Marriage: It’s Rough, It’s Tough!

There are millions of takes on what marriage is and isn’t. As an example, here’s something that Ruth Harms Calkin writes, and we agree! “Marriage! It’s rough. It’s tough. It’s work. Anybody who says it isn’t, has never been married. Marriage has far bigger problems than toothpaste squeezed from the Read More…

Growing Your Marriage

With the summer coming to a close, so does the growing season EXCEPT as it concerns marriage. If you aren’t working on growing your marriage, you’re risking going backwards. As Gary Thomas says, “A good marriage isn’t something you find; it’s something you make, and you have to keep on Read More…

Is Yours TRULY a Christ Centered Marriage?

There is a big difference between two Christians who are married and a Christ centered marriage. (Gary Oliver) What do you think? Is there a big difference? That’s the question we want to address here. Does a couple have a “Christian marriage” just because both spouses claim to be Christians? Read More…

The Evolution of Marriage

All marriages evolve. No marriage relationship stays stagnant. Sometimes the progression of this evolution goes in a healthy direction; and sometimes in an unhealthy direction. Honestly, Cindy and I (Steve) have been in both camps. Probably you have, too. We aren’t talking about evolution regarding the creation of our world. Read More…

What Would God’s Marriage Ambassador Do?

Several years ago a worldwide campaign came out to encourage Christ followers to consider, “What would Jesus do?” It caused people to consider how Jesus would react to the very same things they were facing. We’d like to propose something like that. We’re asking you to consider the question, “What Read More…

Strengthening Marriages to Beautify Them – MM #297

The main reason this ministry exists is to help to reveal and reflect the heart of Christ within marriages. Not only do we work at strengthening marriages, but we join forces with those who do this, as well. That includes you. Even if your marriage is not very healthy right Read More…

Christmas Prayer for Your Marriage

I got up early this morning (my husband and nephew are still sleeping). I wanted to take time in the quiet of the morning to spend time alone with God. I’m so glad I did. My Christmas Prayer time was so wonderful. As a result I am all the more Read More…

A Devotional Study For a Married Couple

The following is a devotional study for a married couple. It is on the issue of showing mutual respect as a husband and wife: Devotional Study: Showing Mutual Respect Husbands, in the same way be considerate a you live with your wives, and treat them with respect the weaker partner. Read More…

What Is Marriage?

Below is a collection of quotes that have been written by different people defining what they believe marriage to be. They came from a variety of different books, web site and magazine articles that we’ve collected throughout the years. We pray you will find them to be insightful: Marriage is Read More…