This article focuses on the marital sexual relationship. The questions posed concern oral sex, novelty items, and whether or not they are biblically sanctioned.
So what about oral sex?
This is the most common question asked by both men and women at the seminars I hold. A close second behind vaginal intercourse, oral sex, or fellatio, is a highly desired sexual activity for men. Many men also like to give orally to their wives. They like to stimulate the clitoris with their tongues instead of their fingers or a vibrator. Many women enjoy receiving oral sex. But more often when the question is asked, it relates to the wife giving oral sex to her husband.
This involves taking the penis into her mouth and simulating intercourse there, often with a light suction. It may lead to orgasm in the mouth or outside of the mouth.
Surely there is some Bible verse for this one —but there is not. Oral sex is not listed as being prohibited, and God is never caught off guard. It falls within the broad freedoms we possess within marriage to explore each other and discover what pleases the other. (See: 1 Timothy 4:4.)
Willing Partners?
One reason that oral sex is so desired by men is that it feels good! Another reason lies in the fact that the penis is the symbol of manhood. When a woman acknowledges that organ and gives special attention to it, she is letting her man know that she appreciates him as a man.
It is common for a man to struggle secretly with insecurity regarding his ability to please a woman. He wonders how he compares to any other man she could have had (or has had). Oral sex tells him that he is man enough for her and that she likes what he has to give. And it doesn’t have to continue to climax, but it can be a part of foreplay alone. This is important, because some women do not enjoy oral sex for fear of the ejaculate.
There can be no coercion by either party to get the other to do something they do not want to do. But if both are willing, oral sex can be a wonderful enhancement to marital sex.
Novelty Items
Some people ask me about vibrators and other sex toys that they see the world using. Vibratos can be used to help a woman reach orgasm if it is acceptable to each party. Other things that are novelty items may also add some fun to the encounter. I am not a fan of “bondage” items such as leashes, handcuffs, whips and so forth. That is because it may demean and demote the other person. But I would not interfere with what is honestly mutually acceptable to both spouses. There are those who even find various foods such as chocolate, whipped cream or strawberries an exciting addition to lovemaking. It might make a great excuse for your wife to break her diet!
Some couples ask if there is a role for fantasy in sexual intercourse. My opinion is that as long as it involves just those two people, they can pretend to be whatever role they wish. A man can pretend to be a fireman rescuing a woman in distress. But he must still be himself, playing a role. A woman can pretend to be a nurse, giving her “patient” a sponge bath or massage. You get the idea. A word of warning concerning role-playing is that each person must stay true to his gender. The man should never dress up or pretend to be a woman and vice versa.
The Delight of Discovery
God knew that in the sixty to seventy years we might be married to the same person, there would be a lot to learn. Part of the excitement of marriage is the discovery of what makes the other person happy and what pleases them. As our bodies are constantly changing, we will never come to the end of our quest for knowledge and the delight of discovery, if we will only continue to pursue it.
In general, I find men more willing to experiment than women. A certain Puritan ideal, which conveys a false modesty, is prevalent in many Christian circles, even into the bedroom. Many women would never dream of wearing a Victoria’s Secret garment to bed. That is because, in their minds, it conveys the world’s view of sex and women. The real problem with Victoria’s Secret is that it has left the secret place of the bedroom. But it now appears on billboards and television sets across America. It is not wrong in the bedroom if the message you are trying to convey is an invitation to explore the sweet gift God gave your husband when He gave you to him.
An Intimate Portrait
Song of Solomon paints an intimate portrait of a wife who knows how to use the resources God had given her to both arouse and capture her man’s attention:
Why should I be like a veiled woman beside the flocks of your friends? …While the king was at his table, my perfume spread its fragrance. My lover is to me a sachet of myrrh resting between my breasts. (Song of Solomon 1:7, Song of Solomon 1:12-13)
And the man replies:
You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride. You have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace. How delightful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much more pleasing is your love than wine, and the fragrance of your perfume than any spice! …The fragrance of your garments is like that of Lebanon. (Song of Solomon 4:9-11)
Biblical Portrait
This is a biblical portrait of a sensual woman who has perfumed herself. And she has worn garments that are pleasing to her lover. The sensual man makes wise use of those things the Lord has created that bring pleasure to a woman. God has covered the earth with beautiful flowers that display a rich palate of color and fragrance. Women are endowed with an ability to appreciate these gifts of love and affection. A bed sprinkled with rose petals is an invitation to drink deeply of love. The flickering of scented candles is but a prelude to the warm embrace that awaits her.
There are countless other examples I could give of questions I am asked from sincere Christians. The bottom line is that God desires sex to be fulfilling, pleasurable, intimate and lifelong. Sex is not the cure for all of life’s problems. But it has the potential to be far more satisfying than most Christian couples allow it to be. It is not an activity, as men often see it. Nor is it an obligation, as women may tend to view it.
Marital sex is an invitation God extends to a husband and wife. Through it He invites them to know one other person on this planet at a level and depth that will not be found anywhere else this side of heaven.
It is a Sacred Union
In the union of man and wife, or two differing yet complementary strengths, God reveals Himself in His creation. As we experience the riches of marital love and intimacy, we are drawn to the One who is the source of it all. As a result of our loving marital union with our spouse, we can reflect to the world God’s character, His love and His heart.
This article came from the book Intimate And Unashamed. It is written by Scott Farhart, M.D., and is published by Siloam. This is a book that can be used as a guiding light in an area of darkness to most Christians. In it, Dr Farhart, one of the premier Christian physicians of San Antonio, Texas, approaches traditionally forbidden topics boldly.
— ALSO —
To learn more on the oral sex issue, here is a link a related article written by Pastor Mark Gungor, that we recommend you read:
Filed under: Sexual Issues
(ZAMBIA) I found this article very enlightening. In many Christian circles, this is an area of great controversy but when you are married "your body is no longer your own." Therefore, as long as nothing perverse is being done, I think physical explorations strengthens the bond between husband and wife. I had reservations but with a bit of counselling and open-mindedness, it’s sheer bliss!!!
(ZIMBABWE) I found this lesson about oral sex and novelty items very educating and helpful. It comes at a time when I wanted to help one of my friends. I did not want to say, but somewhere somehow it works because of the lesson.
(USA) Wow. I couldn’t agree more! What a wonderful and insightful article on this topic… I am thankful that God has led these folks to minister to so many on this web site. May millions of men and women be set free to explore and enjoy God’s gift of sex.
(South Africa) Thanks for the article, what I really need to know is if your husband wants you to have oral sex with him, but you can’t, you have tried it before but did not like it at all, absolutely hated it to bits, what happens then? You explain but he keeps persisting that you do it. Where do you draw the line? Are you denying him sexually if you do this? Don’t get me wrong, sex I don’t mind, but the oral stuff, I cannopt for the life of me handle. Please help someone, I’m sure I am not the only one in this situation.
(USA) Try telling him… I need you to respect my choices, opinion and decisions. If I don’t want to do something listen and don’t guilt me into doing it for your own pleasure, sacrificing my feels and selfworth. Hope this helps you. Don’t do anything you don’t feel is right for you. God Bless.
Tell him that you know of better ways to please yourself and you want to show him a sure cure.
The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. (1 Corinthians 7:4)
The verse above and other scriptures teach major marriage principles that falls empty on our self-centered mindset, mutual submission. Mutual Submission is about giving of yourself in ways that the unsaved can’t or will not for the glory of God in your marriage. It is not about living a 50/50 marriage (quid pro quo). It is about surrendering my likes/dislikes to the glory of God and yielding to my spouse so that the Glory of God is seen in your marriage.
So when I see responses to the question about oral sex that say “respect my right to say no” which in essence is saying “if I don’t like it I don’t have to do it” I cringe. While you have the right to say it, a more mutual respectful/supportive way to approach it can be to say” I want to bring you pleasure in the area of oral sex, can we see about doing it in a modified way?” (If you don’t know of a modified way GOOGLE it to find a couple of ways as options). This response shows love and understanding for your spouse. It also closes that door way for bitterness to creep in your marriage.
Mutual submission is not about giving up power to your spouse it is about yielding to the power of God and seeing His fruit in your life and your marriage. No one in the Bible made a sacrifice for God that was not rewarded either on earth or in eternity or both. Our modern day Christianity teaches us we don’t have to make a sacrifice or pay the price for anything. We have preachers who will proclaim how to “always win” or “5 easy steps to victory”. This type of teaching has blinded believers to the truth and the power of the God’s plan for their marriage as it relates to mutual submission.
This is a real eye-opener! I didn’t know its okay for Christians to use sex toys in the context of marriage. But what about alcohol? Wine, to be precise?
I can’t tell you that. If you feel a tug in your heart that you shouldn’t, then I wouldn’t. It may be okay for some people, but not for others. If you are using it to get drunk or to use as a continual crutch to open your inhibitions… then it’s probably not a good idea. And if you have a tendency towards alcoholism, or have a drinking problem, or you are a diabetic, or on meds where alcohol would complicate things… don’t. Also, if your spouse doesn’t feel like that is a good idea, don’t. There are also some people that do not do well on alcohol of any kind. They get meaner, or change in their personality. They should stay away from it. Remember, the purpose of being sexual with each other as husband and wife is not the big “O” … it is Oneness. It is expressing and giving love to each other in a way that only husbands and wives are blessed by God to do.
But if you don’t feel convicted about having a little wine together, and you are both in agreement and you are using it in moderation… then it is possible. It’s something to pray about and then decide. I hope this helps.