The Ripple Effect in Marriage

Several weeks ago, our pastor talked about the ripple effect that our obedience to God has on those around us. Our walk with the Lord has a great impact on those God brings into our lives. God designed it to be that way. We are not created to be islands Read More…

The Marriage Story

Everyone who is married is writing a marriage story. Have you ever thought about that? It’s true; it’s one that you live, and others read (whether you have ever realized it or not). Haven’t you ever been with a couple and thought to yourself, “I would love to have a Read More…

Resurrected Love Within Marriage

Is it possible for a marriage to come to life when love appears to be long gone? YES! Without a doubt resurrected love within marriage IS possible! Jesus was resurrected from the dead, so why would God not have the power to direct a resurrected love within a dead marriage? Read More…