Surviving a Crisis

Crisis is a part of married life, no matter how much we wish it weren’t. And when a husband and wife have been together [for a long time] it’s inevitable that they’ve had their share of tough times. Such crisis —for example, health problems, sexual issues, financial trials, struggles with Read More…

Don’t Allow Tragedies to Split Your Marriage Apart!

The Bible says, “in this world you will have trouble” (John 16:33). It’s an established fact. Tragedies will happen. And yet so often, despite the warning, when major trouble occurs, we’re taken by surprise and are unprepared for the trauma that it can cause in our marital relationship. We’ve sure had Read More…

When You Lose Your Job

You’ve lost your job. How do you cope? How do you deal with all of the different emotions, the financial concerns, as well as the marriage and family concerns that bombard your mind? And how do you even deal with God, wondering why He would allow you to be in Read More…

When Your Spouse Dies

When we marry, our goal is to “become one flesh.” It’s talked about in the Bible in Genesis 2:24, Malachi 2:15; Mark 10:7-8; Matthew 19:4-6; and Ephesians 5:31. But what happens to the surviving spouse when his or her spouse dies? That’s a question we’ve been asked many times here Read More…

Strategies to Survive Infidelity

How do you survive infidelity? How can you ever live with the fact that your spouse has betrayed you? You trusted your spouse more than anyone else in the world. And for this reason it can be impossible to comprehend that anyone could ever make it through something this horrendous. And Read More…