Even A Taxing Marriage Has Its Benefits

It may be hard for you to believe that if you are currently living in a “Taxing Marriage” there are actually benefits that you can enjoy. Admittedly, we avoid conflict and pain at all costs. But as you’ll learn in this Podcast God can actually use these things to improve Read More…

IT Happens, Even in Good Marriages!

Today we had our septic tank pumped. It wasn’t long before I was running to close all the windows and fast! The fact that “IT” happens doesn’t make it pleasant or inviting, but it’s necessary. Our day yesterday was similar, but there wasn’t a pump truck involved. Our thoughts and Read More…

Taking an OPPOSITE Approach

“How’s that working for you?” Dr Phil McGraw often asks that question to those who keep using the same solution despite the negative outcome. His question most often gets the response, “Not at all!” His next question is, “Then why do you keep doing it that way?” You’d think they would have Read More…

When Spouses Grieve Differently

If you are married any number of years you will encounter some kind of tragedy that will rock your world together. It could be a serious illness, death of a child or another family member, losing a job, your home… the list goes on. And when this happens you are Read More…

Finishing Well – Ruth and Billy Graham – MM #309

There aren’t as many good examples of married couples who are finishing well, in their life mission together in marriage. But Ruth and (Evangelist) Billy Graham are one of those rare couples. When his wife of 64 years went home to be with the Lord, this is what her husband, Read More…

Fixing Irritations That Come Between Us in Marriage

“Isn’t it usually the day-to-day, wash-the-toothpaste-down-the-sink, close-the-toilet-seat kind of irritations about living with someone that can drive us crazy? It’s funny, but you can love someone deeply and still become easily bothered by the simple act of sharing space with them.” (Kristine Carlson, from book, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff in Read More…

How Attention Deficit Disorder Could Affect Marriage

“Attention Deficit Disorder is not a disease, and people who have it, are in no way ‘sick.’ It is a difference —a big difference —in the way the brain handles information. While most people think in a one-thing-at-a-time way, the Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) person takes in everything at once. Read More…

Good, Bad Or Just Different?

Those many, many differences that you start to see in your spouse after you marry, can be extremely frustrating! How could he or she be so different from the person you thought he or she was before the wedding? Are those differences good, bad, or just different? Dr Emerson Eggerichs, author Read More…

The Porcupine Marriage

Do you find that you and your spouse sometimes throw verbal barbs at each other, when you’re upset? Sometimes do you or your spouse hurt each other, even when that was never the intent? That’s called “The Porcupine Process.” It can also make yours a porcupine marriage. Dr Steve Stephens Read More…