How Well Do You Encourage Honesty?

Do you encourage honesty when you argue with your spouse? Truly? This is an important point to prayerfully consider because it’s relevant to the issue. Unfortunately, we don’t always make it “safe” for our spouse to tell us the truth. And we don’t even realize that. But the truth is: Read More…

Lies We Believe That are Marriage Killers

We are confronted by lies every day. Our culture lies to us, advertisers lie to us; we even lie to ourselves. One of the shakiest lies people grab onto is the fairytale ending where it reads: “And they all lived happily ever after.” Sounds great, doesn’t it? You fall in Read More…

Lies We Believe That are Marriage Killers

We are confronted by lies every day. Our culture lies to us, advertisers lie to us; we even lie to ourselves. One of the shakiest lies people grab onto is the fairytale ending where it reads: “And they all lived happily ever after.” Sounds great, doesn’t it? You fall in love, Read More…

Leaving Marriage Because God Wants Me to Be Happy

I’m too miserable to stay in this marriage any longer. I know in my heart that’s not what God wants for me. So I’m leaving; I’ve been unhappy for too many years. God would never want me to be this unhappy for the rest of my life! Those are just Read More…

Lies Told Between the Sheets

Do you and your bride tell each other lies about sex? I don’t mean hiding things like porn or an affair, but rather withholding information. Are lies told within your marriage? I’m talking about putting a good face on things, “white lies” and the like. Because sex is so personal, Read More…

Married Love Myths/Truths – Pt 1 – MM #85

There are a lot of married love myths that are being held onto by too many of us. But we don’t have to stay in that state of disillusionment. There are even more truths we can instead embrace to make our marriages work as God intends. “While our cultural values Read More…

Living in Confidence Because of Who You Are in Christ

There are many people who have been beaten down by life (circumstances, and/or a person, or various people). And for this reason, they find it difficult to face life with any confidence that they are worthy of breathing another breath. They feel weighted down by the oppressiveness of what has Read More…