Discerning the Difference Between the Conviction of the Holy Spirit and Condemnation of the Enemy

“There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).

Condemnation - Pixabay cloud-363075_640It is important for born again Christians, to know that there is a huge difference between the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the condemnation of the enemy of our faith. It can affect how we approach life.

Please, let there be no confusion. The Holy Spirit works to convict us to push away from the ensnarement of sin (doing that which is wrong). And He works in drawing us towards God in freedom. The condemning spirit of the enemy of our faith works to push us away from God. This is done in shame and condemnation. That way we are more prone in hopelessness, to continue to do what we should NOT.

Concerning Condemnation:

“There are two feelings we can experience after we’ve sinned. One is conviction and the other is condemnation. Conviction is from the Holy Spirit, prompting us to confess and be restored to fellowship so God can continue to bless us. Its purpose is to draw us closer to God. Condemnation is from Satan, trying to convince us that we’re no good, and that God will never forgive us. It’s purpose is to keep us away from God by making us feel guilty.

“As soon as we confess our sins, we’re forgiven and the sin is forgotten as God immediately purifies us from all unrighteousness (See: 1 John 1:9). Any bad feelings we have after that are feelings of guilt that come from Satan.

“So if you’re being drawn closer to God, you’re feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit. But if you feel like hiding from God and begin to doubt His love for you, you’re feeling condemnation from the devil. Rebuke those feelings in the name of Jesus. Resist the devil and he’ll flee from you” (see: James 4:7-10). (Jack Kelley, of Grace Thru Faith Ministries)

Furthermore, concerning condemnation:

“There is a simple test to see if you experiencing condemnation by the enemy or gentle conviction by the Holy Spirit. Guilt and/or shame will draw you further away from the Lord deeper into sin. Conviction is the Holy Spirit nudging us to confess and turn from the sin as He provides the power to overcome” (See: Romans 2:4; Romans 8:31-39; Philippians 4:13; Luke 22:31-32). (Robin Samson of Heart of Wisdom.com)

To help you further to discern the difference between the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the condemnation of the devil, we are going to share with you additional principles and scriptural references that we believe will empower you in your spiritual life, your personal life, as well as your married life.

Why is this relevant to marriage? It is relevant because the condemning method of the enemy of our faith works to draw us away from the healthy thinking and actions that God wants us to embrace. And when that happens our marriages are in peril of being weakened and destroyed. When we draw towards God, we have the power of the Holy Spirit working within us to do what is good, noble, right and pure.

The following is a short study of what the Bible tells us about the character of God and the character of enemy of our faith. We pray it will inspire you to dig deeper into studying the Bible so you will rightly discern what is Truth both now and in the future.


1. Tone of the enemy of our faith:

Accusing, nagging —it’s a mocking voice generating fear and shame causing confusion, projecting a sense of rejection and ministering questions like: “Has God indeed said?” He’s the father of lies (see: John 8:44). He’s deceitful, pretending to know what’s best for you.


Loving voice of our Father, imploring, beseeching and urging our return to Him …as we’re told in Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me all ye who are weary and heavy laden…” And in John 12:32 where Jesus says, “…I will draw all men to myself.”

2. The enemy of our faith’s messages are vague and general:

He generates a blanketing, choking sense of general guilt, as though everything is wrong and there’s no one action you can really take to overcome. Often a sense of complete hopelessness and weakness prevails. The enemy attacks you in general. You can’t see a light at the end of the tunnel. You feel helpless and hopeless focusing on half-truths.


The Spirit says, “Fix this one thing and you’ll be free.” He commands you to take one specific action — to make a choice of your will. “And you must not turn aside, for then you would go after futile things which cannot profit or deliver because they’re futile. For the Lord will not abandon His people.” (1 Samuel 12:21-22) The conviction of the Spirit is specific to the sin. The Spirit defends you against your over-sensitive conscience. He draws you to God.

3. Discouragement and condemnation is the message of the enemy of our faith:

He centers his attack on you as a person and cuts your self-image to ribbons. He pushes to agitate and provokes you to be disobedient to God (see: 1 Chronicles 21:1). And then the enemy tempts you in areas of weakness. The enemy tells you that you are weak and not one of God’s chosen ones. He tries to ruin you without cause (see: Job 2:3).

He tries to deceive. (See: Matthew 4:3; 1 Thessalonians 3:5; Revelations 12:9) Also, the enemy continually accuses you before God. (see: Revelations 12:10; Revelations 20:3.) He is impatient and feeds anxious feelings.

The enemy schemes against you by sending discouragement as flaming missiles. (See: Ephesians 6:16.) He tries to make crooked the straight ways of the Lord (see: Acts 13:10).


He encourages you to rely on God’s power, not on your own righteousness or strength (see: 1 Thessalonians 5:24; 2 Chronicles 20:15; 2 Chronicles 16:9; Psalm 23; Psalm 37:5-7; Proverbs 3:24-26). The Holy Spirit encourages you to be anxious for nothing and most times doesn’t give a deadline. He comforts and encourages the broken hearted and proclaims liberty for the captives (see: Isaiah 61:1). He even makes intercession for you (see: Romans 8:26).

4. “Remember all the past” says the enemy:

The devil replays the videos of your past memories of sin and guilt and shame. He draws up accounts of your past sins, failures and offenses that are under the blood.


The Holy Spirit tells you your sin is forgotten, cleansed, removed, covered and put away, never to be held against you. (see: John 1:29; Psalm 103:12; 1 John 1:7-9; Psalm 51:7; Micah 7:19; Hebrews 10:17; Philippians 3:13; Matthew 12:31; Psalm 34:7-8)

Condemnation is the Enemy’s Message

5. The message of the enemy is rejection and condemnation by the holiness of God:

He disguises himself as an agent of holiness and an angel of light (see: 2 Corinthians 11:14). He produces the feeling that God has rejected you as unworthy and unholy. Satan speaks of God as your judge and you as a miserable sinner. He emphasizes “good works” instead of God’s grace. The message is to “do, do, do” and yet you can never “do” enough to “measure up.”


There is a pull of attraction towards God. He generates in you an unexpected kindness, love, long-suffering, forgiveness and new beginning with God’s help. The Holy Spirit speaks of your permanent relationship with God, drawing you to the Son of your Father (see: Joshua 1:8-9). The emphasis is to experience and live in God’s grace and forgiveness! He desires all men to be saved to come to the knowledge of truth (see: 1 Timothy 2:4).

6. The enemy brings negative scriptures to mind:

As Shakespeare said, “The devil knows how to quote scripture to his purpose!” Satan threatens judgment and says, “Grace is denied because you didn’t fulfill the conditions!”  He uses the Law against you to justify yourself and rely on your own righteousness (see: Romans 10:3; Galatians 2:16). He comes and sometimes takes away the word which has been sown (see: Mark 4:15).


(See: John 14:26.) He speaks of the unchanging nature of God and of His steadfast love towards us. He confirms that God remains faithful to His covenant (see 1 John 1:9; Hebrews 10:23) even when we prove faithless for a time (see: 1 John 3:20). The Spirit reassures us that there is no law that is effective against those who rely on Christ’s work (see: Colossians 2:14, Psalm 25:8-14; Psalm 40:1-5). He assures us that He is our help and strength (see: Psalm 121 and Psalm 146).

7. The enemy works to isolate you:

Suggestions are sown that cause you to withdraw from other Christians and works on you to think that they reject you. In your isolation, you then feel lonely, hurt, unworthy, rejected by others and angry (see: 2 Corinthians 4:4). He works to divide you from others.


The Spirit sends others to minister to you in love. As a result, you learn to accept other’s words of encouragement and to appreciate one another and their ministry to you. (See: 1 John 1:3; Hebrews 12:1-2; Hebrews 10:24-25.) He sends others to open your eyes to turn from darkness to light so you may receive forgiveness (see: Acts 26:18). He works to unite us in love with other believers (see Luke 22:31-32).

8. The enemy of our faith emphasizes feelings that lead you to feel condemnation:

He tells you that the way you feel is the way things really are, even if facts differ (i.e. feelings are truth!). Your feelings of guilt, despair, hopelessness and doubt of God’s love for you are made to seem real. He encourages feelings of frustration at God’s unfairness and partiality and focuses on half-truths to cajole and control you and acts as a stumbling block to set your mind on your interests above God’s.


Feelings will follow faith in these facts! The Holy Spirit gives you correct doctrine and the whole truth. Learn your theology to avoid being fooled by Satan (see: Romans 16:19). The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth to move, influence and inspire you (see: John 16:13; Matthew 10:26-28; Psalm 19; John 8:45). He will also guide you to set your mind on God’s interest instead of man’s interests. (See: Matthew 16:23; Colossians 3:1-2.)

9. The attack and condemnation of the enemy is destructive and demoralizing:

The object is to get you to curse God to his face (see: Job 2:5). He fills your heart to lie (see: Acts 5:3). He encourages selfish ambition, arrogance, lying, bitterness, jealousy and disorder (see: James 3:13-16).


He disciplines as a loving Heavenly Father (see: Proverbs 3:11-12; Job 5:17; 1 Corinthians 11:32; Hebrews 12:6-11). His wisdom is pure then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy, and unwavering without hypocrisy (see: James 3:17).

10. The Devil accuses:

He accuses you of having committed the unpardonable sin (see: Zechariah 3:1). The adversary is quick to judge and quick to accuse (see: Revelation 12:10).


He states the fact that it is Christ who saved you and continues to keep you (see: 2 Chronicles 34:27-28; 1 John 1:9; Psalm 103.8-13; John 3:17). He reminds you that God is patient and long-suffering (see: Numbers 14:18; Isaiah 30:18).


What is the purpose of the enemy of our faith in accusing and condemning us? It is to draw us away from God and to render us helpless to ourselves and to others! What is the purpose of the Holy Spirit convicting us? It is to draw us to God and to each other and to help us to be all we can be!

The Enemy:

•  Speaks in half-truths
 Pushes, agitates
Emphasizes: “Do, do do…”
– Divides people
Encourages our willfulness against God’s ways
– Tells us we are inadequate
Encourages complaining


•  Is about the whole truth
– Wants us to be anxious for nothing
Emphasizes: “Be, be, be…”
– Unites people
Emphasizes the will of our Heavenly Father
 Empowers us
Encourages contentment

The emphasis is that we’re to study all that God is in the Bible. We need to keep in mind that God is strong and He does not tolerate sin. He is our judge, but He is a fair judge who punishes and disciplines us, always wanting to draw us to Himself  —not push us away from Himself. The devil’s purpose is to pull us away from God and his people. God is straightforward and direct. The enemy is sneaky.

Release Condemnation and Embrace God

It’s important to note something Gary Thomas wrote, based on scripture:

“Whenever you hear the whispers that you are condemned, and must accept ‘punishment’ for your disobedience (financial wreckage, vocational failure, sexual frustration) remind yourself of Romans 8:1: ‘There is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.” Jesus paid the price so we don’t have to.'”

As you go with God, you will push away that, which you should release and embrace that which you should hold onto through his guidance —with His strength.

Cindy Wright of Marriage Missions International wrote this article. It is a compilation of points put together after years of personal study of scripture, sermons heard, and insights given through the years from many others who have also studied this subject.

— ALSO —

Below are several web site links to articles giving additional insight into this subject of condemnation vs conviction that we pray will help you further as you read:





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156 responses to “Discerning the Difference Between the Conviction of the Holy Spirit and Condemnation of the Enemy

  1. (USA) Thank you for this! I was looking online for something I could find to help comfort my brother’s heart. He has been a complete mess all day, convinced that God told him he was condemned to hell and nothing could ever fix it. Hell is unbelievably scary and my brother has been flooded with fear and guilt, truly believing God made that permanent decision. This web site hit directly to what was going on and I am so thankful God directed me to this site. I believe it gave my brother the comfort and information he needed to identify the devil in disguise. Truly amazing. Thank you.

    1. May God minister to your brother’s heart and help him to discern in the future, the difference between the condemnation of the enemy of our faith and the conviction of the Holy Spirit. When we mess up –when we sin, God lets us know that what we did was wrong and there are sometimes consequences to pay (sometimes by His grace, He lessens them). But God is ALWAYS is willing and waiting to accept us back to love us as His own, if we confess and repent and draw close to Him for guidance. I pray for your brother that he senses God’s love for him and His willingness to always walk with him as he puts his hand and life into God’s. I pray peace and hope for him –that he will experience better days ahead –ones that will bring a smile to his heart.

  2. This webpage has been a huge help to me. I cannot thank you enough. Everyone should read and contemplate exactly what you have written. Exorcising the inner demons is probably the hardest thing to do in life. Certainly, it is one of them. The great deceiver is really cunning but the love of God will ALWAYS win. Love is the most powerful gift God gave us. Thanks.

  3. Hi, so I’m very scared. I wonder if I’m saved or not. I believe that I am because my life has completely changed ever since I gave it to Jesus last summer but now I keep getting thoughts that I’m not, that I’ve been rejecting the Holy Spirit and JESUS and that I don’t know JESUS and he doesn’t know me. And I’m really scared because I know when the Holy Spirit is talking to me, like for some reason he keeps saying to me “I am with you always to the very end of the age.” And I keep hearing “You are a child of God” but I don’t know if that’s true or not and these thoughts and things really scare me.

    Like whenever I am looking for a boo about JESUS or faith I seem to get so scared that what if I’m not saved yet and then I don’t want to look at the book anymore because I’m scared it’s true and then I wonder all this time have I even known God or the Holy Spirit and I’ve prayed the sinners prayer and want to follow Jesus but I’m just plagued by this fear that I’m not saved and it scares the crap out of me. My youth leaders keep telling me that I am just by how the Holy Spirit has produced fruit of the spirit in my life and how Jesus had completely changedy life, my habits and all the things I used to do.

    Please help and get back to me as soon as possible, I’m so scared and if I’m not saved I want to become saved. Whenever I pray the sinners prayer I feel like I didn’t say the right words so I don’t know what to do and I don’t know if the Holy Spirit is convicting me or if Satan is condemning me. I have no clue an I really need to know. Please get back to me as soon as possible!!!

    1. Aleks: First, when you say your “life was completely changed ever since I gave it to Jesus last summer…” I believe you were sincere and that you are born again. It is perfectly natural to have doubts because the enemy of our faith – Satan – is the accuser, the liar, the deceiver. He will try anything to keep a sincere Christ-follower from being an effective witness; and his best tool is to get us to “doubt” our salvation.

      It’s not just enough to be born again, you also need to be in a fellowship with other believers who can encourage you and help you to grow through Bible study, worship, and more. I’m guessing you aren’t in close fellowship with other Christians or you haven’t expressed your doubts to a pastor or anyone who can help you process through this stage.

      At the same time, I want you to be able to know for sure you are, in fact, a child of the living God, and that Jesus saved you from all of your sins. Go back to the Home Page of our web site and scroll down, and in the right margin you will see a blue box that says, “Seeking Direction? Purpose? Hope? Find it Now!” When you click on that box it opens up to a page that has a number of “helps” and resources you can use to help you know “for sure” you are secure in your faith.

      There are three links: “Need Him,” “How to Know Christ Personally” and “COMING HOME: An Invitation to Join God’s Family.” Any of them would prove to be helpful to you, but we would recommend you especially make sure you go into the “Need Him” link. They have the ability for you to talk with someone about your questions, doubts, and they can pray with you. There is someone available 24-hours a day. So, I would encourage you, Aleks, to contact them.

      But afterward, please follow through to find a good Bible believing, teaching, living church. The enemy of our faith likes it when we’re isolated from other Christians because that’s when he can really get us to doubt and question our faith. Also, open your Bible and read it every day. If you look in the back of your Bible you’ll find a Concordance and it lists words and topics in the Bible. Look up the word, “assurance” and then read all of the verses that talk about the assurance we have as Christ-followers. Or, look up the word, “believe” and then read all of the verses about that.

      Aleks, you can go to God any time with your doubts or fears. He understands and all He wants to do is love on you and help you grow in your faith. I pray you’ll take the next step and find what you’ve been looking for all along. We’re praying for you. Blessings in Christ!

    2. Dearest Aleks, Receiving Christ as your Savior means you believe He has paid the debt for all your sins that you owe. He paid it for you. Then He placed His garment of righteousness on you. It was washed in blood and made pure and clean. You are wearing His righteousness on you, covering penalty.

    3. You are wearing His righteousness right now. His Word gives a definite command. This is not a suggestion but a command. “Be ye holy for I am holy.” That word is “BE”. It didn’t say “do”. You are declared holy, and now you have the POWER to be what Christ has already made you to be. The enemy has already been defeated so tell him to, “GET BEHIND ME SATAN!” then make your decision to live out that holiness and righteousness in your character in your life.

      Seek an intimate relationship with the Lord. Long for time spent in His Word. Crave for His presence to be experienced every moment of your life. Love Him more than you have loved anyine or anything in your life. As you seek this closeness, you will experience all this. Your character will look more like Jesus Christ every day and the Holy Spirit living in you will (guess what?!) DRAW MANY PEOPLE TO HIM!!!

  4. I am a student and single but engaged, a Nigerian. I always have this condemnation in me whenever I visit my fiancé. Because the unexpected happens when we are romancing till we are both naked. It always pricks my heart that I have sinned. Please help me out. How can we stop it because I will be going there in two months time and I don’t want such to happen again.

    1. Pray to GOD to not give in to lust because it is of the devil. It is called fornication in the Bible, and it says those who practice such things shall not inherit the kingdom of GOD. GOD can take those feelings away, he did it for me and my girlfriend. May GOD bless you and keep you.

    2. Avoid situations which lead to this. Do not be alone. You must both be committed to being holy. If you are sure that this is the man God intends for you, and not because of lust, then get married.

  5. Hey mate, I was wondering about this and it’s always been a double sided answerable question but I want to hear it from a christian… Is there such thing as darkness that is holy? I am totally anti-satanic and in the future I plan to be a Christian …I’m 14 years old and am confused on this thought because people think I’m satanic and if there is not a holy darkness I will totally invest in having no part of it. And if my email is hypocritical I deeply apologize and you are a good person for believing in God.

    1. There is no darkness at all in CHRIST. He is the light of the world. Do not follow darkness; that is satan. Give your life to CHRIST now before it’s too late. Don’t wait. We are not guaranteed to live any longer, only by GOD’S grace are we alive. GOD is good all the time. Have a blessed day.

  6. Amen! This web site truly gave me what I needed from beginning to end.We as Christians should study the word as much as possible and surround ourselves with positivity. Hallelujah

  7. Thank you for this article. We had church yesterday, today, and tomorrow. While I went to church yesterday, tonight I did not go due to obligations of having to go out of town tomorrow and needing to clean and pack. My husband was upset that I did not go to church and has been convicting me all evening. “You could have went to church, you barely cleaned, you could have went, you didn’t.” I said ” God knows my heart. I have to work 11 hours tomorrow and then when I get off I have to drive for 3 hours.” He says “Excuses. You just didn’t want to go.” He has been convicting me since he got home from church and says “God chastise’ those he loves.” This isn’t helping me, it’s only pushing me away and making me feel terrible. It makes me not want to go to church. Plus my pastor and first lady pressures us if we dont go to church. I hate feeling this way, it makes me not want to be involved at all….. Please pray my strength! Amen.

    1. That is wrong to be pushing you behind it. satan did that; be strong. God knows in your heart. Pray; ask for help. Don’t give up. Love God in your mind, and soul. He knows.

    2. It sounds like people being controlling. :( This book is a book that had brought me comfort in a time of dealing with spiritual authority that I didnt agree with, it may encourage you. It looks at the life of David and his respect for and devotion to not sin against an evil king, Saul. Leaders that God has placed in the church can be wrong! A Tale of three Kings

  8. Hey, I would love some advice please. I gave my life to Christ when I was 14 and I had a really close walk with God and completely changed, and was showing fruits. However after a year, I convinced myself I’d committed the unforgivable sin and that God hated me and I was doomed to hell. And overtime I fell back into my old life of sin, because I thought there was no hope for me.

    Only recently I’ve realised that I don’t think I did commit it, and want that relationship I had back. However, I haven’t felt like a big huge conviction and call, like it was when I got saved and I’m so worried that it means I can’t come back. Is it possible to slowly come back to God again after 5 years separated from him, living in sin? Because I have no feeling of God, virtually no belief, and I’m worried I’ve crossed the point of no return or possibly was never even saved to begin with. :-( please any help would be appreciated.

    1. Hi, Samuel. Welcome to Christianity! Jesus loves doubters – remember Thomas? But, so does satan. Let me explain. Once you come to Christ and surrender your life fully to Him satan knows he “lost you.” So, now he uses one of his primary weapons to keep you (and multitudes of Christians) from living their lives of being a vital witness for Christ – doubt. You see, as long as the enemy of our faith can keep us doubting if Christ “really saved from our sins” or “God’s promises aren’t real,” then we can never devote ourselves to learning more of His grace and mercy and be able to share that good news with others.

      The thing you need to take away from this article is that condemnation comes from satan and conviction comes from Christ and the way to tell the difference is that God uses conviction to draw us to Him and satan uses condemnation to push us away from God. You asked “is it possible to slowly come back to God again after 5 years separated from Him, living in sin?” Absolutely! It has been His still small voice and the circumstances in your life that have been drawing you back. He got you to the place of you feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit that you needed to surrender to Christ. You need to understand that not everyone has the “tingles” when they ask Christ into their hearts. We can never base our true faith on “feelings.” There have been many days over my 40+ years of walking with Christ that I didn’t “feel” saved – or very “Christian.” But that didn’t change the fact that I knew that I KNEW I was His child.

      The way you build confidence in Christ and strengthen your faith is by immersing yourself in God’s word. You also need to find a fellowship of other Christ-followers to help you grow in your faith. Satan also knows that if you isolate yourself from other Believers you will be more likely to fall back into sinful behaviors. The next thing to do is to start to develop your prayer life – talking with God. There are tons of “helps” available on the Internet to help you start to build a firm foundation for your faith-walk. The one Bible study tool I HIGHLY recommend is one called Experiencing God written by Dr. Henry & Richard Blackaby. It starts with the very basics and then moves you along into a deeper relationship with God.

      I’m going to give you one simple thing you can do to help you rebuke the devil and call him the liar that he is. In the Old Testament it was a practice the Jews did every time God did a marvelous act and they never wanted to forget it. They set up a pile of rocks as a marker. They called it “Standing Stones” and they dedicated that marker as a way to thank God for what He did. Then, every time they passed by that marker they remembered the miracle of God and it stood for generations for others to learn of what God did in their lives.

      Where I’m going with this is find a place where you can set up a small pile of “standing stones” or a place where you can drive a stake into the ground. What I like about the stake is that you can write on it the date and time that you gave your life back to Christ. Then, the next time satan says you aren’t “really saved” you can walk out to the stake (or stones), point to it and tell the devil he’s a liar because here’s the proof that Christ did what He said He would do – “If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). As you memorize scripture you can throw other verses in his face. Satan hates the Word of God and he’ll flee.

      I can tell you from personal experience, Samuel, all of this works as these have been things I’ve used to help to grow in my faith. Throughout your faith journey you will experience mountain tops and valleys; extreme highs and devastating lows. There’s just no avoiding them. But that’s how God grows us into the kind of men and women who will make a real difference in our world. It’s true, you can spend the rest of your life just sitting in a church pew on Sundays and make it to heaven when you die. But that’s NOT what God intended when He sent His son to the cross to die for our sins. He intends for us to live our lives as disciples who are willing to sacrifice everything to live for Him and to change our world.

      I believe with all my heart God has a very special plan for your life – otherwise He wouldn’t have died for you. I can’t tell you what it is, but as you begin to grow in your faith He will reveal it to you as you are ready to receive it. I pray you are ready for the adventure! ~ Steve Wright

  9. I went to church this morning and felt a call from the Holy Spirit to go to the altar. I didn’t go because I felt awkward and ashamed of my clothes etc. Immediately I was so angry with myself!! I came home and reading this helped me so much. I have prayed and cried and prayed!! But I just wanted to leave a comment to say thank you. Reading this has made me feel much better. Have a blessed day…

    1. Thank you Stacie, for sharing this with us so we can rejoice with you over the things the Lord has shown you… We pray the Lord continues to minister to you and helps you to hold onto the victory you have experienced today. May God richly bless you as you look to Him to help you to live victorious, not giving into the lies of the enemy of our faith.

  10. Thank you this. I felt really condemned today but in reading this I started to cheer up. Thank you very much! Please continue to do God’s will and post these messages.

  11. Thanks for sharing, All the words you say, I’ve been there in life. I know the enemy will to attack, no matter what. The devil believes God’s word. The voice of God is real, just follow Him; have pure heart and don’t mix to matter in your life. Pray and rebuke. The power of prayer is where God leads us no matter how much is hurt and He will fight the good fight. God loves us so much, if we believe and trust Him daily, and feed ourselves the daily bread of life. I just wanted to share this because what I felt in my life. God is so good, pour out ourselves to Him, our priority first is Him, our Lord Jesus. He died for us, he shed his blood for our sins. Thank you God, for everything, you’ve done for all of us. I love God forever until the end of this world. Forgive those don’t know you at ALL. In Jesus Name.

  12. How do I know if I’m blaspheming the Holy Spirit? How do I know if the Holy Spirit stopped helping me? Could the Holy Spirit stop helping me? Where in the Bible does it says that God stops helping me?