When we think of domestic violence, we don’t often hear about husbands being abused. It’s usually the wife who is the reported sufferer. Yet, there are many husbands who are the victims of spousal abuse. Yes, husband abuse is real; it does happen.
So why don’t we hear about husbands being abused by their wives? David L. Fontes, Psy.D, in the article titled, “Men Don’t Tell” gives insight into several reasons. He writes:
“When a man is a victim of his wife’s physical abuse he is both shamed by the assaults of his wife and shamed by society for not ‘controlling’ her better. Men are considered ‘wimps’ for letting their wives beat them or for complaining about their wives’ attacks. For many men ‘taking it like a man’ means don’t complain and don’t show you are vulnerable or in pain!
“With the prospect of being viewed as ‘wimps’ and/or having the assaults by their wives not believed or minimized by the general public and law enforcement, it’s no wonder few men report their abuse or discuss it openly.”
Yes, Husband Abuse DOES Happen
We, at Marriage Missions, can testify that many, many husbands are the victims of abuse, more than people realize. Part of this is because it’s difficult for men to report their abuse and find help. This is especially true in the Christian community. We’ve received a number of emails from husbands who are dealing with their wives abusive behavior. They write that they want to be honorable men and won’t abuse back. But they don’t know what to do to stop their wives from hurting them in these ways.
We’ve tried to find articles —especially Christian articles, written on this subject to help. But there seems to be very, very little help available for abused husbands.
Does that mean that it’s less important to minister to the hurting husband as it is to the hurting wife, even though the numbers “appear” to be less? Should a husband just accept and silently suffer from abusive behavior, if it is directed at him from his wife? No. Abuse is wrong no matter who is victimizing the other, male or female.
This article is written to give abused husbands a voice that is MUCH needed and overdue.
Husband Abuse: Different Types of Attacks
Maxine Marz wrote a Metronews.ca article titled, “Husband Abuse Erodes Dignity” where she had the following to say on this issue:
“While it is true that most physical assaults caused by women tend to be less severe when compared to a man’s physical assault on a woman with his fist or a weapon. But still, the abusive woman’s slaps, bites, kicks and/or pulling of her partner’s hair are nevertheless very hurtful. In addition to subjecting physical pain, they attack the man’s dignity and erode his sense of self-worth. Many men also encounter emotional abuse when their spouse uses their children to assert her control over the relationship.
“To add insult to injury, some abusive women not only victimize their spouses by abusing them verbally, emotionally, financially and/or physically, but they also attempt to manipulate the criminal justice system in their favour and against their partner. This unconscionable attempt of some abusive women not only re-victimizes their already abused husbands by denying them equal rights and fair protection under the law, but it simultaneously devalues and undermines the admirable progress women’s groups have achieved over the years in trying to protect the rights of legitimately abused wives and their children in the criminal courts.
“It is evident that our society has made positive strides over the years to bring needed attention to domestic abuse and to better protect women. Unfortunately, based on what many abused husbands currently experience, we still have a long way to go to afford them with similar protection of their safety and security. We need to eliminate the current gender bias in our system that re-victimizes them all over again when they step into the legal arena.”
Husband Abuse: Out in the Open
To help bring this type of victimization out into the open, we will provide several web site links to articles that you can read on this subject. We hope it will help husbands to better protect themselves.
The following is a Youtube video that shows a little taste of what some men go through as far as abuse. This is not a marriage situation. It is a boyfriend/girlfriend one where she is assaulting him in different ways, with part of it being caught on camera. It’s part 1 of a Tyra Banks television show that featured abusive women. The quality of this video isn’t the best. But the content is enlightening. Please watch and you will see a small part of what some men go through:
Different Standards for Husband Abuse
What struck me about the featured story is that if that man would have been the abuser, I believe with all my heart that the audience would have been outraged. But the woman was absolutely clueless as to the gravity of it all. Plus, the audience didn’t seem as moved, like they would have been if a woman was getting berated by the man. If he was acting as she did to him, the outrage would have been ramped up. But because it’s a woman hitting and berating a man, it’s more palatable. It shouldn’t be, because abuse is wrong no matter who commits it. And yet, that’s the way society views wife abuse as opposed to husband abuse. This is so, so wrong.
Stories of Battered Men
On a further note, the articles linked below, consist of stories of battered men. (Some of them are followers of Christ and others who are not.) In these blogs, they share their life experiences of being battered by women. Please read what they have written. Abused men and husbands need to be heard too:
• SURVIVOR’S STORIES: Case Studies, Experiences & Stories of Male Victims
The following articles and blogs are posted on various web sites that deal with the subject of husband abuse and battered men. These articles are not posted on Christian web sites. Please be aware of that. However, we believe they give good insights. They also provide a lot of helpful information. We encourage you to glean what is good —that which lines up with Biblical standards. And then throw away that, which doesn’t apply to your situation. As you pray, the Lord will show you what NOT to use. Let the Lord be your guide.
Please click onto the link provided below to read:
— Additionally —
Many people ask why battered men don’t leave the abuse. They also question why do they remain silent? Murray A. Straus, a family violence researcher, gives this insight:
“There is a fear of having a 911 call turned around. If a man is being battered, is trying to protect the kids, and he calls 911, all too frequently he is the one who ends up being arrested. At a minimum, he may experience problems getting the police to believe that he’s been assaulted or that he needs the help of the police.
“Men are also less likely to call the police, even when there is injury. This is because, like women, they feel shame about disclosing family violence. But for many men, the shame is compounded by the shame of not being able to keep their wives under control. Among this group, a ‘real man’ would be able to keep her under control.”
And there are even more reasons. There is also help for men that are being abused. Read the following to learn more:
Read, Even if the Article Needs to Be Adapted
In addition, please read other articles that are provided on this web site in the Abuse in Marriage topic. They mostly address wives who are victimized by husbands. (Sadly, it’s difficult to find info that addresses husbands who are victimized.) Even so, we encourage you to ask God to show you how to apply the advice that is given to your own situation. God can show you what advice you can use, and what you shouldn’t, or won’t be able to use.
We hope you find the help you need. May He help you as you reach out to Him —that is our prayer for you.
Cindy Wright of Marriage Missions International wrote this article.
Filed under: Abuse in Marriage
(SOUTH AFRICA) I was abused by my wife who was having an affair with a paster at the same time having another affair with a station commander of a police station. I had to leave MY house for the sake of my kids. Every weekend I was falsely accused of domestic violence, which was false. It was a tool for my wife to have freedom in a double affair she had, and abuse my finances as we have a joint account. It’s true, some men are abused. They have no rights that women have.
I understand about women being abused. However, some women are using domestic violence as a tool to be abusive due laws that protect women more than men.
(NEW JERSEY) I am very concerned about my son, he is in a very abusive marriage. His wife hits hit a lot; at one point he bought her a punching bag to hit instead of him. If he does not do what she says to do she will punish him, holding out on their intimate relationship. She also works a lot which is good because she is not home as much. A few days ago he did not do what she wanted and she threw him out of the house; before he left she called me. I heard him crying in the background. He did have to leave and came back in 2 days because she told him to. I am so worried and need advice or a place to go to to be able to help him. She and her family have mental illness very badly, my son needs to get out of there forever and take their children. Very Concerned Mom
(UNITED STATES) I am not a perfect spouse I have my flaws but I try and be good to my spouse and children. I have been hit and have hit ONE time in what I thought was self defense. I found out different later after being arrested. After that incident I have never made that mistake again. Since then however my spouse has hit me and thrown objects at me and made the remark after she assaulted me, “It’s your word against mine!” I am in law enforcement which makes the stigma even worse. I love her and our children but she can’t stand me or so it seems. Today she called me an “a******” and a “d***” for the way I “act” and how I embarrass her. I work in a very stressful job and I was in the military, she is convinced that I have PTSD although I have gone to get diagnosed and been told by a professional I do not. I took this new job because according to her I had a “s***y” job and didn’t make enough money. Now she complains I am gone all the time and not helping enough with the housework or the kids. She stays at home but has tried to find employment but with my shift work and the cost it would be difficult. I drive 1 hour and 20 min. one way to work. I feel like the worst husband on the face of the earth or she makes feel that way. She says she is a practicing Christian and I am a practicing Catholic. I ask God for help to get me through each day and for our family but it gets tougher and tougher everyday. Help us as a family…….Please.
(MALAYSIA) I thought I am alone until I found this website. No, my wife didn’t hit me, but I am suffering from mental abuse so much so that at times I just wanted to end my own life. My love for my son, and my parents are the strength for me to carry on.
I used to have a big circle of friends, but through the years, it shrank tremendously. First to go were female friends because of her jealousy. Then slowly male friends, as I have not been joining any of their boys night out, and so on. Besides traveling for business, I spent all my time at home, so as not to attract any baseless accusations and suspicion. I do not even play on my computers as usually that will make her uncomfortable, and attracts ridicules like chatting with other girls online and so on. I don’t even talk to female colleagues unnecessary in work…
If that is the only problem, I am still fine. The major problem is her temper. When she’s in the mood, she is a loving mother and wife. But unfortunately, when she’s in a bad mood, which is quite often and can be triggered by the most minor thing, her temper can flare up within seconds. It’s scary when she starts screaming at the kid. All of us tread very carefully at home. At times, when the hurtful words are unbearable, I just hide in the toilet to cool myself down. I’ve learned to be agreeable to her all the time to prevent any argument, as she won’t listen to any reasoning no matter how mildly I put it across.
All the years, I have been trying to live a life of a good person, and she has brought the worst out of me. I started cursing her (behind her back of course), look the other way when I think what she is doing is not right, and become a hypocrite. I despise myself sometimes.
Divorce is out of question, not that I fear of losing the house or financial loss, I would be happy to give up all my money to regain my freedom and out of house. I love my son too much and fear what would become of him if I am not around as divorce would mean I will lose custody of him, which is so unfair under the current court system.
Many times, I console myself that it will end someday, somehow –with her or my own passing, or when my son is old enough to take care of himself. But sometimes, it is so unbearable that I would pray and ask, how am I to carry on for another 10+ years? Please give me strength to carry on, and please guide me out of this situation.
(UK) The problem is recognizing what is the root cause is, and the root cause in my case is/was Narcissistic Personality Disorder! It is extremely hard for a professional psychiatrist to diagnose; only people living with the Narcissist can tell. Does this sound familiar? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJP0FUk6oWY If you understand the root cause you are better informed to deal with it.
(TURKEY) I am married for last 3 years. I used to be a happy man with a good income and job. Right now I am in a different country, which is not me or my wife’s homeland.
Things I am going to write in here are the ones I cannot tell or share with anybody on this earth who knows me in person. They are the sort of things not any man would tell another man as it’s embarrassing. I don’t know where to start! Well lets start with my self-confidence and sense of self-worth, that has all disappeared. I am in a mental and physical bully relationship (I mean I get bitten by my wife and trust me, she is strong and I don’t want to raise my hand on her… NO WAY).
I’ve started to believe the horrible things she says to me are actually true. My life with her is like walking through a landmine in which the mines shift location every second so it’s hard to guess. Zest and spark for life is being sucked out of me piece by piece more each day. I want for any price or whatever it takes to maintain myself respect. I mean any!!! Even to the extent of ending my ugly life I really feeling I am in a dead end. Hopeless is the right word; I feel hopeless.
I don’t want to write or tell to anyone who may feel pity for me and try to help, also have no one to share my pain. I know you don’t know me but I used to be a very positive and a happy man. People around me used to enjoy being around me and they used to call me wise man. Now I don’t know what to do. I am a 48 year old man and I don’t know how to help my wife or myself. I feel one of these day, which she pick a knife up to kill me, she will do and it will be too late. You may ask why I am still there? Well, now I have no money to go anywhere or am feeling too old to do somthing about it.
October 2012 I left my work and opened a new company here in Turkey. With my wife we are working together and share everyday day and night together, which apparently is not a good idea especially with her mental issues. Life gets unbearable to me day by day. I just want to disappear from here and this earth. Since I am with her I spend a few good nights outside of the house but last night she came to me and asked me “to pack my things and f… off”. I spent my last night in the park, which was very cold, but the main question was in age 48 to see how I felt more cold than winter night.
It’s me who was so passive to let things to get to this stage and get kicked out in the end. The problem this time, I am not in UK and I can’t move. Even if I move… move where? In my home country my father who doesn’t even open the door to me? To England, which I have no place no job? I know it’s the end of the line for me. I made so many mistakes in my life and now it’s time to pay back. Unfortunately the price is so unfair and hard when I think what I’m going to leave behind.
I love life, I love people, I love to have hope. But feeling so hopelessness right now just kills the rest of my wish list. Thank you guys, if you read this.
(U.S) Hi Eran, reach out to God, call upon Him for help, for yourself. You are worth so much to him. Pray for your wife, but main thing get close to God and He will show you solutions for your life. You should not stay in abuse relationship, for your safety. I will pray for you. God loves you so much, never forget that.
(USA) One tip guys: VIDEOTAPE! My ex-wife tried to lie and have me arrested for raping her daughter. When the police arrived and I was able to SHOW them what she had said they had to remove her! DO NOT give the police the tape! THEY WILL DESTROY IT. Make 3 copies one for your lawyer one for the court and one for her lawyer. You will still most likely be charged but it will make your case easier. Last thing, DO NOT TRUST WOMEN. THEY ARE TRAINED TO USE EVERY LAST LIE AND DECIET THEY CAN AT AN EARLY AGE.
James, I’m sorry you had a wife who was deceitful. I truly am. But please be careful about telling others not to trust women in general. I was never “trained to use every last lie and deceit at an early age.” And I don’t personally know one who was. You may have come across some bad women, but we’re not all this way. I love my husband, kids, country, and am a very honest and fair person. I can’t even imagine doing something like what you described to anyone. It is detestable. Please don’t judge all “women” by the actions of some you’ve met. And I won’t judge all “men” by some of the abusive ones I’ve met and been victimized by… that just wouldn’t be fair to all the good guys who are out there, including my husband.
(UNITED STATES) Only been married 1 year, my wife has attacked me twice physically and has called me every profane name you can think of, even in front of her son. I now have a beautiful daughter with her and it hurts to even think about leaving. I’m praying for strength to endure in this marriage. She threatens me, cusses me out and gets physical when she loses her cool. I have never laid one finger on her even when she attacks me and I have never called out her name.
She is Christian but is constantly upset and unhappy and holds the smallest thing against me for days and then uses that as her reason for verbal and physical abuse. I’m really afraid that I may one day snap and hit her back. Christians, I need some spiritual advice.
(USA) You have given strong evidence from wife’s behavior that she is NOT a Christian. Not 100% always certain of course, but I speak from experience that there are many professing to be Christian -but have not been truly converted; those who enjoy being around nice, loving people in a church environment, but really care not for the Lord Jesus Christ in their private lives, and have not the fruit of the Spirit coming daily from their character. I would seek a mature believer or pastor who can help you get to the root issue of whether your wife is a true believer. True Christians can do mean things on occasion, but there should always be a spirit of humble repentance and steadily growing more Christlike. If Christ has forgiven us in infinite debt of sin, then how can Christians take out violence on one another and still claim the name? It is extremely crazy-making to have a spouse say they are Christian when the reality is otherwise.
(CANADA) Please end wife assault now.
Please end psychological destruction of husbands now!!!
I need some advice. Last year I started taking some classes for a Master’s Degree. When I first registered I needed an override for one of my classes so I got the information to the professor who was teaching the class. When I saw his profile to get his email a voice told me that I was going to get involved with him and that he is married. When class started I saw him for the first time and thought he was cute. During class if I had questions I always asked the TA and not the professor because I was a afraid of getting involved with a married man. I’m not that kind of person at all.
Well it was the end of the semester and I thought I was safe until he wanted to meet with me and discuss my future plans and where I wanted go to with my degree. I didn’t think anything of it until the next day during class he asked about how I dressed. I asked myself if he liked me. As the last weeks of the semester went by I started noticing little things that he would do such as look at me when I wasn’t looking and blushing when he saw me. At this time I was getting somewhat interested. Another voice told me that he might not be happily married.
Another instance I noticed was he would take off his wedding ring from time to time. He also bent over backwards for me too. When he did this I wanted to give him something in return. During the exam; which he told me I didn’t have to take; I gave him a gift card from a store I unknowingly knew that he liked. When I walked in his office he gave look as if he liked me and he also wanted a couple of hugs from me. I gave him one but shook has hand the other time. When we departed he looked at me as if he was worried he would never see me again. After our meeting I told him that I had a crush on him and he responded right away and said he was “honored and flattered”.
A couple of days later he gave me his personal email address since I wasn’t his student any longer. We started emailing each other and he confessed that he wasn’t happy with his marriage and that his wife is abusive. He said that during a discussion she hit him in the face several times and stabbed him with a votive candle. He said he couldn’t leave her because he wants to adopt her kids to get full custody and that the process is long. He told me his wife is from Honduras and there is a lot of crime and poverty there and it is not a great environment. I agreed with him about getting full custody because to me the US is a better country.
We met for the first time in January and he also told me to be patient because his wife is also possessive and she might do something. A few weeks later his emails started to slow down somewhat. Instead of emailing me every couple of days it turned to once a week and sometimes every two weeks. He said his wife has been using his computer even though she has her own. He also told me she somehow fell down the stairs and that she needed bed rest and he had to take care of the children. He also told me that his wife speaks very little English, as well. Every once and a while we meet where he works.
I am very strong in my faith and when I first heard the voice tell me about getting involved with the professor, I was staring at a picture of Jesus in my brothers room. My brother has a Masters degree in Theology and is strong in his faith as well. On his shelf are saints and books on them.
I really like this guy and I would do anything for him. I pray about it everyday. Something in my heart is telling me he is being truthful and to be patient but I still worry a little bit. In my life I have been through a lot of hurt and disappointment. After we meet sometimes he says he feels guilty about us meeting.
Mary, This probably isn’t the most appropriate topic to post this comment into and for us to respond because this is more of an emotional (and perhaps even a physical –you don’t say) affair (even though he claims that his wife has been abusive). There are other topics on this web site that are more relevant, but I’ll respond in this forum because this is where you posted. I don’t know all of the circumstances, but I can say that this man appears to be a “player” because of some of the things you said he did in your comment. He may (or may not) have a good marriage (because I’ve seen it before where some people say things that aren’t true when they are prone to cheat), but the ways in which he has already flirted with you and such, tells me that he isn’t a very honorable person. He may be appealing in many ways, and appear to be truthful, but the fact that he is playing with you shows that he isn’t –no matter what his wife does or doesn’t do. He is still married and married men (and women) shouldn’t flirt with anyone other than his or her spouse. He is also a father and an honorable father doesn’t act this way, cheating on their mother while he is still married to her. What he is doing behind their backs is not honorable either and if they knew it, their hearts would break and also this would teach them that it’s okay to cheat if the circumstance seems to fit his or her fancy.
Mary, I would run, not walk away from this man and this situation. You are tainting your heart too. You are playing with a married man. Is that something you think Jesus would say is okay? It’s cheating, no matter what the circumstance. He is cheating and you are cheating with him –not good. You’re better than that. Don’t cheapen yourself or get involved in such a messy, complicated, wrong, and tainted relationship. He isn’t yours to have. Don’t be “patient” and wait for him; choose better for yourself and for your future.
Also, if this guy cheats on his current wife and children, what makes you think that if he divorces them and marries you, you will be safe from his cheating on you someday? I can also tell you that if you get together, your whole future together will be tainted because of the original start of your relationship. Charms are fleeting. He may be charming and attractive and cute, but in the long run, you are playing with fire here, and the charm will be burned up, as well as time goes on. Please stop because you and many others will eventually get burned by it. Raise your standards. Feeling “guilty” is only a start of the mess you are taking upon yourself and what he is taking upon himself, if you continue to grow this relationship. I hope you will prayerfully consider all of this.
My brother’s second and third wives abused him. He took injuries for a long time without lifting a hand. He stayed with his third wife because he loved her but also because he loved her children. She verbally and physically abuses them also. Two weeks ago, his 17 year old stepson, that he loved, shot and killed him. The young man had gotten into an argument with his mom that morning and pulled out a gun and threatened suicide while driving my niece and his sister to school. When my niece knocked the gun from his hand, he grabbed it and started waving it at them. They told a teacher and school counselor who never called the police.
At 7:25 pm, my other niece talked to my brother on the phone while he was driving home from work. He was happy but was going to confront his step son and my sister in law about the incident that morning. At 7:55, the 911 call was made saying that my brother “was drunk and hit his wife so the stepson shot him.” The boy was arrested and charged with murder but released on $2500 bail. The local papers and TV stations reported that abusive husband was shot by a stepson defending his mom.
At the funeral, my brother’s wife had no bruises or visible signs of violence yet my brother had bruises and looked like his noise had been broken. We are devastated. My brother’s 3 daughters and 1 son are fatherless. The DA is currently gathering all the evidence. I am a woman. I have a new awareness of a silent problem. I am praying that God we’ll help me forgive and to work diligently at making others aware of the reality of husband abuse and how quickly the media judges. This has all been do surreal.
I’m so very sorry for the loss of your brother. How tragic! How I wish the voice of men who are abused would be, could be heard. People who are unaware seem to slam their ears shut to truth when this type of abuse is brought out into the open. Most people will only believe that women can be abused… how wrong they are, as you know only too well. My heart goes out to you and your family… so, so sorry. I lost a brother several years ago (though it wasn’t under such horrific circumstances), so I know a portion of your pain. I cry with you and with the injustice of it all. May we be resolved to bring this out into the open as best we can so this truth can be revealed and dealt with, as it should be!
My wife always hits me.
I have a question concerning a family member. His wife was abusive and he kept it to himself but some were aware that she was a spit fire. She would fly off the handle and the family member restrained her, or left. The last incident she flew off the handle and started pinching and trying to hit, he grabbed her arms, they fell on the bed and when he got up his knee was on her chest. She called the cops and she said just to get her things out of the home. They arrested both of them.
Now my family member never hit her. He only restrained her to prevent her from hitting him. His wife has since made him out to be an abuser among family friends and her family. They do not know both sides. Does anyone know, is there any way to not be charged or have a criminal record? Is a man not allowed to prevent a woman from hitting him? What was he to do???
Abused men, I am so sorry for you.
I know how you feel.
You feel like if you tell someone then people will call you a pimp.
Then if you don’t it will continue to happen.
But I want you to know I will be praying for you.
So now you know that someone cares about you.
Now you know you’re not alone.
People consider you the tough ones.
But they don’t see the pain you’re going through.
They think you’re the violent ones
But I know deep down you’re really hurt inside
So you don’t have to feel alone because I will be here for you
By Brian Thames
Pray for me. Sometimes I feel ashamed and crushed by my wife.
While she remains abusive toward me, her Rosary remains an insult to my God and Lord. I’ve told her that countless times, but she overlooks the fact that she’s out of line and continues to use her aggressive voice. She knows my Achilles’ Heel and uses it with determined eloquence that gets me where it hurts the most, my fragile heart. 24 years of it now. I can’t take this a moment longer.
Jeaux… so, so sorry for the way your wife is treating you. The scripture that comes to mind as I read your comment is found in James 1:26, where we’re told, “Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.” It’s worthless because there is no way that the Lord can shine through those who use their tongues as cutting, demeaning weapons. Those beads she uses to help her pray are empty glass if they don’t inspire her to look to the Lord and reflect His heart. As we’re told in 1 Corinthians 13:1, ” If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.” I’m so sorry your wife has been clanging away at you. It’s truly inexcusable, no matter what. I pray she wakes up to Truth and changes her ways. And I pray for you that God mends your heart.
Thank you, Cindy, for your words of encouragement. Yes, we all can do with a spiritual injection of faith, hope, and love, and more especially a change in the person who uses her tongue as a weapon of her carnal warfare. But, God is not mocked, whatsoever she sows she shall reap, if not from me, then certainly from someone else.
While holding us up in prayer, please pray for additional work to come in as we are both pensioners and neither pension is adequate to keep up with the inflation rate in South Africa now. Every edible item’s price has tripled if not quadrupled in the past two to three years and we are fighting hard to stay alive. We have tucked in the belt so far –anyone in the motor industry in the USA will also know what we’re going through –those who have come out from natural disasters like Hurricane Sandy, Katrina, Andrew, etc., and had their security blankets ripped from under their feet –will have personal experience of how tenuous life can be especially in the financial department.
We know and realize the power of prayer is according to one’s own faith, both of ours need strengthening, not just in words, but in reality.
Thank you Jeaux, for making us aware of this burden that you are experiencing. Yes, we will pray and believe with you and others that God will make a way for you –even though there seems to be no way. He promises to take care of our needs. We call upon Him to provide financially for you beyond the bare bones of necessity. We pray a blessing on you and your household that God will provide and God will be glorified through this as our gracious, loving, grace-giving, Heavenly Father who provides over and above.
Thank You Lord, that we can depend upon You. Thank You that You hear our prayers and provide as only You can. What man cannot do, YOU can. And for that, we are most grateful.