Discerning the Difference Between the Conviction of the Holy Spirit and Condemnation of the Enemy

“There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).

Condemnation - Pixabay cloud-363075_640It is important for born again Christians, to know that there is a huge difference between the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the condemnation of the enemy of our faith. It can affect how we approach life.

Please, let there be no confusion. The Holy Spirit works to convict us to push away from the ensnarement of sin (doing that which is wrong). And He works in drawing us towards God in freedom. The condemning spirit of the enemy of our faith works to push us away from God. This is done in shame and condemnation. That way we are more prone in hopelessness, to continue to do what we should NOT.

Concerning Condemnation:

“There are two feelings we can experience after we’ve sinned. One is conviction and the other is condemnation. Conviction is from the Holy Spirit, prompting us to confess and be restored to fellowship so God can continue to bless us. Its purpose is to draw us closer to God. Condemnation is from Satan, trying to convince us that we’re no good, and that God will never forgive us. It’s purpose is to keep us away from God by making us feel guilty.

“As soon as we confess our sins, we’re forgiven and the sin is forgotten as God immediately purifies us from all unrighteousness (See: 1 John 1:9). Any bad feelings we have after that are feelings of guilt that come from Satan.

“So if you’re being drawn closer to God, you’re feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit. But if you feel like hiding from God and begin to doubt His love for you, you’re feeling condemnation from the devil. Rebuke those feelings in the name of Jesus. Resist the devil and he’ll flee from you” (see: James 4:7-10). (Jack Kelley, of Grace Thru Faith Ministries)

Furthermore, concerning condemnation:

“There is a simple test to see if you experiencing condemnation by the enemy or gentle conviction by the Holy Spirit. Guilt and/or shame will draw you further away from the Lord deeper into sin. Conviction is the Holy Spirit nudging us to confess and turn from the sin as He provides the power to overcome” (See: Romans 2:4; Romans 8:31-39; Philippians 4:13; Luke 22:31-32). (Robin Samson of Heart of Wisdom.com)

To help you further to discern the difference between the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the condemnation of the devil, we are going to share with you additional principles and scriptural references that we believe will empower you in your spiritual life, your personal life, as well as your married life.

Why is this relevant to marriage? It is relevant because the condemning method of the enemy of our faith works to draw us away from the healthy thinking and actions that God wants us to embrace. And when that happens our marriages are in peril of being weakened and destroyed. When we draw towards God, we have the power of the Holy Spirit working within us to do what is good, noble, right and pure.

The following is a short study of what the Bible tells us about the character of God and the character of enemy of our faith. We pray it will inspire you to dig deeper into studying the Bible so you will rightly discern what is Truth both now and in the future.


1. Tone of the enemy of our faith:

Accusing, nagging —it’s a mocking voice generating fear and shame causing confusion, projecting a sense of rejection and ministering questions like: “Has God indeed said?” He’s the father of lies (see: John 8:44). He’s deceitful, pretending to know what’s best for you.


Loving voice of our Father, imploring, beseeching and urging our return to Him …as we’re told in Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me all ye who are weary and heavy laden…” And in John 12:32 where Jesus says, “…I will draw all men to myself.”

2. The enemy of our faith’s messages are vague and general:

He generates a blanketing, choking sense of general guilt, as though everything is wrong and there’s no one action you can really take to overcome. Often a sense of complete hopelessness and weakness prevails. The enemy attacks you in general. You can’t see a light at the end of the tunnel. You feel helpless and hopeless focusing on half-truths.


The Spirit says, “Fix this one thing and you’ll be free.” He commands you to take one specific action — to make a choice of your will. “And you must not turn aside, for then you would go after futile things which cannot profit or deliver because they’re futile. For the Lord will not abandon His people.” (1 Samuel 12:21-22) The conviction of the Spirit is specific to the sin. The Spirit defends you against your over-sensitive conscience. He draws you to God.

3. Discouragement and condemnation is the message of the enemy of our faith:

He centers his attack on you as a person and cuts your self-image to ribbons. He pushes to agitate and provokes you to be disobedient to God (see: 1 Chronicles 21:1). And then the enemy tempts you in areas of weakness. The enemy tells you that you are weak and not one of God’s chosen ones. He tries to ruin you without cause (see: Job 2:3).

He tries to deceive. (See: Matthew 4:3; 1 Thessalonians 3:5; Revelations 12:9) Also, the enemy continually accuses you before God. (see: Revelations 12:10; Revelations 20:3.) He is impatient and feeds anxious feelings.

The enemy schemes against you by sending discouragement as flaming missiles. (See: Ephesians 6:16.) He tries to make crooked the straight ways of the Lord (see: Acts 13:10).


He encourages you to rely on God’s power, not on your own righteousness or strength (see: 1 Thessalonians 5:24; 2 Chronicles 20:15; 2 Chronicles 16:9; Psalm 23; Psalm 37:5-7; Proverbs 3:24-26). The Holy Spirit encourages you to be anxious for nothing and most times doesn’t give a deadline. He comforts and encourages the broken hearted and proclaims liberty for the captives (see: Isaiah 61:1). He even makes intercession for you (see: Romans 8:26).

4. “Remember all the past” says the enemy:

The devil replays the videos of your past memories of sin and guilt and shame. He draws up accounts of your past sins, failures and offenses that are under the blood.


The Holy Spirit tells you your sin is forgotten, cleansed, removed, covered and put away, never to be held against you. (see: John 1:29; Psalm 103:12; 1 John 1:7-9; Psalm 51:7; Micah 7:19; Hebrews 10:17; Philippians 3:13; Matthew 12:31; Psalm 34:7-8)

Condemnation is the Enemy’s Message

5. The message of the enemy is rejection and condemnation by the holiness of God:

He disguises himself as an agent of holiness and an angel of light (see: 2 Corinthians 11:14). He produces the feeling that God has rejected you as unworthy and unholy. Satan speaks of God as your judge and you as a miserable sinner. He emphasizes “good works” instead of God’s grace. The message is to “do, do, do” and yet you can never “do” enough to “measure up.”


There is a pull of attraction towards God. He generates in you an unexpected kindness, love, long-suffering, forgiveness and new beginning with God’s help. The Holy Spirit speaks of your permanent relationship with God, drawing you to the Son of your Father (see: Joshua 1:8-9). The emphasis is to experience and live in God’s grace and forgiveness! He desires all men to be saved to come to the knowledge of truth (see: 1 Timothy 2:4).

6. The enemy brings negative scriptures to mind:

As Shakespeare said, “The devil knows how to quote scripture to his purpose!” Satan threatens judgment and says, “Grace is denied because you didn’t fulfill the conditions!”  He uses the Law against you to justify yourself and rely on your own righteousness (see: Romans 10:3; Galatians 2:16). He comes and sometimes takes away the word which has been sown (see: Mark 4:15).


(See: John 14:26.) He speaks of the unchanging nature of God and of His steadfast love towards us. He confirms that God remains faithful to His covenant (see 1 John 1:9; Hebrews 10:23) even when we prove faithless for a time (see: 1 John 3:20). The Spirit reassures us that there is no law that is effective against those who rely on Christ’s work (see: Colossians 2:14, Psalm 25:8-14; Psalm 40:1-5). He assures us that He is our help and strength (see: Psalm 121 and Psalm 146).

7. The enemy works to isolate you:

Suggestions are sown that cause you to withdraw from other Christians and works on you to think that they reject you. In your isolation, you then feel lonely, hurt, unworthy, rejected by others and angry (see: 2 Corinthians 4:4). He works to divide you from others.


The Spirit sends others to minister to you in love. As a result, you learn to accept other’s words of encouragement and to appreciate one another and their ministry to you. (See: 1 John 1:3; Hebrews 12:1-2; Hebrews 10:24-25.) He sends others to open your eyes to turn from darkness to light so you may receive forgiveness (see: Acts 26:18). He works to unite us in love with other believers (see Luke 22:31-32).

8. The enemy of our faith emphasizes feelings that lead you to feel condemnation:

He tells you that the way you feel is the way things really are, even if facts differ (i.e. feelings are truth!). Your feelings of guilt, despair, hopelessness and doubt of God’s love for you are made to seem real. He encourages feelings of frustration at God’s unfairness and partiality and focuses on half-truths to cajole and control you and acts as a stumbling block to set your mind on your interests above God’s.


Feelings will follow faith in these facts! The Holy Spirit gives you correct doctrine and the whole truth. Learn your theology to avoid being fooled by Satan (see: Romans 16:19). The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth to move, influence and inspire you (see: John 16:13; Matthew 10:26-28; Psalm 19; John 8:45). He will also guide you to set your mind on God’s interest instead of man’s interests. (See: Matthew 16:23; Colossians 3:1-2.)

9. The attack and condemnation of the enemy is destructive and demoralizing:

The object is to get you to curse God to his face (see: Job 2:5). He fills your heart to lie (see: Acts 5:3). He encourages selfish ambition, arrogance, lying, bitterness, jealousy and disorder (see: James 3:13-16).


He disciplines as a loving Heavenly Father (see: Proverbs 3:11-12; Job 5:17; 1 Corinthians 11:32; Hebrews 12:6-11). His wisdom is pure then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy, and unwavering without hypocrisy (see: James 3:17).

10. The Devil accuses:

He accuses you of having committed the unpardonable sin (see: Zechariah 3:1). The adversary is quick to judge and quick to accuse (see: Revelation 12:10).


He states the fact that it is Christ who saved you and continues to keep you (see: 2 Chronicles 34:27-28; 1 John 1:9; Psalm 103.8-13; John 3:17). He reminds you that God is patient and long-suffering (see: Numbers 14:18; Isaiah 30:18).


What is the purpose of the enemy of our faith in accusing and condemning us? It is to draw us away from God and to render us helpless to ourselves and to others! What is the purpose of the Holy Spirit convicting us? It is to draw us to God and to each other and to help us to be all we can be!

The Enemy:

•  Speaks in half-truths
 Pushes, agitates
Emphasizes: “Do, do do…”
– Divides people
Encourages our willfulness against God’s ways
– Tells us we are inadequate
Encourages complaining


•  Is about the whole truth
– Wants us to be anxious for nothing
Emphasizes: “Be, be, be…”
– Unites people
Emphasizes the will of our Heavenly Father
 Empowers us
Encourages contentment

The emphasis is that we’re to study all that God is in the Bible. We need to keep in mind that God is strong and He does not tolerate sin. He is our judge, but He is a fair judge who punishes and disciplines us, always wanting to draw us to Himself  —not push us away from Himself. The devil’s purpose is to pull us away from God and his people. God is straightforward and direct. The enemy is sneaky.

Release Condemnation and Embrace God

It’s important to note something Gary Thomas wrote, based on scripture:

“Whenever you hear the whispers that you are condemned, and must accept ‘punishment’ for your disobedience (financial wreckage, vocational failure, sexual frustration) remind yourself of Romans 8:1: ‘There is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.” Jesus paid the price so we don’t have to.'”

As you go with God, you will push away that, which you should release and embrace that which you should hold onto through his guidance —with His strength.

Cindy Wright of Marriage Missions International wrote this article. It is a compilation of points put together after years of personal study of scripture, sermons heard, and insights given through the years from many others who have also studied this subject.

— ALSO —

Below are several web site links to articles giving additional insight into this subject of condemnation vs conviction that we pray will help you further as you read:





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Filed under: Spiritual Matters

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156 responses to “Discerning the Difference Between the Conviction of the Holy Spirit and Condemnation of the Enemy

  1. Recently, I’ve been having a hard time with guilt. I have been re-dedicating my life to God, and I just met a good lady on my online dating website. Keep in mind that I have Aspergers, so I have a hard time with discerning between guilt and conviction.

    The problem is that we are both believers in God, but she is going to be divorced completely in a month. She and her ex-husband never actually loved each other, but are still friends. Her marriage came after a devastating break-up, and was rushed into. The ex-husband is already dating again, and she has, as well.

    I am afraid that I am committing adultery by talking to her. I like her, and she is extremely accepting of me and my condition. But, I am trying to follow what God wants, and I have read that, even if we wait to date after the paperwork goes through, she and I would be committing adultery.

    The troubling factors are that the divorce was amicable, and the two individuals have already begun having sexual relations with other people because they are single in the eyes of the law. I felt great talking to her at first, but now I feel horrible guilt. I’ve never been married, and Jesus talking to the Pharisees about divorce is keeping my stomach roiling. Since she is divorced, would any romantic relationship with her be considered adultery? Is what I am feeling conviction from the Holy Spirit that any sort of relationship would be wrong?

    Any help or advice would be appreciated. I know that some consider second marriage after a Biblically-unsound divorce to be legalized adultery, and I want to do right in God’s eyes. Right now, I feel ill and scared, like I will go to Hell for even wanting to date this lady.

    (Sorry for the long message, but this is the best way I knew how to explain. Another factor is that I do not know her full relationship with God. Anybody ever have a problem like this?) Love and blessings to all.

    1. Kevin, Please don’t ignore your gut feeling on this. This is not about feelings, as much as it is a conviction that something is wrong here. I believe this gut reaction is given to you by God. Truly, you don’t want to get involved in this situation. If she is okay with dating while she is still married (even if they are divorcing), what would hold her back from dating others when she is in another exclusive relationship (perhaps with you)? How much more exclusive can you get than marriage? And then she is having sexual relationship with others when she is still legally married? You can pretty much guess from just those two things where she is spiritually. Is that what Jesus would do? Is that what He would have His followers do?

      I’ve seen over and over and over again where the Holy Spirit puts forth relationship red flags before a couple gets too heavily involved together and they ignore them. Later they DEEPLY regret ignoring them. The fact that you feel ill and your stomach is rolling and you are having these doubts right now is a HUGE red flag. Please don’t ignore this. I’ve also seen where a couple will get a divorce and a year or so later they decide they were wrong and reconcile –hurting the ones they were with during this time. Please don’t get involved in this. If you are to be with someone, make sure they are totally free of these kinds of entanglements. This gal is not making smart decisions. You really don’t want to put your heart out there and get involved with someone who is making unwise decisions like this. Put your attentions elsewhere. You are tempted, but you don’t have to go with your temptations. I hope you will run the other way.

  2. A few years ago I had an affair with a man but ended it after a few months because of the Holy Spirit’s conviction. I confessed my sin to a pastor and another person and moved on with my life and I am now very much moving on with the Lord. But my problem is I didn’t actually confess to the leadership of my church at the time – which I have now left, I might add – and I get confused whenever the thought comes to me if I should have told them. I know the Lord has forgiven me but wonder should I have brought it into the light. Now whenever the thought comes I keep asking the Lord is it Him convicting me to tell them or is it the accuser, for I have moved on and it is not a part of my life now. This church used to sponsor me in the work I do and they were sponsoring me at the time I sinned but during hard financial times they withdrew their sponsorship. I didn’t leave that church because of what happened for I now live in another country. Blessings

    1. Elizabeth, I believe God would have you move on. You confessed your sin to God and to your pastor and a friend. I can’t imagine that He would have you go further. He might if you were asking something from the leadership of that church, or if you were acting as if you had never sinned. But all of that is irrelevant right now because you aren’t even attending that church. It seems that the enemy of our faith wants to keep you stirred up over this matter. You have confessed, repented, and now you are trying to live your life in a way that is pleasing to the Lord. Don’t allow the enemy to try to keep you imprisoned to this sin. God has forgiven you. So now apply the words that Jesus said to the woman at the well, “Go and sin no more.” By God’s grace you are no longer condemned… you are able to walk in the freedom that Christ gives you because of the sin sacrifice of Jesus.

      “May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ to whom be the glory for ever and ever.” (Hebrews 13:20-21) “As you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” (Colossians 2:6-7)

  3. Suggestion? I was recently born again in March. My life has truly changed for the better. I fellowship at a wonderful church, who has taught me more about Christ than any church I ever been to. They introduced me to repenting, salvation, living holy etc. Even casting off demonic spirits from me, which tried to make me commit suicide.

    I used to wonder was it ok if I could still drink liquor as long as I didn’t get drunk. I always wondered about that question in my head. So about three months after being born again I went out with a few friends. I already decided that I didn’t want to drink anyway but eventually my friends tempted me to drink and I did. As I was drinking I felt so uncomfortable, I didn’t even finish the drink. I became so uncomfortable to the point I asked them to bring me home early. As soon as I walked in my door I ran up my stairs and started repenting to Jesus about me drinking. It’s like I knew it was wrong, so I repented…obeyed the Holy spirit asap.

    Now, the church I fellowship is a very nice church. They are very nice and you can tell that they live a holy life. Actually I’m the only young lady, 26 years old, who attends Monday – Prayer, Wednesday Bible Study, and Sunday-Church. The rest are 30 and up…but the younger people do come once a week, which is Sunday. I personally attend every service because I want to; no one is forcing me too. I learned so much in only 8 months. I’ve been baptized in the Holy Ghost also (Best Day of My Life!)

    Anyway, all the women there wear skirts and dresses. It’s not many of them, but most do. I just started to wear skirts also. No one told me to, I just started to. It was real hard for me to find skirts because all I ever wore was jeans. Now sometimes I would wear jeans and sometimes skirts, but recently I just started feeling ashamed for wearing my jeans. The first time it happened out of nowhere. Then after that every time I would go to church, I feel like they are staring at my jeans, but in reality I know that they aren’t.

    They did give testimonies about how Jesus changed the way they dress etc. So when this guilt came upon me I started to get frustrated because I wouldn’t be able to find a skirt or something to wear to church. And I would end up being late to service etc. That made me kind of angry at my church members…even though they never told me anything about my clothes. Part of me wants to change my clothes but ONLY if Jesus wants me to. I feel like part of me wants to do it because they are. But I don’t want to do it “just because” they are; I want to do it to please Jesus. Not myself. I feel like this is a personal conviction for me, but the enemy is using it to wreck my brain with unfriendly thoughts all day.

    So these are the things I’m battling with..

    1. Was it the Holy Spirit who convicted me in the beginning? By me not obeying, do you think the enemy used that to condemn me and make me think people are looking down on me for wearing jeans?

    2. Every time I wear jeans I wonder if God is pleased, which leads to me overthinking about it. It even makes me not want to fellowship anymore.

    3. The time I took a drink, I repented so fast and never drink again. Why is it so hard to do this one? Maybe because part of me still wants to keep wearing jeans?

    4. How does it feel when you do not obey the Holy Spirit??


    1. Wow! These are a lot of questions. :) I’ll do the best I can. First off though… CONGRATULATIONS on making such a wonderful decision to follow Jesus Christ! You have started a journey that can only be described as amazing! I can’t imagine not knowing Him in this personal way. I’m glad you know Him in this ways also. And now we are sisters in Christ… how great is that? But I have to say that it’s no wonder that you have a lot of questions, since this life change only dates back to March. You are still an infant in your faith. I’m excited for you as you grow more and more. Just be patient with yourself. God will give you wisdom as you pray and keep your eyes and ears open to His leading. But you are still young in your faith, so don’t expect to know that, which took us years and years to discover and learn… and we’re still, of course, learning :)

      In answer to your questions, here goes:

      1. You ask if it was the Holy Spirt who convicted you in the beginning. I’m not sure what you mean by this, but if you mean that you wonder if He drew you to Himself… my answer is yes. I did a bit of digging and here are a few things on the Internet that might help with this as you read them: This first one asks and then answers the questions: “How are people drawn to salvation? What does it mean for God to draw us to Himself?” You can find the answers to them at: https://www.compellingtruth.org/drawn-salvation.html. Here’s another one: “Does God Draw us to Salvation?” You can find the answer to this by going to: http://wwcconline.org/got-questions/does-god-draw-us-to-salvation/.

      Now, as far as your obeying or not obeying… first off, you obeyed when you said “yes” to God and accepted Jesus to be your savior. And now you are saying yes as you grow in your faith through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. As for the wearing of jeans or dresses, or whatever… those are complex issues. In combination of question 1 and 2… In the Bible in 1 Samuel 16:7 we are told, “The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” Yes, God wants us to be reasonable in how we dress. We aren’t supposed to dress provocatively, nor slovenly, as if we don’t care, but our clothes aren’t as much of a concern to God as they are to us. He’s looking at your heart.

      You are right in saying that you may be “overthinking about this.” I’ve been there and have done that (and can still get caught up in it, if I’m not careful). I’ve been a follower of Christ for over 43 years and it took me a lot of years to settle on dressing for church in ways in which I am most comfortable. I dress reasonably fashionably, but I try not to let it be a main concern. I’m reminded of the scriptures in 1 Peter 3:3-4, which tell us: “Our adornment must not be MERELY external—braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.” I emphasized MERELY because it’s not telling us we can or can’t, should or shouldn’t wear these things, but God is emphasizing to us that what’s most important to Him is our spirit. Do we convey the love of Christ? Are we revealing the Fruits of the Spirit (as told to us in Galatians 5:22-23)? The fruits are: “love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” that we are to live out in word and deed.

      In summary, don’t worry so much about what you wear. If you feel more comfortable in jeans, rather than dresses, or in dresses than in jeans… go for it. Sometimes I wear dresses with some groups of people, and pants with others. It just depends. God isn’t condemning you, so don’t worry about it. If what you want to wear is clean, and comfortable, and isn’t weird or provocative where it would draw unnecessary attention to yourself then wear it. Don’t let your self-talk lead you astray or let the enemy of our faith take you to a place where you’re thinking, “God would condemn you if…” when it comes to dress. God doesn’t draw you away from being with Him, but draws you to Himself.

      3. Congratulations on listening to the tugging of the Holy Spirit, concerning drinking. If you sense a stirring within you, then it’s good to go with that tugging. As you mature in Christ you will be able to recognize His voice easier. Right now you are learning how to hear God’s voice. So you won’t always “hear” right… other times you will. Again, be patient with yourself. God knows you are still learning more about Him and His voice. He is patient with you. As long as you repent, and try to better discern His will, He will give you grace.

      4. You ask how it feels “when you do not obey the Holy Spirit.” I think you did a great job concerning the drinking. You will feel an uneasiness, much like you did that night. But if you hear condemning talk in your mind… like “God won’t forgive you if…” or “You can’t go to church if…” or something like that, you can be assured that God isn’t talking; the enemy is. You may want to cut and paste this document of “Discerning the Difference” for reference. Eventually, you will better know the difference. Again, as you keep growing in Christ, reading your Bible, and other Christian resources, you will find it easier and easier to discern who is doing the talking… God, you, or the enemy. And if you sin… tell God you are sorry, and ask for help not to do it again. God knows whether or not you are sincere.

      One more thing. It sounds like you are going to a good church. But sometimes God keeps us at a certain church from day one on… That is our church until we go to Heaven. Other times we will find another church that will better feed us during that time in our spiritual growth. There isn’t one set pattern for any of us. Just lean into growing, learning more about God, Jesus, and our Holy Spirit, and God’s people. As you do this, God will refine how you listen, what you know about Him, and His ways. Again… CONGRATULATIONS! I’m so happy for you and am proud of you. It appears that you are getting off to a great start! God bless!

      “May the Lord direct your heart into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.” (2 Thessalonians 3:5) “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ —to the glory and praise of God.” (Philippians 1:9-11)

  4. I was married in July 2013 and in August of 2013 I went through what I would call a spiritual depression. I had watched a documentary which led me to questioning what I believed. Instead of falling away from my beliefs, I dove in. I began reading the Bible, scripture after scripture reading commentaries and this threw me into a dark place. I was reading and digging in but I believe I was seeing the scripture through legalistic eyes. Which led to me feeling like I was going to hell with every little mistake I made. I knew Christ’s forgiveness but I could not pull myself out of the thoughts that consumed me.

    I kept wondering all the people around me that said they were Christians – did they know what the scriptures actually said. A lot of them we’re doing things the word said was wrong. It made me feel like I couldn’t be around people and family because I was somehow finding myself feeling guilty or worrying for their own salvation. I became depressed. My husband at the time obviously was wondering what was going on. I tried to explain but he had a hard time understanding and the hard part was a lot of his actions and his lifestyle made me feel convicted. Whether it was his drinking, the music he listened to, or just ideas that he was entertaining about life and his beliefs even though he said he was a Christian. I grew distant.

    In May, 2014 he asked for separation and said he wanted a divorce after only 10 months of marriage. It was at this point I was broken; devastated, but somewhat felt a lifting of the condemnation. It was at this time God seemed to lift the scales from my eyes and began to do a work in me and showed me His goodness and I began to pray for my marriage. My then husband did not want anything to do with reconciliation. A few months after my husband separated from me he was seen out with a girl and a few months after that with the same girl. We were not legally divorced.

    From the beginning when he left I found this website called rejoice marriage ministries which gave me encouragement to stand for my marriage and to pray for my husband, which I did. I had come to the conclusion that I was going to wait. I continued to pray and seek God during this time despite knowing what he was doing and actually found a lot of forgiveness in my heart for my husband despite his actions. I let him know I forgave him, and loved him despite his actions. However he was unreachable and seemed he was set on moving on.

    He cut off communication with me from August 2014-April 2015. I was then served with divorce papers in May 2015. I continued to pray and then in September of 2015 my husband reached out. We met up and talked and even was intimate during this one encounter. He apologized for some things but said he didnt want to get back together. It was there after that he again cut off communication. After this I began to contemplate what to do. My then husband continued on with his life with no communication with me. I continued to pray but was coming to the point where I felt I couldn’t do it any longer.

    I then met someone who I became interested in. We became friends but I knew I was beginning to become attracted. I told him we could not see each other because I was still legally married. However we fell and we’re intimate. I cut off the guy because I was legally married but I was caught in between what to do. My husband was off with another woman and I had not talked to him for over a year. He would not follow thru with the divorce. I came to a point in April 2016 where I reached out and asked his lawyer what he was planning to do. It was at that point my then husband followed thru with the divorce and signed the papers. I found out at that point he was still with the same woman he had left me for and living with her.

    Fast forward to this point in time. I am filled with guilt and struggle with condemnation. I struggle with my failing while I was praying for the reconciliation for my marriage. I struggle with forgiving myself. I feel like now because I technically committed adultery while praying for reconciliation that I am unable to remarry. After I was officially divorced I continued to see the guy I met. We are now engaged and I struggle with just feeling like God will never ever forgive me. That even if I’m not with my now fiancé any relationship thereafter I would perpetually be living in adultery if I got married. I now suffer with anxiety. I want to please God; I want what he wants and sometimes I feel like if I have to be single for the rest of my life then maybe that’s what I have to do. I struggle with daily thoughts again of going to hell if I move forward. Me and my fiancé are in church we’re seeking God and we’ve been celibate and want a godly marriage.

    I just struggle with guilt for feeling like I failed God with not carrying out standing for my marriage. I don’t know what to do. I sometimes fear the only way I’m going to feel ok is if I’m by myself. But that thought also causes anxiety. I have been trying to focus solely on the Lord and have reminded myself my joy comes from Him and Him alone. That God does forgive, however I don’t know how to forgive myself or how to move forward. I know scripture and I know God is just to forgive; but I can seem to let go of the thought that he will forgive me if I remarry.

    1. Jamie,

      First off… a BIG HUG for you! You’ve been through a LOT in the past few years.

      Second… Take a deep breath and relax. Jesus loves you more than you can ever even begin to imagine. He has loved you in the best of times and in the worst of times, with an unfailing love that wants to redeem and restore and heal you for His purposes. Let Him hold you close.

      I can look back over my own life and see thousands of times that I have made the wrong choices and caused massive wreckage and hurt many others and hurt myself. And for many years, I struggled with what to do about all of the wreckage laying along the path behind me. On one hand, I knew that Jesus has redeemed me and His blood has covered it all perfectly and the Father sees me covered in the righteousness of Jesus. But on the other hand, I lived under a lot of internal shame for all the mess that I had made, and the evil one would be frequently using those shame-filled memories to keep me largely immobilized and defeated in my Christian walk. However, our God is always seeking to draw us closer to Himself with an unrelenting love, and a few years ago He began a serious work of restoration in my heart, drawing me out of the shame and into a life of grace. To a large degree, He used the teaching of a particular pastor on the radio each morning, and worked on my heart day by day, week by week, little by little. I can offer you what God offered me, with confidence that it will be used to restore you also. Go to https://www.sharingthelight.org/broadcast/series/free-yourself-be-yourself/Radio and begin by listening to the Dec 1st broadcast, “Shame Off You (Part 1)”, then listen through the entire series of 12 broadcasts. Pastor Alan’s teaching will speak to your heart in a special way!

      Before you get married again, I would advise you to work through the healing of what you are wrestling with in your heart right now. If you go forward into marriage without being pretty far down the path of healing, it is likely that your marriage will suffer, and I know that you don’t want that. God has a plan for your life, Jamie, and His plan includes His use of all of the mess of your past, for His purposes, so don’t be afraid of your past. But you want to be freed from your guilt and shame and be following God’s path for you in life before you enter into marriage again, so that you will have a wonderful marriage joined together as one with your new husband as long as you both shall live.

      Oh Father, I lift up Jamie to You, that You might bring Your perfect love and healing and restoration into her life. Begin Your work in her at this very moment! Draw her close to You so that she knows You in a more intimate way than ever before. Comfort her and speak to her through Your Holy Spirit. Lead her along Your path for her life, and bring her future husband along the path that You have planned for him, until their paths meet and they become joined together as husband and wife in Your perfect timing. May Your Holy Name be glorified through Your miraculous healing and transformation of hearts, for You are the Creator of all, the One True God! We lay our lives before You and bring these requests to Your Throne in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus, Amen!!!

  5. Hello, my name is Chance. I have been a Christian for a long time and I have to be honest, I was never free. I always felt condemned for everything I did. Then one day, after falling deep into sin, I was convinced that I had committed the unpandorable sin. I could hear nothing but confusion and condemnation. But there was this still small voice. Guiding me. Telling me that I still have a chance and that God is willing to forgive me and that everything would be okay, but I need to come to God. I repented and felt condemned still. But after desperately seeking God, and “seeking the kingdom first” like so many other helpful scriptures that seemed to come out of nowhere, I was brought back to God.

    However, then I started doubting again and asked God to help me. I was brought back to God again but I started hardcore doubting EVERYTHING this time and genuinely felt like giving up. However, this time was different. The Holy Spirit I felt pushing me to look this up and then instantly felt like this site was crucial and life saving for some reason. So I came here and I realized EVERY SINGLE THING is what I was feeling. I then started to genuinely feel the prompting and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

    Last night was when I was set free of condemnation and I acknowledged that I was still saved. I’ve never been happier. I got my peace, will, and strength back and feel like following Jesus like never before. I just had to thank you because you literally helped save my life. Thank you for letting God work through you to give so many people comfort. I believe God brought me here. Praise the LORD. God bless you.

    1. Chance, Praise God for your peace right now! But the evil one will return and try to cast doubt again at some point, unfortunately. When he returns, remember the peace that you are feeling right now. Remember that our God is NOT a God of confusion and doubt. He is a God order and confidence and peace and love. So, when you sense the confusion and doubt of the evil one… pray… pray that it be removed far from you. God is right there with you and will always answer that prayer.

      Oh Father, I lift up Chance to You today. Be with him in a very real way. Let him feel You close as never before. Teach him to live daily in Your love and peace and grace, so that he never struggles with confusion and doubt again. I bring these requests to You, in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus, Amen!!!

    2. I don’t think you committed the unpardonable sin. The one who commits the unpardonable sin will not be repentant, so the fact that you repented of whatever you did means you’re good. May this bless you, dear sister :-) Don’t let Satan mess with. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

  6. For the last year and a half I have been studying the Bible and diving into my faith like never before. It wasn’t until just over a month ago I started becoming increasingly interested in the Holy Spirit and desperately trying to recognize His voice in my life. I’m almost certain that both myself and my dad (who both started reading the Bible at the same time) have Asperger though we have not been officially diagnosed.

    Anyways, I have an extremely hard time identifying feelings as they generally fall into very basic categories- happy, sad, angry and sometimes disgusted but nothing really in between. All my life I thought the Holy Spirit or my conscience was this feeling I get in my chest which feels like my heart is being squeezed and it is constantly there and if I ignore it I feel terribly guilty and so I have let it direct my life because I assumed it was God telling me what to do even in little everyday choices. After reading the Bible this feeling has increased and it is constantly convicting me of everything I do and I am continually praying for forgiveness even when I’m not sure what I have done wrong.

    My husband and I are both gamers but this feeling has convicted me so bad that I’m terrified now to touch games except for a very small selection which still make me uncomfortable. I have also given up reading books because of this feeling, I stopped watching almost all TV and movies and I have given up almost all music. I have come to a point where the only two things I allow myself to do is work or study my faith.

    Last night I finally told my husband about this feeling and he said that the feeling in my chest is actually anxiety and that the Holy Spirit feels much different (although he is an atheist so I don’t know if I can trust this judgement although I know I’m suppose to be submissive to my husband). Now, I have committed sins in the past and I felt this dread in my stomach that was different then the usual chest tightness and so I’m thinking that is the Holy Spirit? Should I start ignoring this feeling in my chest? I’m really scared to do so because I absolutely do NOT want to deny the Holy Spirit and I am afraid that because I really want to play video games again my flesh is lusting for worldly things and I’m trying to convince myself that this feeling is wrong.

    Also, I was wondering if you think it’s all right as Christians to allow ourselves to have worldly fun? If we are suppose to deny the flesh and we are told we each have to carry our own crosses and that although everything is permissible the only thing worth doing is seeking the Kingdom of Heaven- then how can I give myself permission to do something like watch TV? My brain honestly feels exhausted and I so badly just want to relax and do something mind numbing but then I keep thinking that my strength and rest should be found in the Lord and how dare I rely on man made entertainment.

    I’m sorry for such a long winded comment, I’m just extremely confused about so many basic decisions in my life- I’m not even sure if it’s ok to be writing this comment as I should be turning to God for help, right? My whole life has turned into confusion and I am constantly unsure of everything so I just end up doing nothing but researching, praying and seeking answers. My husband says my problems stem from having Asperger’s and that I’m thinking too logically, too literally and only in black and white but I just don’t know. Please, any help you can give is greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading this huge comment and God bless!

    1. Hi Sharon, I’m so glad that you have “been diving into the Bible as never before.” You can’t gain any better wisdom than that, which God can give you through His word. In addition, God speaks through His people to give wisdom too (although it is not infallible wisdom as God’s is). As I read through what you wrote I could see where you need some wise, godly people in your life. If you don’t have a church home, I really encourage you to make that your next step in your spiritual growth. You won’t find a perfect church, because there are no perfect people. But God says, “It is not good for man to be alone.” What He meant by that is that you need God’s companionship and leading, but He also knows that people need other people too. That is why He created Eve for Adam. And that is why He made it possible for other people to populate the earth. We are created to love God and encourage one another –pointing them to God. In the Bible we are told to “encourage one another and build one another up.” There are many, many scriptures that point to the fact that we are to help and encourage one another.

      I’m well acquainted with Aspergers (as well as Bi-Polar, Autism, and such) because we have family members who are living with these types of challenges in their lives. They are all very intelligent, wonderful people, but when it comes to interpersonal aspects of living, as well as the way in which they interpret other aspects of life, they need other wise people to help them see things that they may not have thought of otherwise. It has nothing to do with their intelligence, but rather the way their brain is wired so that they don’t see as full of a picture of all that is going on. They need the help of others to help them to see other aspects of what they are seeing.

      That is why I encourage you to find a good church home and a wise, godly woman to help you see the bigger picture of what you are seeing in the scriptures. Sometimes we can narrow in on one point and push it to apply to more than it is meant to do. I’ve been there many times myself. We all need one another. Perhaps you can find a godly pastor who will meet with you from time to time to help you sort through some of the confusion. Also, you may consider getting a little Christian counseling to give you a good baseline. It needs to be a Christian counselor, because a secular counselor could lead you in a bad direction. If you don’t know of one, I recommend that you contact the ministry of Focus on the Family – Canada. You can find their web site at https://www.focusonthefamily.ca.

      For now, let me say a few things that may help you with at least part of what you are struggling with here (and then look for others who are Christians that you can personally talk to about biblical interpretation, and you will discover more). First, I encourage you to make a copy of this article to post somewhere handy so that when you are plagued with doubts of whether it is the Holy Spirit talking to you or the enemy of our faith, you can use what is said in this article as a filter. Above all, remember that God loves you and wants to draw you closer to Him, not push you away. If you do what you shouldn’t (sin)… confess it to God and He will embrace you as the perfect Father who loves His child.

      Also, please know that gaming isn’t a sin. It’s the excess of making this your focus where you eat, talk, walk, and sleep gaming –where it controls too much of your life and you aren’t able to balance it with other things you should be doing. That’s true of anything –gaming, reading, watching TV, allowing media to take up too much of your time. That’s where boundaries comes in. Limit yourself in how much you do of this stuff. “I will only spend ___ amount of time each day in doing such and such.” It’s also something you have in common with your husband, so if you eliminate it completely, you unravel one of the threads that you can enjoy talking about together. So just limit your time with this and the other things you do. Set a timer, or whatever and don’t violate the boundary you are setting to help you be better rounded as a person, and as a woman of faith. Just make sure you only participate in games and TV shows that don’t violate God’s standards.

      For you, because you have such a busy brain, it’s actually tiring to do that, which others consider relaxing. God knows that. But strain to do some of it anyway. If you are totally consumed by gaming and reading and watching TV and such, then you elbow God out. You don’t give Him opportunities to talk to you in personal ways. So maybe go out for a walk sometimes, learn to knit, paint, color, garden, swim, walk on a treadmill, or do something where your hands and/or legs are busy but your mind is available to relax in some way. You can have Christian music, a Christian radio station, or Christian tapes playing in the background. God can speak through those medias very well. Keep in mind that we aren’t all created to be a clone of each other. Some people find it easy to relax their minds. Others find it more of a challenge. And then there are others that find it almost impossible. God knows that. But stretch yourself in ways that will help you to grow at least a bit in the area that you need.

      There is a Christian author, radio show host, and blogger that my husband and I respect a lot. His name is Brant Hansen. He also has Aspergers, and talks about it sometimes. He seems to have a real healthy outlook on it. We just finished his book, Unoffendable which we think is incredible. I tell you this to encourage you to look his name up on the Internet. Then go to his web site at branthansen.com. You may even be able to listen to his radio program on line, or contact him to ask a question. Additionally, I found a web site that deals with Aspergers and Christian faith and fellowship. I haven’t read a lot on the web site but I believe you could find some good information there that could help to alleviate some of our tortured thoughts. You can find the web site at http://www.aspergerministry.org. My husband just read several articles while I was typing this and thinks it has some great stuff on it. Please go to it and read what you can. I believe you will help you to settle down a bit in your doubts and approach your faith and resting in the Lord in a way that wouldn’t be so exhausting.

      Your husband may be an atheist, but he has given you good insights (at least in what you told us) on what you are experiencing. You have to go with some of your feelings, but some of them are leading you down a wrong road. But keep studying the Bible. Perhaps get into a Bible study so you can learn from others, as well. But make it one in which you don’t have to share too much (at least in the beginning of your studies). Go to that web site, and see how God leads you in growing your walk with Him. It’s important to know that God doesn’t expect you to be like others. He fashioned you uniquely. Embrace who you are in Him, make it a point not to obsess in your activities, find ways to rest in Him, but above all, enjoy who you are in Christ. I pray you will.

  7. If someone proclaims To be a child of God yet also chooses to fulfill his sin knowing you know yet continuing even after you try to instruct him to God’s truth that we are to walk in His likeness. How am I to descern this in a God willing way. This has been over 2 years and it is like he wants both worlds. Two Masters..please direct my path, God Bless, Dan. This is my first visit to your sight..not a repeat. I apologize for a lack in moderation..but destiny or end result is critical…each breath is but a gift from God. Time is not in our control so we must speak honestly and straight forward. this is not a marriage situation, it is a fellow Christian in trouble.

    1. Hi, Dan. First, I want to affirm that your willingness to be rejected by your friend and your concern for his soul shows you are a true friend…a great friend, indeed. I am going to make an assumption that you have already read the multitude of verses in the Bible that talk about this subject. But I’m still going to give you a couple of links for you to review and pray about.

      I think one of the most important things you can do is to apply ALL of the Matthew 18 principles in confronting a brother’s sin. It sounds like you have confronted him personally on more than one occasion. Have you taken the next step and brought another one or two brothers with you to confront his sin. If there’s been no repentance or change, then have you gone to the leadership of your church to bring the matter to them – and have they addressed it with him properly? Many churches today do not follow the Biblical mandate for discipline on their members, to their shame, and far to often to the spiritual demise of the offenders.

      Confronting one’s blatant sin is never easy nor ever fun (there are many examples in the Gospels showing the results when Christ did this). But it wasn’t easy or fun for Jesus to go to the cross to be able to grant us forgiveness when we repent, either.

      So, at this point my suggestion to you would be to review these Bible verses just to check to make sure you are following the guidelines and motives for confronting your friend (and I’m not suggesting you haven’t been following these; it’s just good we keep our eyes on what’s most important). Then, read this article on Biblical correction – again just to know the best approach to dealing with this man’s sin.

      Finally, Dan, the other best piece of advice I can give you is to make sure you realize that you are not responsible for the decision your friend makes. Our prayer is that he will wake up and see the destruction he is reaping in his life (and most likely in the lives of others) by his actions and repent. And don’t let others try to talk you out of doing this or tell you that you shouldn’t “judge” your friend.

      It’s obvious to me that you are a man of God who cares deeply about your friend’s eternal destiny and I know God is proud of you too. Blessings! Steve Wright

  8. Lately I feel very condemned for french kissing my girlfriend before marriage. It has become a compulsive thought that won’t go away. It’s in my mind and becomes a big knot in my stomach. My thoughts go on, do I sin when I kiss her, and is this from the Spirit or the devil?

    1. I don’t think the kiss itself is even a sin, but trust that the devil will use it to make you sin. The question is why start something that you know you can’t finish? A French kiss is bound to lead to thoughts and ideas that will spark sexual thoughts. So if you haven’t already been led into sin, my advice is to stop French kissing, and get advice from one of your leaders.

  9. My fiancé and I have been dating for over five years but it was a long distance relationship. Earlier this year I had to move to the state where he is staying due to work and my family are also staying in same state with him. So when I was traveling about, I started having this fear in me that is he the right man for me to marry? And Immediately the Holy Spirit told me not be afraid, that I should learn to love him, even with his shortcomings and believe in HIM. But now I am a bit confused because I am still in love with my ex-boyfriend.

    1. My advice is as follows: Love isn’t only about feelings, but about the conviction from The Holy Spirit that He is a man of God, who can help you accomplish a godly purpose together on earth.

      Have you ticked that box first? Acting on pure “feelings” is always a recipe for disaster. I know of many, many, many people who are going through hell on earth because of wrong choices in marriage.

  10. Thank you for this inspiring and thoughtful post. I was under an attack just now and found your blog. I have been plagued with vague guilt and anxious thoughts, which I know are not from the spirit of God. I had a time recently where I allowed the enemy to push me across several of these lies – it is so awesome that the power of God shows up in a beautifully written, Biblically accurate blog to help us discern.

    It reminded me of what is truth vs what is a lie. I bookmarked this site so I can pull it up often. God bless you and thank you!

    1. Jeff, This is so encouraging to us that God used this article to help you combat the attacks you were encountering. Hang in there, keep resisting and look to God continually to lead you into Truth. We are asking God to “fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.” (Colossians 1:9-10)

  11. Wow, this article really helped me find some solace, and hit the nail on the head in regards to what is happening to me. Recently after growing colder and colder in my faith I spiraled into a dark, quickly deteriorating hell, when suddenly the devil accused me of the unforgivable sin.

    I had been under much pressure recently and much confusion and doubt, and one day while reading a church article he dropped the hammer on me. Suddenly I started to panic, my mind started rushing trying to figure out where exactly I had committed this sin. I went from one conclusion to the next, back and fourth, until I had finally accepted that there was no way for me to repent and that hell was my destiny.

    I couldn’t sleep, started to get sick, paranoid, depressed beyond explanation, even being at church was horrible because I started feeling like The Bible was accusing me. Bible verses started to rush through my mind accusing me, as if a movie of everything I did wrong was bombarding my head, and nothing good came to remembrance, all the people I led to the church, the years of evangelism, years of tithing, and everything didn’t count, until I believed that God himself was accusing me, until I even reached a point where I thought I had no choice but to serve the devil…since God had rejected me, I have no master and that I have no choice.

    But just as I was about to make this decision, I decided no way!!! I would rather die!!! I started to eat again, still depressed, starting to fight to attend services, and even though I have become stronger, I still have feelings of accusation, and am fighting a daily battle.

    The thing is, I could never pinpoint where I had committed this sin, or where I had blatantly insulted the Spirit of God. As far as I knew, my intentions were always to please God and even though sometimes I did things that were questionable, like thoughts, and questions I asked in prayer, I believe that I was always sincere. The accusations have been inconsistent, having started as “When you were atheist and you made jokes about religion” then when I overcame that hurdle, another one started, and they just kept evolving and going back and fourth.

    I always wondered: “If this was the truth, then he would be able to take me exactly to what I did, and that would be that.” There would be no need for back and fourth accusations.

    This article really nailed it, and I wanted to thank you for sharing. If you have any more tips please share. God bless you.

    1. Wow Adam! You have certainly been taken on a long, downward spiral journey in your thought life. And there is no doubt who is behind all of this. It’s very recognizable that the enemy has tried to take you down big time. You can recognize this because of how vague and yet sinisterly directed the accusations were, plus how numerous–giving little time to truly think through all of it. I encourage you to make copies of this article and any points that the other linked articles give that could help you to nail all of this to the cross so you can walk away in freedom. Go over the points when you need to.

      Also, and more importantly, look up the scriptures and write the ones that most speak to you and this spiritual warfare battle on index cards. You can either post them around where you’ll see them everyday (like a mirror, or closet doors, or such), and/or you can carry them with you to read and then recite back when you feel weak and need God’s Truth to strengthen you and defy the enemy. That’s what I’ve done several times before in the past (& will do it again when I’m in a spiritual battle). I can testify that it works. God’s Word “does not return void.”

      I’ll never forget the first time I did this. It was a lifeline that helped to dispel the darkness. And then I came across some of the info that is given in this article. I did more research and found more and others gave me even more. All of that was so enlightening. Between praying, reading my Bible, focusing on God’s Truth, listening to Christian music and worshiping God, plus defying the lies of the enemy through the Spirit by recognizing Truth, the Lord helped me to win the battle. After all, as we’re told in the Bible, “The battle belongs to the Lord.”

      You have to throw out the bad–the lies and every deception, big and small that goes against God’s word and instead fill your mind with God’s Truth. I’ve also seen that having a thankful heart and praising God as you look at the world through His eyes leads you onto a steady path. The enemy flees when you fill your life with Jesus–especially praise. Also, look for ways in which you can serve God. Even by giving a smile to a stranger or a hug to someone who needs one, a random act of kindness will serve God, and will bless others and yourself, as well. Encourage others, as you have already done a few times on this web site. Just look to the Lord for His leading.

      When you are strong enough… use the journey you have been on as a stepping stone to grow stronger in Christ. Bless others, and you will be blessed, and the enemy will be defeated. Here are a few scriptures that I feel impressed to give to you. I pray they help to inspire and strengthen you: “May the Lord direct your heart into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.” (2 Thessalonians 3:5) “May mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.” (Jude 1:2)

      “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ —to the glory and praise of God.” (Philippians 1:9-11) “May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.” (2 Peter 1:2)

      “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26) Always remember, no matter what the enemy tells you: “The LORD is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.” (Psalm 145:18)

      1. Hi Cindy,

        And thanks again for your response.

        What has made things difficult is that he has me almost convinced, that I had sinned against The Holy Spirit, so with that in my conscience, whenever I approach the altar, or try to worship God, I automatically start to feel unworthy and almost like an enemy of God, like God is the one who is condemning me.

        This is where it has been hard.

      2. But above all, I really want to thank you for your efforts in your answer and experience.

        “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety”

  12. Hello! I’ve been struggling the past few days mentally over this issue, and I cannot tell if I am overthinking this or what. I found out that google and other common websites have evil logos/signs and I feel incredibly guilty now when I use youtube or chrome because I feel like I am disrespecting God and that this is unacceptable. But my school often depends on using google and other websites in order to get access to important info. I don’t use the internet to sin intentionally (like insulting others or pornography). I only use it for school and to ask questions about random things.

    Is this sense of guilt justified? Am I being convicted by the Holy Spirit, or is the enemy trying to stress me out? I’ve lost sleep over this and I don’t want God to think that I’m choosing the world instead of Him. Thank you!

    1. You make some good points. It’s great that you are trying to be discerning. But be careful about seeing the devil’s doings around every corner because this will take you so far out of the world that you can’t do as much heavenly good for God’s Kingdom work. We can get neurotic about it if we aren’t careful. You are doing good by not using the internet to insult others or go into pornography and such. Some sins are obvious. But to use the internet to search for things for school and learning other things that are useful (and yet God would not see as sinful), you are fine. It’s wise to try to stay away from web sites that have evil logos and such. But again, ask God to help you not to go overboard at being hyper about finding sin where it may not be there. Sometimes we are not careful enough, and other times we are too careful to the point that we withdraw from even healthy things because we’re afraid. Fear can be a shadowy driver.

      We personally use the Duck, Duck Go search engine instead of google. That is a safer one as far as their philosophy about gathering your data. Yes, Youtube does have a lot that is problematic. But they also have a lot of good stuff on there. Just be discerning. Ask God to help you to stay away from places you shouldn’t go. And follow His leading–sometimes to something, and other times away from it.

      “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ —to the glory and praise of God.” (Philippians 1:9-11)

  13. Cindy, I cannot tell you how much of a blessing your post has been in my life. I spent a long time thinking that accusations were from God. I would be left feeling defeated, sometimes a sense of hopelessness, restlessness and fearful. I often thought how can I ever experience the fruits of the spirit? Often this was not due to any specific sin it was movies of the past or a “holier than thou” point of view would ensue. Meaning every little thing was from Satan or he would say see you blew it again. It dawned on me through your post, truly meditating my identity in Christ and worship that I am listening to lies. I started to overwrite each lie with verses (sometimes the ones you reference – often with ones that God would give me) I come back to this post often – thank you for your ministry and for posting this dialog. God led me here and I have experienced so much freedom. I still have some growth to go – but I know that my Lord will not stop until I am made more and more like Him. Phil 1:6, Eph 2:10,

    Thank you again!

    1. Jeff, What a blessing to see how God is speaking into your life through what was written in this article! We love participating with Him in this awesome way. God knew your heart, loved you through it, and led you to this article, and spoke into your inner being to free you from the entanglement the enemy of our faith was trying to entrap you with… fear. But God, in His perfect love, sent Jesus to set you free.

      If you are kept in a fearful state, the enemy knows that you cannot be effective in fighting evil forces. And that is not God’s plan for you or any of us. Yes, we have to be careful and prayerful, but not fearful–recoiling from living our lives in ways that will get us out there to win others to the Lord. Thank you Jeff for sharing this with us. I pray, and Steve prays that God will give you victory to grow in Him to be bold in fighting against the enemy of our faith. “May the Lord direct your heart into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.” (2 Thessalonians 3:5) “To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of His calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by His power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 1:11-12)

    1. You are most welcome. I have to continually make the effort to remember these biblical truths, as well. Sometimes we can get confused about this whole matter. That’s the point that the enemy of our faith wants to push at us, isn’t it? How blessed we are to have a loving, concerned, challenging, yet fair God!