Did You Marry Spouse or Your Children?

A hot topic that we hear a lot about here at Marriage Missions (and elsewhere) is, How a Husband Feels When the Wife Puts the Children Ahead of Him. We even have an article written and posted on our web site with that title. The question we pose is, did Read More…

Father’s Day and Marriage

This Sunday we will celebrate Father’s Day here in the United States. It’s a special day set aside where we honor fathers. (Plus, there is a day in May where we celebrate Mother’s Day.) So what does Father’s Day have to do with marriage? It has a lot to do Read More…

Marriage Influences Children

Have you considered the fact that marriage influences children? Sometimes it influences children for the good and other times it has a negative influence. But it DOES influence them. We want to talk about this matter because we just finished celebrating Father’s Day here in the U.S. Maybe you did Read More…

Marriage Suggestions Don’t Fit All

“One-size” doesn’t always fit all (as the fashion industry suggests). It fits some or many, but not all. Well, that same principle also applies to marriage suggestions and advice that people give you. Just know that it’s sometimes necessary to make adjustments. We continually receive emails, and comments (posted on Read More…

Marital Insights that Address Specific Relationship Needs

This is going to be a different type of Marriage Insight. We’re going to give you short marital insights in the form of quotes and links to several marriage issues (posted on the Marriage Missions web site). You can then look to see what else we offer that can potentially Read More…

Tug of War Issues in Marriage

Are you dealing with any tug of war issues in your marriage—where you’re trying to get each other to come to your way of thinking and behaving? Who hasn’t, right? The term “tug of war” is defined as: “A contest of strength in which two teams tug on opposite ends Read More…

Practical Advice on Parenting TOGETHER

Parenting is no easy task. That’s probably one of the many reasons God designed it to be done together —with both parents involved. Even so, you need all the help you can get. I’m writing this article for that reason. I want to pass along to you some practical tips Read More…

Marriage Influences Children

Have you ever considered the fact that how you act within your marriage influences your children? We encourage you to listen to this Podcast to see how this applies to you and your marriage.

Occupying Kids When You Want Time For Romance

Are you having difficulty finding the time and opportunity to keep your romance alive? Are the kids continually under foot when you actually could find a few minutes here and there for romance? You may consider finding ways so you are occupying kids when you want time for romance. “The Read More…

Spouses Fighting in Front of Children

In a previous Marriage Insight we wrote about spouses fighting in front of others. But what about spouses fighting in front of their children? Is that any healthier? Essentially, it is not! (We’ll explain why we say, “Essentially” later in this Insight.) What’s ironic is that a lot of parents Read More…