Reflecting Back on Our 49 Years of Marriage

This week Steve and I are reflecting back on the years we’ve been married. It’s hard for us to believe that we were married 49 years ago this week. Sometimes we’ve wondered if we could make it. But we hung in there, leaned in, and worked things out so we Read More…

The Marriage Puzzle

A while back Cindy and our nephew spent a number of hours putting together a jigsaw puzzle. They enjoyed the time they spent together. Plus, they enjoyed the challenge of putting the puzzle together. But it sure seemed like it took too much time and effort to accomplish, to me. Read More…

Take That Step Forward in Love

Love either grows forward, or it goes backwards. We’re hoping you will grow your love, and also take that step forward to show your spouse an extra portion of love. But don’t stop there. Take the next step and the next to find ways to show love to your spouse Read More…

The Love of Christ Reflected

When others look at the way you treat your spouse, do they see the love of Christ reflected? That concept has been on our minds all week (month, year, etc.)… it’s actually the aim of Marriage Missions —to help all of us “reveal and reflect the love of Christ within Read More…

Strengthening Marriages to Beautify Them – MM #297

The main reason this ministry exists is to help to reveal and reflect the heart of Christ within marriages. Not only do we work at strengthening marriages, but we join forces with those who do this, as well. That includes you. Even if your marriage is not very healthy right Read More…

Understand your Spouse (Part 2) – MM #264

We’re talking about learning to know and understand your spouse. “Proverbs 23:7 says, ‘As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.’ To me this says that whatever you put in your heart will sooner or later show up as the real you. You become what you think about Read More…

Reflections on Marriage – MM #39

On March 2009, Cindy and I (Steve) celebrated 37 years of marriage. Wow! That’s 13,514 days; 324336 hours and 19,460,160 minutes (just in case you wanted to know) of sharing my life with the same woman. [We’ve since added many years, hours, days, and minutes to those numbers.] In my Read More…

Reflecting the Image and Unity of God – MM #14

Are you reflecting the image and unity of God in your marriage? It’s important to remember something that Rev. Bill Versteeg points out: “Marriage is from God. It is God’s work; it is his doing.” Have you ever thought of marriage in that way —that it is GOD’S work that Read More…

Christian Marriage As a Living Picture – MM #3

Do you realize that a Christian marriage is a living picture? It’s a testimony of Christ’s love for His church. It displays an important biblical message. As author Rick Pidcock notes: “The relationship between a husband and wife in marriage models the gospel. When explaining a Christ-centered marriage, Paul says Read More…