Power Source to Change in Your Marriage

Do you feel powerless sometimes to make meaningful change in your marriage relationship? Have you found yourself looking at your spouse sometimes thinking, “Things would be better if only he would _____” or “If only she would _____” (you fill in the blanks)? Yes, us too! We expect our spouse Read More…

Perspectives in Marriage Conflict

They say there are two perspectives to every situation that happens. But we believe there’s actually three perspectives, as it pertains to marriage conflict. There’s the husband’s, wife’s, and God’s perspective —in other words, what REALLY happened. Ultimately, it takes a willingness on both the husband and wife’s part, to Read More…

Give It Over to God Today

Are you feeling defeated in your life? Give yourself over to God today. Are you feeling defeated in your marriage? Give it over to God today. Does it look impossible? Give it over to God today. We have had to do this so many times in our marriage. When we Read More…

4 Ways We Should Never Settle in Marriage

This week we’re sharing with you something our friend Debi Walter wrote. Debi and her husband Tom have a wonderful ministry at Theromaticvineyard.com. In this Insight, Debi points out something that is important for all of us to note when we are tempted to settle for that, which we shouldn’t. Read More…

Is Your Marriage God Centered or Spouse Centered?

What motivates you in how you react to, and treat your spouse? Is your marriage God centered? Or do you have a marriage that is centered on the 50/50 principle where you treat your spouse according to the way your spouse treats you? It’s the principle of: “You-scratch-my-back and I’ll-scratch-yours” Read More…

Self Reflection As a Spouse – MM #226

Here’s a question that takes some self reflection. Have you considered what it’s like to be married to you? Have you ever voiced one of these statements: “If only I was married to someone who cares more about me! Life would be so much better.” “It’s because of him (or Read More…

Building a Godly Marriage – MM #212

Are you building a godly marriage? Are you applying God’s wisdom in the way you interact with each other? We are told in the Bible: “By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” (Proverbs 24:3-4) Read More…

Doing Whatever it Takes – Marriage Message #176

“Doing whatever it takes can take you where you may not want to go.” (Dr. Emerson Eggerichs) When I (Steve) read the above statement from Dr Eggerichs’ book, Love and Respect (Integrity Publishers), it got me thinking about Cindy and my marriage. Let me say at the outset that for many years Read More…