The Post Honeymoon Slump

After all of the planning for the wedding is behind you, after the wedding actually occurs, after the relatives and guests go home to their normal lives again, after the honeymoon is behind you —the marriage begins. And that can be a real-eye opener. That’s when you start to face what Read More…

My Spouse Changed After We Married

We’ve heard the following statement so many times from troubled spouses, “My spouse changed after we married.” Or they’ll say, “He or she isn’t the same person I married.” Sometimes they’ll say, “We just grew apart!” Actually, all three statements are true. Your spouse isn’t the same person you married. Read More…

How You Relate After The Wedding

Have you ever looked at your partner across a room and known exactly what he was thinking? Is that how you relate to each other after the wedding? Jack and Carole Mayhall say that just looking at each other can develop intimacy in a couple: A way to develop the Read More…

When the “Honeymoon” Ends – Marriage Message #154

“The public is so ill-prepared for and ill-informed about marriage —they don’t realize that the first two years of marriage is the time when a new civilization is hammered out. We mislead couples by calling it the ‘honeymoon’ phase. We send them off without the basic understanding of what to Read More…

This Isn’t The Person I Married – Did I Make a Mistake?

Some people might wonder if, after they walked down the aisle, their spouse somehow had a quick brain operation. They changed how they approached life, “from this day forward.” That’s because the person they thought they married seemed to change into someone else completely different after the wedding. We hear Read More…

When the Honeymoon Is Truly Over

“Sure lots of marriages end in divorce today. It seems like everyone I know has been divorced or is considering divorce. But it will never happen to Suzy and me because…” “…We have an unusually strong love.” “…We really know each other.” “…We’re compatible.” “…We’ve discussed the potentially troublesome areas Read More…

Husbands Who Shift Gears After The Wedding

Do you feel like you went down the aisle on your wedding day with one man and later found him to be COMPLETELY different than you ever imagined? Do you feel deceived, thinking your husband knew he was deceiving you and you just don’t understand why? If he was different Read More…