Christmas Tips: Surviving Holidays – Jay and Laura

Surviving the Christmas Holidays This is the third Christmas Tip, which is given by Jay and Laura Laffoon, posted on You Tube. These tips are all about surviving the Christmas holidays. In this particular tip the Laffoons discuss the act of giving gifts. It’s a big part of the Christmas Read More…

Father’s Day and Marriage

This Sunday we will celebrate Father’s Day here in the United States. It’s a special day set aside where we honor fathers. (Plus, there is a day in May where we celebrate Mother’s Day.) So what does Father’s Day have to do with marriage? It has a lot to do Read More…

5 Disciplines of a Successful Vacation

What couple doesn’t at some point say, “We really NEED to take a vacation”? It may not be possible to take one at that point, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t cross our minds. And at this time of year, as we’re headed for summer, a lot more of Read More…

Influence of a Wife and Mother

Because of the celebration of Mother’s Day (here in the U.S.) we’re concentrating on the influence a wife and mother can bring into her home. (Next month Steve will address Father’s Day. So, hang on if you think this Insight is one-sided. We acknowledge that it is… for now.) Most Read More…

Discuss Family Holiday Celebrations with Your Spouse

This is the time of year when it’s important to discuss family holiday celebrations with your spouse. (Of course, this includes family Christmas celebrations, New Years, etc.) Actually, you probably should have done it before now. But if you haven’t already done this don’t delay it any longer. Do it Read More…

Preparing for Thanks Living in Marriage

Many of us in the U.S. are preparing for Thanksgiving Day (a holiday where we celebrate “faith, family, sharing, and freedom”). But we wonder how many of us prepare our hearts for Thanks Living now and throughout the year. “For everything God created is good. Nothing is to be rejected Read More…

“Set Your Mind” This Holiday Season and Beyond

We realize that some of you are thoroughly enjoying this Holiday Season. And for that we rejoice! But we also realize that some of you are thoroughly hurting during this Holiday Season. And that’s when it can be important to “set your mind” away from focusing on the hurt—at least Read More…

Peaceable Celebrating

A few days ago, we celebrated something we call Thanksgiving Day. What a blessed time of peaceable celebrating! This is an official holiday where we pause to give God thanks for our many blessings. Personally, it was a great day for us with family and friends. But we learned an Read More…

Loving Each Other Beyond Valentine’s Day

The days after a big romantic event (such as Valentine’s Day) can bring a time of let down. But does this have to be your reality? Do you have to experience a let down in the days and months beyond Valentine’s Day? The answer is “no” (in case you’re wondering). Read More…