Rebuilding Trust in Your Marriage

This is a tough, tough subject because there is such a misunderstanding of what trust entails. Many people think rebuilding trust is tied in with forgiving someone. But in reality, forgiving someone and trusting them are two different acts of faith. You can forgive a person without trusting them. But Read More…

Freedom From Resentment

The following is a story we could all learn from on letting go of resentment. Ultimately, letting go brings about freedom from resentment. Author Richard Walters, in the book, Forgive and Be Free, tells the testimonial of Tom Norris who had become an extremely bitter man after his wife Bette Read More…

Want to Be Married for Life?

Most of us, when we marry, would say, “YES! We intend to be married for life!” But then life together gets real, real messy. And that’s when our commitment can waiver. We’ve been there several times in our 50+ year marriage. But thank God (literally) we have stuck it out! Read More…

Gracefully Give and Gracefully Accept Apologies

“A happy marriage is the union of two forgivers.” That’s what we’ve been told, and it’s true. To gracefully give and gracefully accept apologies is a healthy interaction for spouses to exchange with each other. Who doesn’t do things that we shouldn’t sometimes? That’s why we all need to ask Read More…

Decluttering Your Marriage Relationship

So many people have made New Years resolutions that they are attempting to keep. (Some have already given up on keeping theirs.) Did you make any? If so, how are you doing in keeping them? Hopefully, you’re still on track. But if you aren’t… don’t quit. There is no law Read More…

Don’t Let Bitterness Poison Your Marriage

The Bible says in Hebrews 12, “Make every effort to live in peace with all men (which would include your spouse) and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows Read More…

Grace in Marriage

I just read a great book, written by Dr Tim and Darcy Kimmel titled, Grace Filled Marriage. We highly recommend that you read it. It can change your marriage in amazing ways. And then we heard a wonderful interview with Max Lucado on the role of grace in marriage. We’d Read More…

Forgiving the Apologizing Spouse – MM #326

Sometimes it’s difficult to forgive each other in marriage. We’re hurt; we want them to know the depth of our pain, and often we want them to experience pain, as well. But it is important to find a way to forgive the apologizing spouse. God wants us to forgive each Read More…

Don’t Demand Forgiveness – MM #325

In the last Marriage Message we touched on the subject of going the extra mile in apologizing. This time we’d like to explain more about apologizing and asking for forgiveness in marriage. In particular we’ll be talking about times when you want to demand forgiveness. It’s tempting to demand forgiveness Read More…


Below are Bible verses that deal with bitterness and forgiveness. May the Lord inspire you, as you prayerfully read what God has provided for guidance. Bible Verses on Bitterness and Forgiveness: • Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as Read More…