When we think of domestic violence, we don’t often hear about husbands being abused. It’s usually the wife who is the reported sufferer. Yet, there are many husbands who are the victims of spousal abuse. Yes, husband abuse is real; it does happen.
So why don’t we hear about husbands being abused by their wives? David L. Fontes, Psy.D, in the article titled, “Men Don’t Tell” gives insight into several reasons. He writes:
“When a man is a victim of his wife’s physical abuse he is both shamed by the assaults of his wife and shamed by society for not ‘controlling’ her better. Men are considered ‘wimps’ for letting their wives beat them or for complaining about their wives’ attacks. For many men ‘taking it like a man’ means don’t complain and don’t show you are vulnerable or in pain!
“With the prospect of being viewed as ‘wimps’ and/or having the assaults by their wives not believed or minimized by the general public and law enforcement, it’s no wonder few men report their abuse or discuss it openly.”
Yes, Husband Abuse DOES Happen
We, at Marriage Missions, can testify that many, many husbands are the victims of abuse, more than people realize. Part of this is because it’s difficult for men to report their abuse and find help. This is especially true in the Christian community. We’ve received a number of emails from husbands who are dealing with their wives abusive behavior. They write that they want to be honorable men and won’t abuse back. But they don’t know what to do to stop their wives from hurting them in these ways.
We’ve tried to find articles —especially Christian articles, written on this subject to help. But there seems to be very, very little help available for abused husbands.
Does that mean that it’s less important to minister to the hurting husband as it is to the hurting wife, even though the numbers “appear” to be less? Should a husband just accept and silently suffer from abusive behavior, if it is directed at him from his wife? No. Abuse is wrong no matter who is victimizing the other, male or female.
This article is written to give abused husbands a voice that is MUCH needed and overdue.
Husband Abuse: Different Types of Attacks
Maxine Marz wrote a Metronews.ca article titled, “Husband Abuse Erodes Dignity” where she had the following to say on this issue:
“While it is true that most physical assaults caused by women tend to be less severe when compared to a man’s physical assault on a woman with his fist or a weapon. But still, the abusive woman’s slaps, bites, kicks and/or pulling of her partner’s hair are nevertheless very hurtful. In addition to subjecting physical pain, they attack the man’s dignity and erode his sense of self-worth. Many men also encounter emotional abuse when their spouse uses their children to assert her control over the relationship.
“To add insult to injury, some abusive women not only victimize their spouses by abusing them verbally, emotionally, financially and/or physically, but they also attempt to manipulate the criminal justice system in their favour and against their partner. This unconscionable attempt of some abusive women not only re-victimizes their already abused husbands by denying them equal rights and fair protection under the law, but it simultaneously devalues and undermines the admirable progress women’s groups have achieved over the years in trying to protect the rights of legitimately abused wives and their children in the criminal courts.
“It is evident that our society has made positive strides over the years to bring needed attention to domestic abuse and to better protect women. Unfortunately, based on what many abused husbands currently experience, we still have a long way to go to afford them with similar protection of their safety and security. We need to eliminate the current gender bias in our system that re-victimizes them all over again when they step into the legal arena.”
Husband Abuse: Out in the Open
To help bring this type of victimization out into the open, we will provide several web site links to articles that you can read on this subject. We hope it will help husbands to better protect themselves.
The following is a Youtube video that shows a little taste of what some men go through as far as abuse. This is not a marriage situation. It is a boyfriend/girlfriend one where she is assaulting him in different ways, with part of it being caught on camera. It’s part 1 of a Tyra Banks television show that featured abusive women. The quality of this video isn’t the best. But the content is enlightening. Please watch and you will see a small part of what some men go through:
Different Standards for Husband Abuse
What struck me about the featured story is that if that man would have been the abuser, I believe with all my heart that the audience would have been outraged. But the woman was absolutely clueless as to the gravity of it all. Plus, the audience didn’t seem as moved, like they would have been if a woman was getting berated by the man. If he was acting as she did to him, the outrage would have been ramped up. But because it’s a woman hitting and berating a man, it’s more palatable. It shouldn’t be, because abuse is wrong no matter who commits it. And yet, that’s the way society views wife abuse as opposed to husband abuse. This is so, so wrong.
Stories of Battered Men
On a further note, the articles linked below, consist of stories of battered men. (Some of them are followers of Christ and others who are not.) In these blogs, they share their life experiences of being battered by women. Please read what they have written. Abused men and husbands need to be heard too:
• SURVIVOR’S STORIES: Case Studies, Experiences & Stories of Male Victims
The following articles and blogs are posted on various web sites that deal with the subject of husband abuse and battered men. These articles are not posted on Christian web sites. Please be aware of that. However, we believe they give good insights. They also provide a lot of helpful information. We encourage you to glean what is good —that which lines up with Biblical standards. And then throw away that, which doesn’t apply to your situation. As you pray, the Lord will show you what NOT to use. Let the Lord be your guide.
Please click onto the link provided below to read:
— Additionally —
Many people ask why battered men don’t leave the abuse. They also question why do they remain silent? Murray A. Straus, a family violence researcher, gives this insight:
“There is a fear of having a 911 call turned around. If a man is being battered, is trying to protect the kids, and he calls 911, all too frequently he is the one who ends up being arrested. At a minimum, he may experience problems getting the police to believe that he’s been assaulted or that he needs the help of the police.
“Men are also less likely to call the police, even when there is injury. This is because, like women, they feel shame about disclosing family violence. But for many men, the shame is compounded by the shame of not being able to keep their wives under control. Among this group, a ‘real man’ would be able to keep her under control.”
And there are even more reasons. There is also help for men that are being abused. Read the following to learn more:
Read, Even if the Article Needs to Be Adapted
In addition, please read other articles that are provided on this web site in the Abuse in Marriage topic. They mostly address wives who are victimized by husbands. (Sadly, it’s difficult to find info that addresses husbands who are victimized.) Even so, we encourage you to ask God to show you how to apply the advice that is given to your own situation. God can show you what advice you can use, and what you shouldn’t, or won’t be able to use.
We hope you find the help you need. May He help you as you reach out to Him —that is our prayer for you.
Cindy Wright of Marriage Missions International wrote this article.
Filed under: Abuse in Marriage
(AUSTRALIA) Hi all. My wife has maintained a pattern of physical and verbal abuse throughout our marriage. She agreed to get anger management counselling if she hit me again years ago. She has started getting individual counselling recently but from what she has told me it is to deal with her depression.
The physical abuse includes punching me, usually in the face or head. On a few occasions it has even happened when I am carrying one of our children – wailing in fear because of the screaming of abuse that proceeded. The one time I ever hit back was when she hit our daughter who was in my arms. Her response was to kick me out of the house and blame me entirely.
My wife completely validates all her abusive behaviour. Apologizing is something my wife has done sincerely about 5 times in our 10 years of marriage. In one of those 5 times it was only because our pastor made her admit that she was validating her behaviour.
(AUSTRALIA) My wife and I were in counselling today. She denied having a pattern of uncontrolled anger. "I only hit you once a year." Firstly that is false. It is more often. Secondly at least 15 physical assaults (I try not to dwell on it so I have lost exact count) constitutes a pattern of behaviour. Her uncontrolled verbal rages are far more frequent and just as damaging for the kids. Like last Thursday her approach was to be as aggressively accusatory and blaming as possible, so it seems. Clearly she still blames me for our relationship problems and is not yet able to take responsibility for her actions.
(AFRICA) I made a comment here much earlier… (seems the site is just for venting and no one is proffering solutions :-) Anyway, I finally left my wife… about the most difficult decision I’ve ever taken in my whole life.
Of course, she has gone about saying she has no clue why. lol. I left her the house and everything in it. Took only my personals. Of course, I worry for my child growing up with someone with such attitudes and behaviour but I think the little one (9 months) needs a mother now more than a dad. I hope I’m right.
It dawned on me some days back that I still love her very much and would love that things were different. BUT I also know that we are a definite mismatch. We want absolutely different things in life and marriage and obviously believe in different ways of achieving our wants.
We talk now and then on phone. I go see my baby fortnightly (it breaks my heart that I can’t be there for the child’s growing).
She wants me to come back yet fails to commit to definite actions to show her desire for a peaceful co-existence. I’ve realised that it’ll do neither of us any good as we wont be happy! :-(
Well, be that as it may… I’m on track in getting help for myself per the deep emotional abuse and for the first time in over 2 years, I can say with some measure of confidence “I AM HAPPY.” Thanks for letting me share.
(ROMANIA) Mancee, Thank you for sharing your story. I’m not sure how many people can say something valuable to help, but I’m sure many read, and learned, and felt a relief, like i did, for not feeling crazy. Or they received a confirmation, at least. I wanted to thank you.
To you and all of you who have spoken up, it requires a great deal of courage to admit that you are an abused man.
(USA) Mancee, I offer the same advice I offer anyone else who has left, which is to take the matter before your church. Go to them with your complaints about her behavior AND a solution you would like to see. Also ask about her complaints regarding your behavior and what solutions she would like to see.
Ask the church for Godly mentors to lead both of you to being Godly spouses and parents.
Your child needs to see you more than fortnightly. Your child needs you in his/her life on a daily basis, especially if your wife is abusive.
Everyone wants different things. That’s no excuse for abandoning your vows. Marriage is difficult, marriage is work, and many things we want are not Godly things.
So I recommend that you approach your wife and ask her if she’ll join you in a Bible Based program to reconcile your marriage, to control her anger and address any complaints she has about you.
I seriously doubt that you are without sin in the marriage. I’m not saying you are responsible for her abuse. But I am saying we all sin against our spouse. Leaving, without a plan to reconcile and build a Godly marriage is an example of sin.
You as the husband are called to be a leader in your home. Leaders don’t walk away, and leaders don’t leave children with an abusive parent. God calls us to be Holy, not happy. He calls us to eternal joy, not temporal happiness.
You asked for advice, so I have some. Are you willing to lead, or are you going to continue to run? My advice is to lead, in a Godly fashion.
(USA) Tony, hello. While I applaud you in telling Mancee to be Godly leader and to be holy, this is one of the exact reasons why its so hard to for men to leave a relationship where they’re being abused. All of you, Christian and non-Christian, would honestly be more open to a woman going to a shelter or moving in with a relative but since it’s a MAN who is being abused, it somehow gets skewed. God never told ANYBODY to be dumb or stupid. If he takes your advice and the wife STILL doesn’t do right or comply, then what? What does he do then??
Lets say she almost kills him, or, he starts to suffer from physical ailments, like high blood pressure, elevated heart levels, or has a stroke. Should he still stay? What good is it gonna do his child then? God said, “that you may prosper and be in good health, even as thy soul prospers”. You aren’t prospering if you end up with those type of ailments and conditions. What’s more important, the marriage or the people IN the marriage? God knows YOU, ME AND EVERYBODY. He doesn’t want to see us going through these types of things.
Yes, Malachi does say that God hates divorce. But you will not enjoy the promises that God gave you if you are lying in a nursing home, or dead because you decided to “hang in there’. Yes, I believe they should seek Godly council but if she doesn’t wanna change her ways, then is he wrong for letting her go her own way? Do you even KNOW how many people in this world are unequally yoked but stay in the marriage because they don’t know any better? God loves us anyway, that’s why He sent Jesus.
I can say, without blinking an eye, that verbal abuse CAN AND WILL KILL YOU. All men hurt on some level, some more than others. We should be more sensitive to men when they’re being abused and stop acting like men can and SHOULD take everything. We have feelings and emotions as well. Remember how Jesus wept? Isn’t THAT ana emotion? Also the Song of Solomon, which is drenched in an outward display of emotion and effection. So yes, we DO have feelings. And we hurt too. We should alll seek God for answers and read His word for ourselves because even Godly council can and sometimes ARE wrong. God understands US a lot better than we understand ourselves. He will forgive us for thinking wrong or acting wrong but please don’t penalise this man for doing what he sees is right for him at the moment. NOBODY should be abused by their spouse. NOBODY.
And to those who may not know, there are tons of men who have been abused by women, even to the point of death. Women are not guiltless in this issue of abuse, no, far from it. I encourage more men to speak out, without fear of punishment or ridicule. Far too often, we cater to women when they are hurt. Its time to show the truth.
(SA) Hi there, I have a brother in law which is very close to me and my family because he is the twin brother of my husband. He is also newly married to a girl he met. Everything happend fast and they got married and soon after now she is pregnant.
She controlls his every step, he and his twin brother have the amazing gift of singing and a while back started working on this life long dream… this started to become a big problem as she can not control him when he is at the studio or with other people.
He is a very alive and great person a lot like his brother and they have a very big bond. He constantly wants to give up their singing (they sing togeter) to just keep his wife happy and keep the peace in his marriage. This however is not making him very happy. He is misrable most of the time and we (his family) don’t know him anymore.
His wife told him that she will not accept his singing gift or the fact that with his brother this will become his career. She also told him she doesn’t want to share him with the world. …it seems, that he has to phone her everyday and tell her about his every movement. If he doesn’t there is instant trouble and then they put up a fight. Whenever a boys night out comes up… again trouble- so he started to lie to her and try keep peace once again.
If she admits that she won’t change her mind, about his being himself and having a dream career of singing… is there hope at all?
I believe she abuses him non-physically but on a pshycological level, she also brings home more income than him (I know this because he works at the same place where my husband works) and they (when happy) celebrate her promotions at work.
He is totally in love with his wife, and it hurts us that he doesn’t see the problem … She doesn’t want him to have a life, except if it revolves around her ALONE!
(UNITED STATES) I deal with stresses that don’t seem like anything I have had before. We have only been married for four months and she tells me that I don’t help her with anything. I cook, clean, do her homework with her and for her at times, spend all of my money on her, spend all of my time on her, and I just don’t know what she means by saying I am not there for her.
I tried to forgive everything yesterday and everything was fine until that night and she just flipped out on me. She tells me that I don’t love her, that she would have been better off with someone else, that her ex-fiance wouldn’t have been like this. It is ridiculous and really dissappoints me. I try to read the Bible with her and she seems to be absorbing it and not long after I am confronted with name calling, blaming, threats of divorce, comparison to her ex-fiance, threats of her cheating, telling me I can’t attend class because she needs me at home to fix or clean this or that.
It is awful. I am unhappy, and we haven’t had sex one time since the marriage nor does she want to unless I can give her a better ceremony and honeymoon. I am currently broke because all my money is spent on bills, gas, insurance, her food. I often skip meals for her. I have been eating only one and occassionally two meals a day for the past couple of months to ensure she has food to eat and the things she wants. I am getting tired of being treated like this and I don’t even know if we are actually married if we have not consumated.
I have consulted my pastor and he doesn’t believe we are married until consumation occurs. I don’t know what is right in this because we don’t have sex or anything, she uses all of my funds for her pleasures and stores all of hers in her personal savings account, she doesn’t believe my education to be as important as taking care of the house, and she is constantly threatening to divorce me, cheat on me, calling me names, or blaming me for all of our problems. I have tried talking to her about it, but she doesn’t do anything to change it for any longer than maybe an hour.
She is controlling and manipulative and I don’t know what is right anymore. I want her to stop all of this and just live for God like I am trying to do, but she isn’t. I don’t want to divorce her, but it seems as if she will never see these situations like I do. Is divorce really my only option? If not, what other choices do I have? How can I get her to see these things and change them without looking back? How do I recover my self-worth, self-confidence, and overall person? I don’t know and I am praying for God to lead me. Please help me.
(USA) Robert, I have one word for you, annulment. I would take your wife to the church and ask that both of you be placed under mentors for how to conduct a Godly marriage. If she refuses and your state has this in the law, seek an annulment.
Many states have it on the books to annul a marriage, which is to make it as if it didn’t happen. If the marriage has not be consummated and she is not acting in good faith as a wife, and will not act as a wife, then I think you have sufficient grounds for an annulment. I pray that your state has such a provision.
(USA) Here’s my situation… Married for 20 years and own a business with my wife, which I started but, always considered her as a partner because I LOVE her and want to share 100%. Well, about a year after I opened the business we BOTH agreed to move and it was decided I would move first while she sold our home. I moved and then about 6 months later we sold our home and she called me to say, “if you want me to move there, then give me 51% of the corporation so I’ll know you won’t leave me some day in the future. That was easy and so I complied.
About 3 months later she moved to our new hometown and then [everything horrible] broke loose. From then on, any decision I wanted to make regarding business HAD to be approved by her. My employees grew to hate her and our business tanked. Then last year she went to the bank and took me off the accounts. Now I have to go to her for approval for everything and if she’s doesn’t like something I say, a way I look at her or just do anything she doesn’t like, she won’t approve payment to vendors, etc.
Me, being a man and wanting to secure the reputation of the company, and myself -won’t tell the vendors the truth and as such, I’ve now accumulated $100K in debt she won’t repay through the company. If I try to do anything, she owns 51%… so I’m [basically screwed].
Tonight we were having a good time, and then she accused me of [having sexual relations with] my dauthter (her step daughter) and I called her [an obscene name]… I was wrong for using that language, but, her response was to stab me (I HAVE PICS!). This is the third time in our marriage (2nd in 6 months) that she has cut me with a knife. Now, obviously they are not life-threatening wounds, but they are deep, scarring and emotionally troubling.
The problem I face is that EVERY TIME 911 has been called in our 20 years of marriage, they ALWAYS take ME to jail. So tonight when she called and, even though I had a stab wound, I ran and became a child. What am I to do? Society only thinks men are bad.
(USA) Dear Thomas, This is a very sad situation. I am a financial advisor and when I read that you are now $100K in debt, I just had to respond. My guess is that if you’ve been married for 20 years, you’re probably in your 50’s – which is the retirement redzone. However, instead of having assets, you’re now placed in a situation of $100K liability. I gather that your wife knows about this, but just doesn’t care. The interest alone on $100k is going to make the debt spiral out of control if it is not dealt with immediately.
I find it strange that you mention “EVERY TIME 911 has been called.” Has that been a frequent occurrence in your marriage? It doesn’t sound normal at all.
Unfortunately, you’ve allowed your wife to run “roughshod” in the marriage for the past 20 years. I am a Christian and I believe in the marriage covenant. However, as a financial advisor, I am also very pragmatic. I think it’s pretty evident that your wife does not care about you, at all. Your priority should be getting out of debt and rebuilding a future for your retirement years. As drastic as it might seem, that could mean shutting down your company. I highly recommend speaking with a financial advisor/planner and attorney. You need to find a way not to incur any further debt which you are personally liable for. And perhaps (depending on whether you live in a community property state), your wife could also be liabile for half the debt. Speak to an attorney!
I am not sure if you’re a Christian, but if you are, then I also strongly suggest that in addition to seeking advice from both a financial advisor and attorney that you pray and ask God for His supreme guidance. In my life, I have been through some very “impossible to get out of” situations and God has always opened a door. So, all that to say is that with God, nothing is impossible and that He will give you a solution (whether it’s an idea, favor with vendors, etc). Romans 8:28 will come alive in your life if you seek Him first. Please do not lose hope. As bleak as everything may appear in the natural world, God does have a solution for you – but you must be committed to Him, FIRST.
Regarding your wife – well, I do believe that God can do anything, and again, I am a firm believer in the marriage covenant. However, it sounds to me that your wife does not care about your well being AT ALL. She sounds very calculating (evidenced by the fact that she took you off the bank accounts).
What do you mean you had a stab wound? From your wife? If your life is being threatened, then I think it’s pretty clear as to what you need to do. Why are you even allowing yourself to be placed in a situation where you could be accused of inappropriate sexual relations? You need to extricate yourself from such situations. Stop being a victim. If you know that your wife has a history of making such accusations, then don’t be there to be blamed in the first place. You are in control of who you choose to be around.
In summary, here’s what I would do in your situation:
1) Don’t run from the police – deal with it now. And I note, the fact that she has done this before could be that she’s building a case against you. Shouldn’t this be a clear warning sign that she can’t be trusted?
2) Talk to a financial advisor AND attorney (probably a divorce attorney). I am not endorsing divorce, but typically, they can tell you what debt she would be responsible for. My gut feeling is that although you’ve incurred it in your personal name, she is still responsible for half. If you decide to pursue divorce, you may be entitled for “support” from your wife – since she probably made sure that she had the higher income.
Also, once your wife is aware of your actions, she may “have a change of heart” and be nice to you again. Don’t get suckered into this. I think her actions over the past 20 years have proven her character, loyalty and love to you (or lack, thereof). What additional proof do you need?
3) Pray and seek God, FIRST. Get your bible out and get on your knees. Read His word. He is faithful and will never leave nor forsake you. He will certainly provide a solution for you.
May the Lord be with you, always. -Suzi
(USA) Hi Thomas, From what you’ve written, you definitely have major problems going on in your marriage relationship on many different levels! And if you don’t do something fairly quickly, I can’t imagine your marriage will survive all that’s happening.
As I was praying about your situation, some names came to mind to refer you to that might be able to help you sort through all that you’re dealing with in your marriage (or they might know of someone else who could). This isn’t the type of situation where we or anyone else could give you simple advice and it would solve everything. You have some major cracks going on in the foundation of your marriage (beyond the financial) that need to be worked on as soon as possible if your marriage (and you) has any kind of chance of surviving this. This is not an impossible situation but it also isn’t one where you can apply a quick fix solution to it. You need to be very deliberate, wise, and intentional in how you handle matters or things are going to get worse.
The couple that I would encourage you to contact is Dr Tony and Kim Moore. They have a book out titled, “Your Spouse Is Not Your Problem!”
published by Radical Publishing.
Also, they usually do their work through giving seminars, but I have a feeling they may be able to direct you to more of the type of help you need somehow. It’s sure worth the time and effort you would take to find out. They don’t mess around by telling you things that you can’t use. They seem to be the types that can get right to the heart of matters that trouble couples today, and that’s what you need.
Another contact for you would be the ministry of Focus on the Family. They have counselors on staff (that you can contact during business hours) that could direct you to the type of help you need as well. You can find their counseling contact information on our web site in the “Marriage Counseling and Mentoring” topic under “Links and Recommended Resources.” I hope you will. Your situation seems to be escalating in piling up more and more problems, along with violence in word and actions. That’s dangerous! It isn’t something you can delay in working on with someone who has wisdom concerning these types of matters. I pray you will find the help you need, and that you will find it sooner rather than later.
(RSA) Financially, my wife abuses me as well as sexually, telling me to try somewhere for pleasure. Must I divorce her or stay in that situation?
(USA) Zwai, Some of them these days are marrying you, and then breaking out priorities into “jobs”. I heard this one before, “It’s not my job to make sure you recieve pleasure or intimacy”, which usually means they are getting it from somewhere else. What they do is say “good luck with that”.
It’s unlikely you will change her mind, perhaps if the group of friends she is talking to are getting onto making sure they each have a good home life, including taking care of the husbands. If they are all cheating, treating the husband like his job is financial provider and housesitter – then you don’t have a chance.
Some of us are in that place and I know that some of my buddies in the federal govt don’t even recognize “marriage”. They look at it like a bunch of single moms, with at best, sugar daddies living there. So they will go after your wife in a heartbeat and get her looking at it from their viewpoint.
Good luck. You cannot plead with her to change her viewpoint. The best you can do today is go outside and take care of yourself.
(JAPAN) I just read a book “Help, I’m in love with a Narcissist” by Steven Carter and Julia Sokoll. The book helped me Identify areas in my life where I had relinquished any form of control for the sake of what I thought was progress; but the feelings and actions were not reciprocated.
The incessant demands of my wife have no end. I understood then and could identify many areas in our life together (23 years) where she has exercised her toxic narcissistic tendencies in areas of finance, relationships, physical and emotional and also in the upbringing of our children. She refuses any form of counselling and does not think there is anything wrong.
The book helped me understand most of the problems addressed above.Good reading if you want to move forward in your relationship. Why did I stay so long – I thought surely she will understand that what she is doing is not normal and does not foster a healthy partnership. I now know that her kind is totally incapable of meaningful empathy. The book empowered me to take action. Good reading for men and women in abusive situations
(USA) After 33 years of abuse by my wife, We both suffer PTSD. I had put her in my mothers place. I have suffered all the abuses listed and more. Blackmail, physcial abuse, mental abuse. Now she is using the Court system. She has stalked me to the point I have had to take out papers agenst her, and she was the one who ran me off with a 50-B. Now I have to go to mental health services.
(TRAVIS) I saw some abuse emotionally, and very aggressive. My father was a Christian Pastor for many years. My dad was in a wheelchair. My stepmother told us that we were worthless, telling us ugly things in front of him. He was defenseless. He ended up in a nursing home. She made him sign everything he had over to her son. From what I can see, Christian people are not good at all.
(USA) I separated from my husband due to his attacks. He has accused me of being abusive to him. I do remember once hitting his chest because of his dominant arrogance. I lost control, but otherwise, I’ve never hit him. He accuses me of disrespect mainly, so I started counseling to learn how I was coming across because I meant no disrespect. He says I’m verbally abusive too. I agree my angry tones are not kind, but I speak truth. He has even said he has no problem with what I say, but how I say it.
He has tried to choke me a couple of times; has thrown objects at me and has been quite verbally abusive. He did not allow me to be joint with him in banking until after 3 years of marriage because the pastor told him to do so. He tried to sneak a peak at my daughter (his stepdaughter).
I am wondering if he is accusing me unjustly to cover his tracks or have I become abusive too? I was sexually abused as a child, then emotionally and sodomized in my 1st marriage. I am really screwed up, but God has made such changes in me! I know I don’t deserve his actions, but I really want to know if what he says has any validity to it. Am I abusive to him?