Father’s Day and Marriage

This Sunday we will celebrate Father’s Day here in the United States. It’s a special day set aside where we honor fathers. (Plus, there is a day in May where we celebrate Mother’s Day.) So what does Father’s Day have to do with marriage? It has a lot to do Read More…

Marriage on Display – Like it or Not

Have you ever felt like you live in a glass house where you’re on display and everyone can see what you’re doing? How about in your marriage? Do you feel like your married life is on display? Several years ago, I (Cindy) read a quote that got me to thinking Read More…

Your Marriage is an Open Book

We first became aware that our marriage was an open book when our pastor announced in church that we would be moving to another city to start a new Christian radio station. A young couple came up to us afterward. They told us that they had been secretly watching us Read More…

If Walls Could Talk

If our walls could talk, they sure would have a lot to say! Have you ever thought about that? What do you think yours would say? Oh, we’re not talking about the moments between a husband and wife that should be kept private between them. We’re talking over-all… what would Read More…

What Would God’s Marriage Ambassador Do?

Several years ago a worldwide campaign came out to encourage Christ followers to consider, “What would Jesus do?” It caused people to consider how Jesus would react to the very same things they were facing. We’d like to propose something like that. We’re asking you to consider the question, “What Read More…

What’s Your Marriage Like Behind Closed Doors?

Most, if not all of us, have experienced this scenario: We arrive at church and someone walks up to us. They then whisper, “Did you hear that ‘so-and-so’ is getting a divorce?” Our typical response is one of shock. “What?! I thought they had the ‘perfect marriage. They seemed so Read More…

Finishing Well – Ruth and Billy Graham – MM #309

There aren’t as many good examples of married couples who are finishing well, in their life mission together in marriage. But Ruth and (Evangelist) Billy Graham are one of those rare couples. When his wife of 64 years went home to be with the Lord, this is what her husband, Read More…

Divorce: Not a Private Matter – MM #190

Divorce is not a private matter. We often act like it is, but it isn’t. There are many reasons why it shouldn’t be. One reason? “Like a bad cold in the office, divorces may be contagious.” That’s what research is revealing. Divorce Is Not Private “Yvonne Aberg, a sociologist at Stockholm Read More…

A Distant Memory of Love

Valentine’s Day may be a distant memory of love in action for a lot of couples. The dinner, dessert and/or chocolate is digested. The flowers are either faded or properly disposed of, and the cards are put aside or disposed of, as well. But the sentiment should carry on. God Read More…