through these feelings of not wanting to be touched by him? Thank you for your prayers.

  6. (UNITED STATES) My husband Lou needs to realize and accept that he is an emotional abuser of the entire family. However, he has showed favortism to his biological children while treating my son as an outsider and the source of all the problems in the marriage. He has encouraged his kids to turn on me and my son. He has abused pain killers and has freely given them to his oldest daughter who is now showing signs of addiction… he has even lied for her.

  7. (SOUTH AFRICA) Please pray for my marriage that I would be able to forgive my husband for cheating on me. I found out 4 weeks ago that he was involved with someone else. He asked for forgiveness and he’s trying to win back my trust but it seems I can’t let go and forgive. As much as I want to I keep on having thoughts of that lady and I find myself wanting to ask him about it. I know we cannot go on like this, me accusing him.

  8. (USAP) Please pray for my husband and I and our marriage. We have been having martial problems for a while now and we argue all the time about his kids because he won’t set any rules in the house. We have been married for 3 years now and the only people that my husband sees and loves is his 3 kids. It’s like he only married me to help him raise his kids. I love my husband, but i feel very used and abused in this marriage. And I know that I can easily just walk away, but I have faith that God will help us.

  9. (CANADA) Pray please for myself to understand my husband. We have been married 6 months and I feel like giving up, throwing in the towel but I don’t want to.

  10. (UNITED STATES) I need prayer for my failing marriage. We have had trouble from the start and his long term affair along with several others have caused great distress in our marriage. We have had numerous problems but I know through God all things can be repaired. I have made many mistakes and especially in dealing with the affairs. He now sleeps on the couch and does not want any physical contact with me. I am hanging on with God’s help alone. Please pray for healing in my marriage.

  11. (USA) Please pray for my husband’s salvation and my endurance with him. He finally admits to addiction, loneliness and sexual temptation. I am weary yet know that our victory comes through Jesus in His time and way. I am so unhappy and don’t want to be in a marriage like this. He shuts me out and has hurt me badly. I’ve been trying to wait patiently on The Lord. Pray that I can continue and that a break through is near.

  12. (USA) Pray that my husband comes back to his senses and turns his back on women, sin, satan, lust, and pride and comes back the the Lord, returns to the pulpit (with clean hands and a clean heart and a new Word for the people) and comes back home.

  13. (USA) Please pray that God will restore my marriage completely and that my husband and I will serve in the kingdom together. Also, that my husband’s relationship with Christ will grow stronger. He will be completely dependent on God. Pray that no weapon formed against us should be able to prosper…thoughts of separation, family members, finances, temptation, and the past. Pray that we fall deeper in love with one another and begin to love each other as we need…communication will get better.

  14. (SOUTH AFRICA) Please pray with me. My saved husband has gone back to a life of sin. To cut a long story short he now smokes, drinks, has committed adultery (more than ones that I know of) and spends more time with friends than with me. Soon after we wed about 3 yrs ago he went backwards on his walk with God. I constantly pray for the restoration of his relationship with Jesus as I understand that all things that have gone wrong in our marriage can be restored. There are so many deficiencies in our marriage, no true oneness that I so much desire. The one essential requirement I had prayed for in a spouse is that he be a God fearing man. He is a stubborn man. Verbally he says he wants to build a home with me, but in reality he does the opposite. The cords of sin are tightening around him and as his wife I know it is my responsibility to intercede for him despite the hurts he had caused me. God bless you as you pray with me.

  15. (USA) Please pray for my marriage. Please pray that I would not grow weary enduring wounds from my husband. Please pray for my heart to soften. Please pray that I would want to honor this man. Please pray for elders to be avaiable to mentor both of us individually. Please pray the Holy Spirit would speak to me about how to handle things day to day, for renewing of strength and grace to do the next thing day in and out. I feel worn down and broken and hopeless in my marriage.