So, what’s your marriage mission as a couple? Have you ever considered what God has for you to do as a married couple that you couldn’t have achieved by yourself? Most couples ask the question, “How can we get the most out of our marriage?” And that’s a very valid question. It’s one we’ve visited many times. But there’s another question that also needs to be asked. It’s one that David and Teresa Ferguson came to realize. And we did too.
In his book, “Never Alone” David wrote,
“When God blesses the marriage, it experiences abundance, and the oneness for which the couple longs is achieved. But Teresa and I paused to wonder: Were we asking the wrong question? Was our motivation for oneness self-centered when it should be God-centered? Instead of asking, ‘How can we get the most out of our marriage?’ should we instead be asking, ‘What does God want out of our marriage?”
That’s a question that we asked too. And as a result, God led us to look at our marriage relationship in a searching way. What is the Marriage Mission that God has for us as a couple? That led us to pray about and then write out our personal marriage mission statement. By going through the journey of writing ours, along with writing out our core values and our vision statement we gained focus and clarity. We’re so glad we did it. And we believe you will be if you write out yours together. We encourage you to do so. It brings great clarity and vision.
Your Marriage Mission?
Wikipedia defines a Mission Statement as: “…a statement of the purpose of a company, organization or person, its reason for existing. The mission statement should guide the actions of the organization, spell out its overall goal, provide a path, and guide decision-making.”
Here’s what David and Gretchen Willard say about exploring your marriage mission through writing a marriage mission/vision statement:
“Creating a vision statement for you marriage helps you to keep your focus on the central goal of your marriage. It unifies your expectations together. Plus it shows you what needs to be done to achieve your vision.”
Jimmy Evans writes:
“I tell couples that they have to have a vision for their marriage. If God has a purpose for your marriage—and I believe He does—then vision is letting God reveal to you what that purpose is. It’s asking, ‘God, why did you put us together?’ and listening for the answer.”
And then Dr Dave Currie gives this additional insight:
“A Marriage Mission Statement (MMS) is a vision for what you want your marriage to be. Done well, it will help shape the next generation too. The stronger YOUR relationship is the greater security and stability you will give you children. A MMS is an expression of your core values of life for your primary relationships — God and spouse. It will reflect your priorities — what’s important to you. It is a merger of what you believe life and marriage are about.”
So how do you write a Marriage Mission Statement?
Steps and Suggestions for Writing a Marriage/Vision Statement
The following are some steps and suggestions made by several marriage experts:
Start your vision statement by writing all the positive, affirming words that describe your ideal of marriage. Use nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
Consolidate your words into sentences that inspire you, drive you, and cover your dreams as a couple.
Review your vision with your spouse and revise until both of you agree it describes the ideal picture of your marriage.
Put it in an obvious place. Read it daily. Memorize it.
(David and Gretchen Willard, share these in their book, “Breakthrough Marriage.” There is additional detail in the web site article, Creating a Vision Statement for Your Marriage)
Here are some additional suggestions:
• Be careful about adding too much that is really secondary. A Marriage Mission Statement is not a collection of everything you believe. It is your core values [what matters to you the most].
• Choose a scripture verse: Ask God to lead you to a verse that is going to frame your marriage.
• Spend time tweaking and praying: You want to be in full agreement with the final product. Tweak the wording into clear and warm language. When committed to it, post it in a prominent place in your home. Ask God to help you live it.
(Dr Dave Currie, from the article, “Developing a Marriage Mission Statement)
And then, from another source, here are additional guidelines:
A mission statement (be it a marriage or business) needs to address the following questions:
- What is the purpose of your marriage?
- What are your dreams or long-term goals?
- Plus, what principles or beliefs guide our marriage/relationship? (Identify your values)
- What role do your spiritual beliefs play in your marriage?
- What are your unique strengths both individually and together as a couple? (Answer this question separately, and then share your answers together.) There are 3 parts of this question: What are 1) your strengths, 2) your spouse’s strengths, and 3) your strengths as a couple?
- What goals do you want to accomplish in life together? (Identify your goals)
(From the article, “Developing a Marriage Mission Statement”)
Here’s an Additional Challenge:
• “What guiding principles shape your relationship? One key element that you may want to include in your mission is the things that matter the most, to the two of you. The more specific the better. Think of areas like communication, money, trust, parenting —life. For example: “We will honor Christ in how we speak to each other, even and especially in times of conflict. … We will seek to build each other up and not use words to tear each other down. … We will listen to learn of each other’s feelings, not listen to win an argument.”
And then Prayerfully Consider:
• “What marriage legacy do you want to leave? A marriage mission statement should include where you want to end up. At some point God is going to call one of you home and what will remain will be the blessed memories and the love that your marriage has sown into the lives of others. So an example may be, ‘It is the mission of this marriage to be an example of love to our children, those that enter our house and those that we call our friends and family’.” (Edward C. Lee, from the article, 5 Key Questions to Ask for Your 2018 Marriage Mission Statement)
And then Lastly, here are a few more suggestions:
When you have completed your marriage/vision statement:
“Hang it in a prominent place in your home.” So many people write out their mission statement and then tuck it in a drawer and forget about it. Put yours in a place in your home where you will see it often.
“Your marriage mission/vision statement should impact your actions on a daily basis. These aren’t just good ideas to hang on the wall. These are core values and principles that you want to guide your life. Use it!!
“Rewrite when necessary. Life circumstances change. You get older and wiser. You learn from your mistakes and boil out the fluff to what matters most. It’s okay for your marriage mission statement to change if necessary.” (Dr Kim Blackham, from her web site article, “Writing Your Marriage Mission Statement”)
A Personal Note:
We spent quite a while praying about and composing our marriage mission statement several years back. As a matter of fact, we need to update it a bit. We’ve learned a lot more about how to compose one, since we put this one together. Even so, by viewing ours you can gain some ideas about writing your own. You will find our Marriage/Vision Statement at:
Keep in mind that your Marriage Mission/Vision Statement can be as brief or as elaborate as you want to make it. We’ve seen it 3 or 4 lines long. Others think it should be 5-10 lines long, while others decide to make it quite a bit longer. The length and content is up to both of you. This is your statement of your core values and vision for your marriage—where it is and where you believe it should go.
We hope you will take this marriage journey together to compose your own Marriage Mission Statement. We believe you will be all the richer for doing so. Plus, you will gain clarity and focus for your future together. May God bless you in this endeavor.
Cindy and Steve Wright
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Let it be a deliberate objective for God to be glorified in each action or interaction undertaken.
Thanks Gladys for the input. You are so very right!
You don’t have to post this. I just had a question. Do you have an article on ‘date night manners?’ When we do a ‘home date night,’ I’d like for us act like it’s a real date night. Any tips?
Would like for there to be good manners, maybe staying off the technology and holding hands or cuddling. These ‘article or tips,’ seem to come across better than me just sharing my thoughts. Thx so much for any help. Love your site !!!!
Hi Em, … so glad you “love” this web site. That is very affirming and we appreciate it greatly. We decided to post your comment/question because others could benefit from the pointers we’ll give. So, with that in mind, I recommend several things, first, go into the Romantic Ideas topic at: You will find all kinds of dating ideas — both in-home and outside of the home ideas.
And then go into The 22 Minute Date at: Within that article you will find a list of date night guidelines that you and your husband can apply to a 22 minute date or any other type of in-home dates. If you and your husband want to change a guideline or two… do so. Date nights are to work for the two of you… it’s not a “one-size-fits-all” situation. Additionally, you will also find a number of other in-home dating ideas within the Romantic Ideas topic. One is “Dinner and Movie Night.” Another one I’m thinking of is titled, “Ideas for Date Nights Out and Date Nights In.” But there are others that are talked about within some of the other articles listed there so go into each one. You may pick up some great ideas. I hope this helps!
What is the role of the wife if her husband is not a believer or he is a believer but not a leader of their home? This is true in many homes and the women struggle to know their role.
That’s a difficult one. I’m not exactly sure. But if your husband is an unbeliever please read through the “Unbelieving Spouse” topic we make available at: As you read through it you will pick up marriage tips that I believe you will find helpful with this issue. Whatever you do, please don’t put your focus on the marriages of others around you where the husband is a believer. Your marriage won’t look like that… but God will still minister in and through you within that marriage. God honors the believing spouse. Follow God’s lead on how you are to interact with your husband.
If your husband is a believer and yet he steps back from leading, there could be a lot of reasons. It could be that he’s a passive person, or an introvert that doesn’t feel comfortable leading. Or he could have been hurt in the past from some women in his past and instead takes more of a “stepped back” method of going through life. He just doesn’t want to take a chance of being humiliated again by taking a leadership roll. However the following article may be helpful for you to read: We link to several articles, written by different people, within that one that can give you additional insights. And then here’s another one that you may find helpful to read and glean through: Additionally, read through the articles that God impresses you to read that are shown in the “More from Marriage Missions” boxes below that article. You will never find a “one size fits all” article, so glean through them and pick up tips that you believe may help you. I hope they help.
When both husband and wife are wholehearted believers following Jesus with their lives, serving in a ministry together will grow their oneness as a couple in amazing ways. There are endless opportunities; feeding the poor at a food kitchen, hosting a Bible study in your home, mentoring a newly married couple, organizing a neighborhood barbeque, and more. Jump in and try a few service opportunities together. You’ll be blessed in wonderful ways!
M., Thanks again for sharing your wisdom with the readers of this BLOG. We know you’ve actually “lived” out your suggestions so you have great credibility. Blessings!