The Spouse with the Hammering Attitude

Have you ever picked up a bad attitude and used it to pound away at your spouse, almost like swinging a hammer? And when you’re hammering away have you noticed that you don’t even care about the ways in which you hurt your spouse and others who witness it all? Read More…

When Things Don’t Go According to Plans

How many have noticed things don’t always go according to your plans? Small Things. Big Things. Both will occur, so how do you handle it? What is your attitude? Grumble and complain? Our attitude affects everything we do in life. What we focus on in life — our thinking — Read More…

Marital Junk Mail: Stinking Thinking

Are you getting a lot of junk mail lately like we are? We’re receiving ads to all kinds of things we don’t need or want. But what about marital junk mail that tries to invade and distort our thoughts about our spouse and our marital relationship? Isn’t that similar to Read More…

Marital Junk Mail: Stinking Thinking

Are you getting a lot of junk mail lately? We sure are! We’re receiving ads to all kinds of things we don’t need or want. Specifically, we receive SO MANY invitations to “vacation opportunities” and more that we could never afford. And now it’s even worse, with elections coming up Read More…

Is an Attitude Adjustment Needed?

Which one of us doesn’t need an attitude adjustment in SOME area on our outlook on life—especially when it comes to our marriage? It’s easy to forget what we are supposed to do and do things our own way instead. And that complicates matters, no doubt! Let’s face it, we all Read More…

Ready for Christmas?

Are you ready for Christmas? Is this too early for you; or are you one who gets ready for Christmas earlier, rather than later? No matter what the timing, we hope you try to cut down on the stress of preparing. That’s NOT what Christmas is all about. Decorating, preparing Read More…

Spouse Appreciation and Depreciation

They say that once you drive a new car off the car dealership lot, it immediately starts to depreciate in value. Somehow, that doesn’t seem right. And what’s worse is that this same principle applies to the “depreciating value” of a spouse after the wedding day extravaganza is all over. After Read More…

Too Busy to be Kind?

“If you’re too busy to be kind, you’re too busy.” It’s a simple statement, profound in its truth. And even though the one Christmas song says, “Tis the season to be jolly…” If you look into the eyes of many around you, there isn’t a whole lot of “jolly” going Read More…

Lazy Marriage: You Are What You Do

Are you living in a lazy marriage? A while back we received a marriage tip from relationship expert Mort Fertel that got us thinking on this issue. Here’s what he wrote: “Have you ever heard the phrase ‘You are what you eat?’ This catchy slogan from the fitness industry reminds Read More…

Ways to Approach Your Spouse to “Talk”

Kevin Leman often says that the five scariest words for a husband to hear his wife say are, “Honey, we need to talk.” And they can be, for sure! In addition, many wives feel the same way about these words. The thought about “the talk” can bring up all kinds Read More…